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I wanted to too!

Started by vvarmitr, October 11, 2010, 06:28:06 PM

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Get a squirrel w/ a handgun ....

Got him in that clump of yellow leaved Hickory above the squirrel's shoulder.

Seeing those pix of Todd's & Nastygunz's w/ their hero shots w/ their pistols got me a little jealous. :laf:
That's a High Standard Victor pistol.


  Good one VV and how does that gun shoot the shot shells :shrug:.  I wish we could post pics of hand gun critters :argh:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Nice work pardner.
I see why he was hiding in THAT tree. :eyebrownod:
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Way to go VV. But that shot looked a little far back from the eyeball.

Todd Rahm


I'm kinda getting addicted to that lil' portable smoke pole that Nasty turned me on too.  ;yes;

Nice future Mepp's ya got there. I'll have to get out and see if I can get some of our lil red squirrels, I think about three would equal that one.  :innocentwhistle:


Quote from: weedwalker on October 11, 2010, 08:55:08 PM
Way to go VV. But that shot looked a little far back from the eyeball.
That's in the boiler room Ed. Don't that count? :shrug:
I almost didn't post this because it wasn't a head shot. Ya know how squirrels are, never still for long. He moved at the last moment.  :doh2:

That's a 22lr Barry. Don't believe the 22 shot shells would do me much good.  :nono:

We have those little red, Timber Jacks, squirrels here too Todd. They even count on your possession limit. :iroll:  Had one scold me yesterday for the first time. That was a weird sound.  :confused: He took off before I could get a bead on him.  :madd:

Hoping tomorrow to go back w/ my new CZ SxS 12ga.  :eyebrow:
I'm thinking an Imp Cyl in the right barrel & a Full Choke in the left for those tree top lovers. :eyebrow: If I can find my choke tubes for it.  :doh2:


Like I said I would I went out yesterday morning. Got there later than I wanted.  :rolleye:  Wanted to be in the woods @ dark throidy so I could be at the east side of the woods & have the sun at my back & shadow my shotgun.
Shot nothing but Timber Jacks. There's a bunch in there it seems.  :madd:
The first one was shot w/ the left barrel. DRT
Two, later, were running around & I missed the first one w/ the pistol & the second one froze to the tree on my side. Nailed it one handed.  :thumb2:
The third one was kicking nuts from a tree behind me. I watched the antics through my binos then let it have the right barrel.
Really pleasant day in the woods. :biggrin:


Never read the term "Timber Jacks" in relation to a critter before :confused:.  That is a dang fine pic. :yoyo:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Why thank you Barry.
In some states Red Squirrels are a varmint like the Chipmunk.
Let me tell ya there ain't much meat on 'em & it sure ain't worth the effort to skin 'em.  :doh2:


Impressive with the pistol.   :yoyo:
Here's a good link on how to skin one fast.

Good to do it while they're fresh, though.


Quote from: Dave on October 14, 2010, 01:30:00 PM
Good to do it while they're fresh, though.
or a week old. :puke:
That was almost to easy to be true.  :holdon:
But I'll try it at least twice. First & last time is twice; right?  :laf:


Sounds like fun!!!!!  I shot a few on Sat. before I got hurt on Sunday......  But I cheated and used the 22    :laf:


Dang fine story and guns :yoyo:...that Victor is a real beauty..I think Im gunna take mine out for some squirreling now !...I have a double shoulder holster...I put a .22 pistol in one holster and a .410 pistol in the other holster...perfect for squirrel hunting...ground shots I pull the .22, tree shots I haul out the .410

Pretty dang good shooting with iron sights..they dont sit still for long  :yoyo:


Here we have tons of the red pine squirrels...theres no seaosn on em you can hunt em year round as long as you have a hunting license...they give you an excuse to hunt year round if you want to.


Quote from: nastygunz on October 14, 2010, 10:25:30 PM
...they give you an excuse to hunt year round if you want to.
I want to too!  :eyebrow:


Went to explore (scout) a new woods today.
Around noon this feller shows up & I get first blood for my CZ 452 w/ a 2-7X Lupy.

And yes Double D I anointed it.  :wink:

BTW it's a head shot.  :dance:


Cool black squirell.

I have seen them but never harvested one.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Yeah, Slag, that's the first one I've harvested. Mostly they're in town.
They say they're a color phase of the gray squirrel.

It would be cool to get something like this!  :eyebrow: