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Chicken Hunt turned upside down

Started by dog dropper, November 07, 2010, 10:11:42 PM

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dog dropper

This afternoon after all the different jobs from gardening, rolling grain, and tarping bales, I decided to go out chicken hunting. I walked over to one of my favorite hunting spots and went walking threw it for a while, not seeing any type of fowl except for 2 sharp tailed grouse flying overhead when I seen a puff of white fur sticking out from some bushes. I walked up to investigate and it turned out to be a jackrabbit! So I stood there for a bit just looking at it so after a while I decided to whistle at it to see what it would do. It did nothing! I even talked to it... still nothing!!!!!!!! So I decided to put the gun up and took a shot. :biggrin: But it just stood there :madd: I decided to go into investigate. I walked up and it didn't flinch...10 feet...5 feet and I got up right beside it and seen where I had hit it and found out that he was just leaning against a tree that it had fallen against :rolleye: Man did I feel dumb walking up so slowly toward a dead target. Anyway I picked it up and trekked home to where I got a couple of pics. and cleaned him up. He's sitting in water soaking for tomorrow's supper.

Anybody got any good recipes?
It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!


Hit it and it was propped up looking alive yet? Now thats what I call sudden death! :yoyo:

By the way what were you saying to it when you were talking to it? :wink:
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Purdy good writeup!! And a nice sized jackrabbit you got too!!. That one will fill the pot for you.  :yoyo: :yoyo: Well done.  :highclap:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 :yoyo:  Great job!  Must've died instantly to still be leaning there!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Dang!  That thing is bigger than the neighbors dog!  Good shootin Bob!  Question?  Is that what is known as a snowshoe hare?  Or is it a jackrabbit like they have in the Southwest?  We don't have jackrabbits in this part of the country, but we have snow shoe hares.



NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing



You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


ole chip off the block. Barry you done good old buddy you taught him well :yoyo:


Quote from: FinsnFur on November 07, 2010, 10:23:28 PM
By the way what were you saying to it when you were talking to it? :wink:
That's what I was wondering? :shrug:
:alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:

Ya did good there Double D!  :biggrin:

dog dropper

These links are for HuntnCarve and anybody wanting to know about our rabbits.



I shot a jackrabbit, right after I talked to him about how our government kinda stinks. The hide is getting washed right now.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!

Todd Rahm

QuoteDang!  That thing is bigger than the neighbors dog!

That is no lie, right there!!! 

QuoteMan did I feel dumb walking up so slowly toward a dead target.

Don't be sorry about that. Thats one trait that will save you some head aches. Always error on the side of cuation ya know.

Nice wabbit.


Thanks Bob!  I learned something new today.  I never even knew that Whitetailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendi) existed, or changed colors like the snowshoes (Lepus americanus).  I've seen snowshoes (shot one about 30 years ago..LOL) up in North Central Pennsylvania.  The thing was huge compared to our cottontails.  My mom cooked it up for my dad, and he really enjoyed it.  Meantime, good luck hunting.  Be safe.



Thanks for posting some pictures and taking us along Bob. It brings back fond memories of my own youth toting a .22LR looking for prey!

How are you going to prepare the jack? Stew or fry him up??


This is one BIG rabbit!   :laf:

Congrats Bob!    :congrats:




I learned somthing too. we have cottontails here , I thought u were gonna say shot a neighbors pet rabbit that got out by mistake. My 1st hunting kill was a cottontail woth a bb gun , thanks for the memories

dog dropper

Tonight mom got it pan fried up and then put a gravy on it to roast. Ate it tonight for supper, and it tasted delicious.

In the roaster.

On my plate.

First bite! :eyebrownod:

Man did it taste good! Thanks for the comments!
It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Ok, THAT looked REAL good! :eyebrownod:

What did everyone else eat? Popcorn?
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