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Speaking of Howling

Started by JohnP, May 20, 2010, 03:22:32 PM

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I'm really not a big fan of howling, primarily because I'm just not that good at it.  Additionally I'm not real sure that those experts out there really know what coyotes are saying.  I have several different howls on my e-caller and here is what I found.  I was playing a male challenge and killed a female that came to it, maybe she was looking for a new hubby.  Playing the female howl I had another female come in, maybe she belonged to the gay rights movement.  Additionally most of my calling areas also hold bobcats.  I'm not sure what a bobcat does when it hears a coyote howling but I would be willing to guess it doesn't come running to the sound.  Early this morning, 0245 to be exact, the coyotes woke me up, sounded like they where right outside our bedroom window.  I listened for a few minutes then grabbed Dave's ugly howler and wheeled myself out to the patio.  I tried to duplicate their howls and did fairly well at it.  It wasn't to much longer that another group joined in and they sounded a lot closer.  Then everything went quite so I wheeled myself back in and back to bed. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


I'm a believer that some of them have gone too far myself.
Female howl and the so called Estrus chirps have always made me roll my eyes.
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I think youre right........ But a lot of folks myself included, try and think of the whole calling sequence as a scenario playing out in our heads...... To try and add as much realizum to the set as possible.

I try and refer to barks and howls as good ones and bad ones....... :laf: :laf:
I do that because I only know what has worked for me and what has made em run like hell..... I cant explain it to ya but I can tell ya if I hear it.......If that makes any sense.

But to stop learning all ya can about the coyote and simply say its black and white would be the end of my hunting, as I enjoy it so much I would not have it any other way.

Jimmie in Ky

I don't like to use them a lot either John. I use them simply as a locator during scouting trips. When I get serious about calling an area I use distress and canine sounds . You want to tick them off ,whipped pup and grey fox distress will do just fine thank you.

They say they do not become call shy to howls. I no longer believe that. There are so many trying to use howling in this area that htey already seem to ignore even a locator done by certain types of howlers. Chnage howlers and htey open right up . Jimmie


Most of you know me and know I am by no means a skillful coyote hunter. In fact, I killed my first almost exactly one year ago. But, since I have been lucky enough to kill 13 coyotes. I would say at least half of these were called in by howling. I think it is a great technique. When I do it it is usually right before dark, and I only howl a few times and shut up.
Just saying, I think on some day and certain times of the year, coyotes do respond to the vocalizations. A lone howl is what I typically use.
South Carolina


 :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:   I love to howl em up myself.


SSCH are you trying to imitate a particular sound, or are you just howling?  I never have had much success with any howls, but as I said in my first post I'm just not very good at howling. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Quote from: JohnP on May 20, 2010, 03:22:32 PM
I'm really not a big fan of howling, primarily because I'm just not that good at it. 
Now that's being honest!  ;yes;

Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on May 20, 2010, 06:31:44 PM
They say they do not become call shy to howls. I no longer believe that.
I'm w/ ya there. Anything that gets 'em killed they become shy of!  ;yes;

Two of the worse howls (IMO) I ever made put a coyote 12yds in front of me.  :shock2:
So just what is a good sounding howl?  :shrug:  .................the one that works!  :eyebrow:


I have wondered before if its a lot like turkeys where the rhythm of the sound seems most important. :shrug:


I just make a long lone howl usually. And I only howl 2-3 times and that it. I just sit still after that. If ones coming he will come fast usually. I never challange howl unless a coyote challenges me first. I really just try to mimick the sounds from my FoxPro or use it.