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AIrgun Coyote: my first one using......

Started by Butcher45, January 31, 2011, 03:51:38 PM

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my own calls, the MojoCritter, and the EPP/UG boolits.  All did the do today. 

This is the first coyote I have called in and killed using the game calls I invented myself.  I alternated between my Excruciator voiced to JackRabbit/Fawn Distress, and Magnum Sqweaker call for I'd say 8-10 minutes.  I had taken a good look at the ridge above me before calling (always study your surroundings BEFORE you begin calling), so I noticed a stump on the ridge that I was sure hadn't been there before at about 50 yards.  So I turned my scope up from 1.8X to 5.5X to get a real good look-see.  As I raised the rifle while fixating on the new stump that was mesmerized by the Mojo Critter decoy, I thought I noticed the stumps face moved at a slight angle, responding to my movement.  No time for the mono-pod (someday it will prove worth bringing hehehe).  I had hoped he was a bobcat, but hey I'll shoot a coyote every chance I get.  I put the crosshairs on his chest, managed to keep them there, and let one fly. 

Upon impact, the coyote yapped like crazy as he spun around like a top for what seemed like about two dozen lightning-fast spins.  He stumbled off, and out of sight just as I had finished reloading. 

I went to get after him, and heard a warning bark about 150 yards uphill over another ridge as I was
going over the first ridge.  "Oh that's just great" I thought to myself.  "I sure hope that isn't the coyote I shot, or I will be searching for him all day".  Was it the coyote I had shot, or another from the pack (possibly the coyote I jumped recently that I named "Marmaduke")? 

Fortunately, the coyote had only made it about twenty yards tops from where had I shot
him, but he still wasn't quite done.  I am glad I didn't wait to go after him, and continue calling as many others would do.  A finishing shot to the neck put him down for the count.  His jaw was still twitching open and shut though, so I put another one in his heart which brought no reaction whatsoever.  The third shot wasn't at all necessary, but I wanted to be certain.  It was nice having the shot count to put another shot in him without hesitation, and know that I still had more shots left to continue hunting with.

A young coyote....probably why he stuck his nose out first (at least he's the one I saw first).  At about 25.5 lbs, he was around half the size of Marmaduke......maybe a son, or cousin?  Maybe Marmaduke gave the warning bark after I shot his buddy?

The EPP/UG's worked well.  They put a much cleaner, leakier hole in the hide than the roundball did with my
other coyote.  I don't think I got an exit on the frontal shot, which is no surprise considering the slug weighs only 154grains
in .45caliber..  The neck shot exited, but I'm not sure about the final shot to the heart.  I asked the taxidermist to count the holes
while tanning the hide for my wall.  I'll be getting the head back from him to send to Jim Fisher when I can afford to have the skull done.

The following is a short video I made right afterwards that shows the location of the Mojo
Critter Decoy (on the stump right next to the 909), followed by the ridge above it that I
anticipated predators to peer-over, then the tree I was sitting up against (the second large tree
from the left when the camera is the furthest to the right), then back up to the ridge.


This location was about a mile from the gate as the crow flies, and logging roads don't fly straight and level like crows do. 
Enter the Game Sling from Clarks Custom Calls and Lanyards.  The Game Sling made getting that coyote back to the gate sooooooooo much easier.  GREAT gear to have.  I should probably rig the coyote to the sling
rightside-up, but felt I would get my leg bled on a bit more than I care for the way the wounds were. 

It wasn't foggy today...the camera lens got fogged-up (though it was at least that foggy when I was hunting up there last week).

I feel that this stand worked well because predators were forced to that ridge to take a peek, as they would have been much more
exposed coming from either side of me.  Plus the side to my right was not very navigable due to the terrain, and lack of game trails on that side.  There
was a big downhill clearcut directly behind me, so I figured they would not expose themselves there.  Seemed like a perfect set-up.  I heard a warning bark later in the afternoon last year that came from the direction these coyotes came from, so I figured there might be a bedding area up there.  I think I might have been right about that one.

You really have to put your time in to be successful calling timber/rain forest coyotes here.  Many Oregon predator hunters won't bother calling the wet side, and head to Eastern Oregon which can somewhat resemble Wyoming in some areas.  Another challenge is that this particular area is very
popular with hikers, joggers, and horseback riders so my stands often get "busted" before they begin. 
Happens almost every hunting trip if I am to close to a logging road.  I am getting more familiar
with the area to where I am thinking I can avoid the non-hunters for most of the day.  It took me a few hunts to again find the clearcut I was looking for that this stand bordered!

I got a late start predator hunting this year.  I've been rehabbing a very bad knee injury (no surgery) I
sustained in July, and was just able to put all of my weight on it going up the stairs in the
beginning of Dec.  So I was unable to do any pre-season scouting this year.  Getting out every chance I get now.  I still have
a month left to try to call in a bobcat to the 909 with my handcalls.  I think I just might get one.


Congrats on a fine hunt!  We're not allowed to use air guns for hunting here in PA.  Sure would be a neat thing to be able to try.  I've been dreaming about a Benjamin Marauder in .22 ever since they came out.  One of these years! :laf:



I say what I think not think what I say.


Wow!  Thanks for the great story and pictures!  Tell us about the air gun you used!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


WOW is right
I had one run 75 yrds after a .270 150 gr in the boiler room


Thanks guys!

I posted some info on my rifle in the "Show off your predator rifles" thread in the firearms section awhile back.


He is a young one. Beautiful job for sure :yoyo:
I got a high powered air rifle on my bucket list.
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A couple of year ago a guy stopped in the scuba shop wanting to buy a scuba tank to use to refill the air reservoir on his air rifle.  If I remember correctly it was a .45 cal similar to the one in your picture.  We went out behind the shop, loaded a round ball and shot it at a 3 inch diameter sapling.  That ball went clean through that sapling.  The guy said it shot about 900 fps.  That's about the same as my .45 ACP pistol.  Should be plenty enough for coyotes!  I was expecting it to be quiet.  It wasn't as loud as my .45 but I wouldn't call it quiet either??


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Todd Rahm

Very nice write up to include the pics Butcher!!  :congrats: Congrats and nicely done.

I'm looking to see a lot of air gun exploits from ya in the future.  :biggrin:


Enjoyed the read.  Nice pics. Congrats on the successful hunt.  Impressive air rifle!


Thanks guys!

Quote from: Frogman on January 31, 2011, 07:06:52 PM
A couple of year ago a guy stopped in the scuba shop wanting to buy a scuba tank to use to refill the air reservoir on his air rifle.  If I remember correctly it was a .45 cal similar to the one in your picture.  We went out behind the shop, loaded a round ball and shot it at a 3 inch diameter sapling.  That ball went clean through that sapling.  The guy said it shot about 900 fps.  That's about the same as my .45 ACP pistol.  Should be plenty enough for coyotes!  I was expecting it to be quiet.  It wasn't as loud as my .45 but I wouldn't call it quiet either??


My tuned SamYang 909 gets 880+fps shooting roundball, so that sounds about right.  That's also about how fast the EPP/UG I shot this coyote with flies out of the muzzle, as it is a very light boolit only slightly heavier than RB, and has a better seal than roundball so the EPP/UG goes about the same speed.  You wouldn't be in Cali by any chance would you?  If so, was he a biker named Terry?  BigBore airguns was a pretty small world just a couple of years ago compared to how it's blowing up now.  I've been putting the word out on these bigbore airguns to as many sportsman as I can on hunting and shooting forums for a few years now..... on more forums than anyone else I've seen online.  I know I myself have brought several people into this sport that had never heard of bigbore airguns before.  Most of them are hopelessly addicted to bigbore airguns now.


     Is it alright to post a close-up of the entry wound from the shot to the chest at 50 yards?  It's a perfect circle in the hide....minimal hide damage?  Still lots of fur around the hole (I parted it for the picture).  Them EPP/UG's have sharp bands!  Really looking for opinions about that, and to show what an airgun shooting a slug with sharp bands at this velocity does......that's why I'd like to post the picture. 


Yes it is OK to post bullet performance pictures here.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



That's pretty cool stuff. Thanks for the post. I believe I'll stick to my shot gun though.