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I met one of South Carolina's Finest!

Started by HuntnCarve, August 09, 2010, 07:39:17 PM

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Last evening my son and I had the opportunity to have dinner with one of South Carolina's finest, "Carl" Carolina Coyote.  We had taken my son down to Clemson University, where he will be attending Graduate School to get his Doctorate in Mathematics.  Well it seems Carl is only 15 minutes away.  So my son and I drove up and met Carl for dinner.
It was like I was meeting a dear friend I've known all my life.  We had a grand evening!  Even though my son is a grown man, as a dad, I still feel that anxiety about leaving him a long way from home.  Carl put that anxiety to rest.  Mid dinner, he looked my son in the eye, and told him to call him if he ever needed anything.  That he was only 15 minutes away.  -To me, that right there said volumes about the man.  Our children (no matter how old they are) are our most precious possession.  So to have someone extend that kind of hospitality.  Well, it did my heart good!  I was just sorry the evening had to end.
So Carl, I want to thank you for a wonderful evening, and true Southern hospitality.  I truly hope that we can do it again some time in the future.  In the meantime, "Thank you" Fins and Fur.  If it was not for this site, I could not tell everyone that I met, and am now friends with one of South Carolina's true Gentlemen.  I've been blessed with so many friends here.  Thank you All!


Bills Custom Calls

Certainly sounds like a very special dinner,it is good to know your son has some one to turn to that far away from home 

I have talked with Carl on the phone and he sure seems like an outstanding person

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


  That sounds like a mighty fine meeting :yoyo: :yoyo:.  To have the comfort of knowing your off spring has someone to talk to close that you respect means much.   Did you get a peanut :wo:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I had the pleasure of meeting Carl down at the LBL, and I can attest to everything you've laid out here Dave.

If I remember right Centerfire_223  (Ronnie) brought him down as they are very very close.
Carls the type of guy that has an immense amount of history and knowledge inside him. You will never hear him boasting, or bragging or forcing his experiences and knowledge on a single sole.

But if you ask....he is more then happy to share.  :wink:

He can be a Father, a Grandfather, a  Mentor, a Teacher, a Neighbor, brother to us all in one way or another...and never miss a beat.
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Barry, the peanut crop according to Carl is about 3 weeks away.  So I missed out this time. :pout:   We do have high hopes the Canadian crop will be bountiful, thus ensuring a decisive "Presidential Election". :congrats:

Jim, once again you are spot on the money about Carl.  He did say he told his wife he was anxious to finally meet me?  Told him when he gets home he can tell her how he was "sorely dissappointed!"  LOL!


You won't find one no better than Carl. That's why I am proud to have him as a partner. Oh and by the way HuntNCarve I live in Six Mile, right outside of Clemson, and if there is anything I can do to help, feel free to give me a shout too.
Ronnie Cannon




Carl spoke very highly of you during the course of our evening.  So that tells me alot about you.  Thank you for your kind offer.  I'm hoping my son will never get into any dire situations down there.  Maybe just homesick. LOL!  But it's nice to know there are friends at hand.  Hopefully some day I'll get to meet you.  Thanks again!



Quote from: HuntnCarve on August 10, 2010, 07:21:43 AM
  I'm hoping my son will never get into any dire situations down there.

Would you have at that age  :wo:.  I know my old man said"first good nights sleep I had was when you got on the plane and there was nothing I could do for you", after I left for Australia when I was eighteen.   Don't worry about the boy cause he won't :wink:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Carolina Coyote

WOW, The pleasure was all mine meeting Dave and his Son, as all of you know Dave has a way of telling a story and I always enjoy his post, so you can imagine meeting him in person, You can tell he is a people person and enjoys making friends and shows it with his generosity by giving a lot more than he receives, we talked about all the friends he has made on this site and he is very proud of all of them, you can rest assured that Dave will be a true friend. He is wrong about any disappointment as I told my wife when I got back home that I had met two of the nicest people I had ever met and look forward to another meeting. He is right about this site providing the opportunity to meet people with the same interest and I want to thank Jim for his effort in keeping this site in a manner that any member of the family can enjoy.
I have to tell you that Dave brought a package with him to give me, inside was one of his Cow Horn Howlers, A Rabbit distress Call and one of the Plats the he has started painting, he is a very talented and genuine person and I feel Honored to have him as a friend. I hope that all of you will have the opportunity as I did to meet him in person , a very pleasant experience. cc


I kept trying to tell you guys what a grand guy Carl is, but noooooo, wouldn't believe me.  :pout:


Dave, I am happy you and your son had a great evening, and even happier you have Carl's assurance that he is close at hand for your son.  You can't buy that kind of personal help.  Thanks for sharing the story.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Somehow none of this surprises me.  I think just about everyone who is a regular poster here is grade "A". 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Quote from: JohnP on August 10, 2010, 04:02:25 PM
Somehow none of this surprises me.  I think just about everyone who is a regular poster here is grade "A". 

I have to agree with that JohnP.  :yoyo: I'm glad Dave and Carl were able to meet up with each other. I've met Dave myself and he is one of the friendliest, most generous man I've ever met. And I'm sure Carl is of the same caliber.
One of the good things about traveling with my job is stopping by to meet you FnFers wherever I go. ;yes;