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How does this setup look?

Started by cityslicker, June 19, 2010, 05:06:11 PM

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The light blue dot is where I plan on setting up and the green dot  is where I plan on placing the Foxpro. The yellow line is a creek that runs through the property. Down below the light blue dot across the field in the woods is where the land owner says the coyotes come from. I'm thinking they will come from there and travel the edge of the woods up along the field to the caller.


You're doing some good thinking.

Which way does the wind blow usually?  If it blows at any angle to the left there is no need for the coyote to show himself when he can stay in the cover along the creek and check out the source of the sound by smell. 

It's not a bad idea to have several potential set ups in mind for different wind directions, and use the one that fits the wind.

Is there a way to set up with the rising sun in the approaching coyote's eyes? That lights him up like a spotlight and makes it hard for him to see you as he looks into the low sun. Works also with setting sun.

There are two philosophies about calling animals.  One is to call the animal to an ideal place for the caller to shoot him.  It works much of the time, sometimes in spite of what the caller understands.

The second philosophy is to call the animal to where he wants to go, and set up to shoot him there.  Entice the animal to follow his instincts and preferences and encourage him to go where he wants to go in his normal (cautious) response.

The difference is between what I want the animal to do and what he wants to do.  There is always a way to to make our wants the same, and every place on earth gives a hunter ways to take advantage of the critter's natural instincts and preferences.

In all kinds of hunting, especially drives and calling, it works better to invite the animal to do what he wants to in that situation, rather than trying to force or persuade him to do something he doesn't want to do as his first choice. 

A way of approaching this site is to think, "If I were a coyote and heard a sound at the green dot, how could I smell or see what is making the sound with the least risk of exposing myself too much or getting too close to it?"  Do that as a coyote on the far left, then on the far right, then top of photo, etc.  I.e "If I were a coyote in that patch of brush, how would I approach and check out the sound?"   Think like quarry and not just like a hunter.  Then watch the spot where the called animal is most likely and most comfortable.  It is better to watch the five foot square where an animal is going to show rather than a square mile of empty real estate.

Sorry, long post and I'm feeling philosophical today! 

That's a great looking place to hunt and you're preparing well.


Thanks for the reply. Yes on this setup the sun would be in the coyotes eyes if he were looking my way. The weather report for the morning says the wind will be calm. I'm thinking I may also use my quiver critter decoy to entice any coyote that may come in. I'm thinking maybe I will put it several yards into the field. I was just thinking back in the corner near the green dot the coyotes would feel more secure than any other part near the field. If the wind isn't right for this spot I have another spot that I killed a yote early last month, only problem is the undergrowth is getting thick.



Pink dot is where I killed the last coyote. The dark blue dot is a pond where the land owner saw fresh coyote tracks a few days ago.


Also thinking about setting up at the light blue dot on the fence row at top left and placing the Foxpro where the woods point out into the field where the green dot is.

Jimmie in Ky

Both are good setups for that area. I also like the corner to the right of hte last setup as well. Just another option depending on time of day and winds. Jimmie