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Last for the year?

Started by vvarmitr, October 25, 2010, 01:10:09 PM

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Coyote Kate & I took off for a late evening g'hoggen.
We neared the farm we were going to when I spotted one above the barn next to a CRP strip.
We nonchalantly drive by  :innocentwhistle: then parked in a barn lane on the other side of the road that's blocked from view of the g'hog by the aforementioned barn.  :eyebrow:
We quietly get outta the car & load Jerry Lee, my 222Rem.
We sneak up to the west side of the barn & peek around. He's still out.  :thumb2:
Only problem - we can't get into a shooting position w/o moving else were & being seen.  :huh:
So relying on our extensive SEAL training we form a plan. Next time he goes down from looking around to get another mouth full of field salad we'd dash into the shed.
Just like clock work he drops his head & we beat feet around the corner.
Again outta sight in the shed off the barn we suck air to replenish our lungs after the 10' dash. Did I mention it was up hill too.  :whew:
Peering from our newly acquired position we realize we didn't go completely undetected. The g'hog is nearer its hole. :doh2:  However, still busy packing away the groceries.
Another problem arises - a patch of foxtail is between us.  Not good! :rolleye: When you're shooting a 40gr V-Max @ 3500fps any interruption in its flight path by any foliage turns that once solid projectile into nonlethal dust. :shock2:
I try seeing if there is any way I can thread a bullet through the foxtail. No go!  :sad:
CK & I confer. Not coming up w/ any good ideas I once again check on the location of our intended target.
HOT DAWG! He is clear of the foxtail patch. :yahoo:
I step to the corner of the barn & into the volunteer raspberry briers to  use the corner to support the rifle for the shot. He moves broadside lifts his head & POW!
Up comes the wagging tail. CK squeals w/ delight  & wraps her arms around me plants a big one my lips .......... oh if she had only waited until I got outta the briers! :sad:
Welp, here's the hoary varminter w/ his Hoary Marmot .....

Todd Rahm

Uh, that thing aint small!!!  :holdon: Need to put it in the "Medium Game" forum.  :biggrin:


You look surprised you got it VV. Heck you've only shot a thousand or so by now.  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Good shootin Tex!  That hog wasn't short on the groceries. :laf:


Now that's how ya close a season :eyebrownod: :yoyo:
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Bills Custom Calls

Why is it the last one

That is a pretty heavy hog ya got

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Dang you hog hunters can tell a fine tale after out hunting. :bowingsmilie:  Looks like the biggest one of the season to me but then it could be the camera angle  :shrug:.  Thanks.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Great shot and a very good story. We don't have many groundhogs around here anymore. My Daddy says the coyotes and hawks are killing them.


Good job on the wright up and an excelent job on the whackin and stackin.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Great story and thats a groundHOG :yoyo:



Jerry Lee :biggrin: Yep, ya' just got's to love those classic 222's.  :wink:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Nice stalk ya put on him, VV!    :yoyo:

Hawks Feather


All I can say is that you are in better shape than I am.  Running 347 yards uphill while carrying a rifle, a full pack, and the kitchen stove without being seen or making any noise.  I would have been seen for sure.   :biggrin:

Nice shot.



Well I looked at the pic and said WTG BILL!!!  :laf:

Then I read it..... Nice hog VV!  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:



Quote from: vvarmitr on October 25, 2010, 01:10:09 PM
Peering from our newly acquired position we realize we didn't go completely undetected.

Must've been CK.

(Just noticed my daughter didn't log off and I just posted this using her screen name)  :doh2:



OK, just got my identity back  :eyebrow:
Good job on the late season hog.  :congrats:


Why thank y'all for the comments. Sorry it was short, but the key board was beginning to smoke.  :rolleye:

Man, Lacie, you about brought a tear to my eye! Though I've never heard of a raptor getting a g'hog, but a little chucklet would be just right to take nest of fledglings.  :wo:
Coyotes on the other are devastating to g'hogs.  :argh:  I'd like to wack-n-stack those puppies.  :sneer:

Jerry you too could do it iffen ya had the extensive SEAL training Coyote Kate & I had.  :wink:

If ya need someone to drive ya to the eye doctor Al; let me know!  :iroll:  I could see it if you got me confused w/ Pierce Brosnen.  ;yes;

LOL @ Dave. :alscalls:
This time of year they're more interested in food then anything else.  :huh:
I get that way sometimes too. :eyebrownod:

Hawks Feather

Quote from: vvarmitr on October 26, 2010, 08:15:42 AM
Jerry you too could do it iffen ya had the extensive SEAL training Coyote Kate & I had.  :wink:

I will always be a SEAL wanna be and never able to keep up with them in any way.



Speaking of SEALs........... 99% of the people you meet who say they were in the SEALs are full of crap.   There is a web site devoted to outing those low life liars.