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scent control/chewing tobacco

Started by vayotehowler, August 15, 2010, 08:22:39 PM

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Does any one chew while they are hunting , spit on the ground, I have taken my can of skoal berry and stuck it near my dog and he freaks out . Guess wind direction would have alot to play in whether would affectg a hunt. any experiences


Up until a few short years ago I always had a plug of Redman in mouth.  Never noticed it having any affect on calling in coyotes. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Until Nov. last year always....now I chew some mint snuff that doesn't have nicotine...  it's all in wind direction.  :wink:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


I have even smoked cigarettes while on stand and didn't notice any difference in the coyotes reaction. They still didn't come running.  :doh2:  :alscalls: :alscalls:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Both my partner and I chew on stand and haven't thought much about it. Human smell is human stink. They smell ya, it's probably over.

Having said that, the biggest buck I ever shot was while drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette and eating a snickers bar. The wind was right so I got away with it. He wasn't much more than 50 yards away.

I don't think it helps, but don't see it hurting either.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I could lie and say I don't chew while hunting. :nono: But one look at the reeds on my hand calls would give me away. :alscalls:


Quote from: Bopeye on August 15, 2010, 11:25:56 PM
Both my partner and I chew on stand and haven't thought much about it.

Not any more, partner. You forgot I've been tobacco free since Dec. 28, 2009.  :wink:

I agree though I don't think it helps, but don't see it hurting either. Let the wind be your friend.  :wink:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


just wanted some feed back . my britanny will fight tooth and nail to get away from the smell of skoal. and that got me to wondering if i am spitting around me what effect would do on the wind.  For deer I always try to get the tarsal glands during the rut . and freezze them . the darker and stinkier the better. shot a deer with my bow and the other deer with it ran off. it was aplit trail and I chose the wrong one to trak but the 2nd deer was jsut up the trail and walked within 3 ft of it. took out my knife and was gonna stab it if got close but 3 ft was the limit, tie em to u boot and drag on way to stand and had em follow the trail i left. jsut a little tip. I GET GLANDS FROM THE GAME PROCESSOR


Problem I have w/ chew is it gets on my binos sometimes. :rolleye:
That & I have to switch the quid to the other cheek when I shoot left handed. :innocentwhistle:

However the benefits out weigh those.
I like the flavor. Right now I'm on a Stroker's Tennessee Chew Moonshine Blend kick.
I enjoy spitting.
Keeps me from getting hungry so I hunt longer before going to a Sushi Bar.
Keeps my mouth moist. I tend to get dry mouth. :sad:
Keeps me from whistling. That's not good while hunting.  :noway: