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Just wondering?

Started by WldWldWest, February 18, 2011, 07:49:56 PM

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I guess we all have our reasons and I'm sure mine differs from most but just outta curiosity.....Why do you Predator hunt?

Now that I think about it, I suppose I have more than one reason but I would like to hear your's.

"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"



1.)  I enjoy hunting.
2.)  Coyotes are numerous and easy to hunt.
3.)  Wife doesn't hunt coyotes.
4.)  Best way to see a road or two on the way to KY. :yoyo:
I say what I think not think what I say.

nor-cal yote

     I started hunting them about 16 years ago, while I was a ranch hand in central Montana.  It was part of the job, it wasn't really hunting them, if you saw one you shot it. I got a call from the boss one morning that the government trapper was coming out to call in coyotes.  I was confused and asked why do you want to call them in  :confused: He told me so you can shoot them. :doh2:
     When Walt Earl started on that call I thought that sound is just going to scare the "L" out of everything that can hear it. About 3 mins later here came two coyotes. I was hooked after that. I hunt them here in California because its the only thing open year round.
     P.S. I was so excited that those two coyotes were running towards me and not running away I missed both of them.
never yell whoa in a horse race


Fair enough question, but one I haven't spent much time noodling on.

Coyotes are the single most interesting animal I have hunted in my life, always fascinating because they are smart enough to have curiosity and a sense of humor as well as amped up senses and instincts.  I seldom shoot one anymore, though if fur prices perked up enough I would in retirement.  I never got tired of hunting and watching them, unlike some other animals.  Saw two on the way to work yesterday morning, one of them as it pounced on a rodent.

  I hunt them because:
1.  They run from me.
2.  They vary enough to keep the hunt interesting.

Other predators I hunt because they are difficult, provide an interesting mental/physical problem to solve, and because a few are still on my bucket list.


ive been  predator hunting since i was 13 14 years old about 25 years,some of my uncles an cousins were big fur trappers and hunters they got me started it was a way of life for them back in the day when fur brought big money.ive always had an interest in calling cant explain why its just a passion i guess.i deer,turkey and rabbit hunt too but while im huting these others im always looking for coyote sighn or looking for set up spots :shrug: dont know why :laf:  around these parts theres plenty of places to hunt them too when deer sesons over about any farmer whats left of them will let you coyote hunt then over in the mountains weve got thousands of acers of old stripped coal mines.

1.the rush i get when i see one coming to the call
2.the challeng of trying to outsmart them
3.way more places to hunt them tan any other game
4.my passion for hunting

i get alot of people ask me why do you hunt them old things you cant eat them  :laf: i dont wana take the time to explian exactly why so i just tellem The same reason you hunt deer or turkey or play ball or watch races or what ever they do I JUST LIKE IT :eyebrownod:


I love the rush of any animal i can call into gun range and getting permission to hunt them is easy most city folk are scared to death of them and ive got my wife convinced that they will get our dogs and friends dogs so she never says anything about how much i hunt them or spend on stuff.




Over the years, usually after a dry spell, I find myself asking the same question. :laf:

I guess my answer boils down to: it's something I really love doing, regardless of the coyote's success. :wink:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.



Will add that I love to hunt anything. Hunting predators is more fun than most big game, and it goes on WAY longer than big game seasons.


Quote from: Okanagan on February 19, 2011, 10:41:49 PM
Will add that I love to hunt anything. Hunting predators is more fun than most big game, and it goes on WAY longer than big game seasons.

Plus not many around here hunt coyotes so I get thousands of acres all to myself. I have never run into another coyote hunter while hunting, fact is I don't know if I have actually seen another coyote hunter in the flesh anywhere.


Because there is no season, and being able to outwit one of natures best, just doesnt seem to get old.
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All great reasons!
My  three favorites!
1- Wife doesnt hunt Coyotes! :alscalls:
2- I hate golf! :highclap:
3- They run from me! (If it was the other way around I prolly wouldnt hunt em!)

My reasons are: I guess first Since I'm a huge Rifle fan It gives me an oppurtunity to get out and hunt with different rifles that I might not use for anything else even though there isnt a caliber restriction anymore for Deer in TN I still wanna be humane and ethical about my killing whatever I'm hunting, I know its all about shot placement but we all know it doesnt always work out the way we want it too! Being a C&R collector I have More Military rilfles that I know what to do with (Both old and new and from $69 dollars to up in the Thousands of dollars) Not to mention my sporting rifles. So it gives me a chance to get out and walk around with a really nice rifle and thats what I enjoy the most!

I do enjoy the thrill of the chase almost as much as I do shooting but I suppose If I had to use shotgun instead of a rifle I prolly would find something else to do, again for me its all about the rifle. I guess the older I get the less important killing has become for me ( I have an interesting story that happend to me and my son yesterday but I'm gonna start a new post bout it) When I was younger it was all about the numbers for me as far as Deer and Turkey's, Predator's were concerened and there were a bunch of em, but now just seeing em and calling them in is almost enough. I do still kill em it just plays a less important part in the hunt for me. Going soft??? Dont know :shrug: Maybe, But I love making the shot! so usually it overides my "Going soft".

What I really enjoy about Pred. hunting is the lack of competition of hunters and the fact that most people this time of the year are indoors where its nice and warm. And the fact that landowners that are hesitant to let ya deer hunt will almost always let ya Yote hunt and treat em right and alot of times it opens more door's for ya.

One thing I'm trying to do thats proving to be rather difficult for me is to go strickly to hand calls and leave the E-caller at home and I'll tell ya some people have it and some dont! And I aint got it! After hunting with people like the Yotehntr that can ABSOLUTLY make sweet music with his calls and Ive been with him on I dont know how many sets where he's brought em in close, It really make ya envious and makes ya work that much harder at hand calling :bowingsmilie:

Thanks for all the reply's!

"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"
