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Old Chestnut

Started by awh, August 26, 2010, 04:35:58 PM

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I'm working on an old house built back in 1765. The logs used are Chestnut. Is anyone interested in some of the wood for call making?

If you are let me know so I will know how much to save before it gets trashed. (I don't have a lot, but there should be enough to go around if anyone wants any)
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


I would be interested in trying a piece, provided there is enough for the other fellows.  I think it would be neat to make a call out of wood that is that old, and unique.  Perhaps do a carving on it if it allows?  Thanks for thinking of us!



Give the guys what they want, but be aware chestnut is valuable before you go pitchin' it in the trash.
I've seen chestnut sold that wouldn't start a fire.  :rolleye:
If it's in log form, hoowie baby. :eyebrow:


Shoot me a message and we will work something out.

I have plenty to go around now and can cut pieces to carve if you want.

And yes, it is an old old log house.and the scrap is being trashed to the back of my truck.

Here's a link that will not post here ....if the link works?
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.

Jimmie in Ky

Of all the old log structures I studied , I only saw one made from chestnut logs . It was a tobacco barn with sheds built all around it for livestock. Very well preserved. Enough logs in it ot build  a dog trot cabin. Don't know if hte dozer got it or someone finally bought it. I wasn't going to give the 3500 asking price. Jimmie


  Man that would be something to have up here[or down there] eh.  I thank you for the learning lesson :bowingsmilie:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Jimmy, all the older barns and log cabins here were chestnut. From what I  have been told, about 80% of our local wood used to be Chestnut. But between the logging and some type of blight (sp) it is no  longer here. There are a few trees in the next county down that someone is trying to get started back. This Chestnut I think was brought here from China many many moons ago. It is beautiful when you can get it in any qty to make funiture out of. I trashed several thousand board feet on this house as it was covered in old homemade nails and was useless for anything but a good fire. I also have some old wormy red oak that came out of another job but with the worm holes it would not be any count for call making. But it makes some pretty picture frames :biggrin:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.

Jimmie in Ky

Chinese chestnut is a beautiful wood and easy to work with. A little soft to get a real high polish on but nice stuff.

Log buildings here were about 80% Tulip poplar and the rest a mix of white oak species. I have seen one barn built with red oak a guy wanted to sell , but due to powder post beetle damage was worthless. I cut a couple of nice saplings for bow staves last spring and forgot about the beetles. One hickory and one ash are now worthless since I didn't remove the bark at that time. The dogwood stave seems to be ok.

And another thing I learned while fooling around with old barns and cabins was don't build with fresh summer cut wood in any form. Down here worms and beetles will eat the dang thing post haste. Although I have found some really nice wood for projects  while tearing them down. Surprising what they built with way back when. I have found both cherry and walnut beams in barns. Jimmie


awh fellow virginian here I am in roanoke. ever wanna come call i have 70 acres in ironto, between blacksburg and roanoke


Might take ya up on that offer next time I'm up that way. And if your ever down southwest VA (Smyth County) give me a yell and we will go see if we can't call something in.
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


bout only time get that way is when going to knoxville to see brother in law or family reunion at wolf creek in narrows will take on advisement  though