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Leg Cramps

Started by Bills Custom Calls, November 25, 2010, 11:48:52 AM

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Bills Custom Calls

To me there is nothing worse then getting woke up out of a sound sleep with a leg cramp/charlie horse,
or what ever else you want to call them.Well this morning at 2am I got a double whamy both legs cramped up and I can't walk them off,I finally get a bit of relief and I stay awake till about 4 when I fell asleep on the couch only to wake up before 8 with the same thing.I have been getting these cramps for some time and they seem to be getting worse and I am getting them more often
I know if I would go to the Dr he could probably prescribe something but I know there are some home remedies out there that you guys use to help control these,and I would love to hear them

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


bill i have bad leg cramps sometimes but i just have to try and walk them out. i have had them almost all night at times. some have lasted 15 minutes. my potasium is ok so its not that, but i have heard that mustard helps :shrug:   i feel for you dude.


potassium  pills helps me Bill........ or eat a LOT of bananas,& potato's   The pills work better as you get a LOT in one dose. you can buy them over the counter and try em.
Usually hits me after not doing much for a while and then all of a sudden doing a lot of walking/hiking.
I hope this helps ya buddy!  :wink: 


banannas are high in potassium and may help and , also magnesium supplements (vitamins are good for muscle soreness when lifting weights) and might work stay good and hydrated and cut back on salt in take maybe

nor-cal yote

     Doc told me last year, drink water befor bed and that would get rid of the leg cramps,  now I get up to pee 2 to 3 times a night  :argh:  But leg cramps are gone  :shrug:
never yell whoa in a horse race

Bills Custom Calls

In order for me to cut back on my salt intake wouldn't I have to eat salt first.About the only salt I eat is on a few tater chips I eat and that ain't very often

I have started a vinegar ,honey and lipton tea mix
2 quarts of water brought to a boil 6 lipton tea bags
13 Table spoons of honey and equal parts of vinegar
let cool and put in the firdge and drink it as a ice tea

Now I can tell ya this isn't the best tasting mixture I have  had in a cup but it is supposed to work
I will let you know in a couple days

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


my grandad used to use jogging in a jug , high vinegar content and swore by that stuff to fix alot of stuff


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There is a nerve pinch that you can do as well.

The little indention in your upper lip, grap it between your thumb and forefinger and pinch down on it firmly. Almost enought to hurt but not quite, Just get a good grip on it and squeeze. Your cramp will be gone in a few seconds. keep holding your lip till the cramp is completly gone and you can staraighten yoru leg and work any remaining cramp out. THis old remedy has worked on countelss ocassions when i get a leg cramp.
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He died for dipshits too.


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Billy bass lips himself............. :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:  I see a video a commin!     :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:


Dont laugh. It works. I learned that from an old martial arts instructor and was amazed at how well it works. Your triggiring a nerve that runs across your face right there. It is the nerve that makes your face muscles work. When yo squeeze this nerve your brain thinks wait a minute were making something cramp that aint supposed to, so it makes everything that is cramping stop.

Trust me give it a try
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Alright   :doh2:  I just gave myself a hickey
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My wife has some severe leg cramps, so they did a series of tests on her. When they weren't cramping, her legs would be twitching..........all the time. They found she was low on Vitamin D, so they gave her a prescription for some strong Vitamin D supplements. It took about a week, but her legs have settled down.
They originally had thought it was low potassium, but after the tests, it showed the other.
Hope you get it under control Bill. She was miserable during that time.
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