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Well that was interesting!!!

Started by HuntnCarve, March 28, 2011, 05:08:25 PM

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I'm driving down a very busy bypass today in the work van.  Moving along at 55 mph in the right hand lane.  I glance over at the side view mirror as passing traffic whips by...Turning back to the front I see the pointed end of a tire iron punching through my windshield in a direct collison course with my face! :sad:  I jerk my head to the side, and undoubtedly the van, and see the lug end of the iron sail past my ear.. The windshield looks like it took a shotgun blast!  The safety glass fortunately did it's job, or else I would not be typing this. :whew:  All I can think of is that a passing car kicked said tire iron up into the air, and right into my path.  I could not pull over due to the tremendous amount of traffic and the risk of causing a serious accident.  Figured I'd dodged one "bullet" today.  I did add a few more grey hairs to my collection.  Someone was surely watching out for me today.  Most importantly, I'm glad I did not injure anyone else.  Be careful out there folks!  You just never know?


Bills Custom Calls

I am glad you are ok and there was no accident yes you can count your lucky stars on this one

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Carolina Coyote

Wow Dave, That could have been a serious situation, sure glad you were not hurt and Thankful you was able to maintain control of the vehicle. cc  :whew:


That sounds like a close one, Dave!  Could've easily been very serious.  A non hunter would've swerved and lives would've been lost.  Way to stay cool.   :congrats:


  Awesome job of keeping your head Dave :yoyo: :yoyo:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Now that's gotta produce some serious pucker factor....

Glad to hear you're still with us Dave!


WOW!!! Now that's just TOO close. Glad to hear you dodged it and are OK. :whew:


WOW!! WHAt everybody else has already said & then some Dave!! Glad you're OK other than having the,,  :confused:,,, crap scared out of you!!

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Sound like you dodged a close one!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Hawks Feather

I guess a person reads about something like this happening, but never to a person you know and consider a true friend.  I sure am glad that nothing worse happened.



Dang !
Glad ya came out OK on it.


Dave, it's great to hear you were unharmed. Your guardian Angel was certainly looking over your shoulder. :whew:

I agree, serious pucker factor indeed... I'll bet that truck seat has a big ol' crease down the middle now.
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Never in a million years...or so we thought. Thank god for your alertness and quick response. Just think of how many young drivers wouldnt have been able to respond soon enough.
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Thanks guys!  Just glad it turned out the way it did and everyone got to go home at the end of the day!



Quote from: HuntnCarve on March 29, 2011, 06:40:12 AM
Thanks guys!  Just glad it turned out the way it did and everyone got to go home at the end of the day!


That's the main thing! Who woulda thought of a tire iron going airborn on the highway?


Todd Rahm

That's a hair raiser for sure Dave!!! Glad ya calmly handled that with your cat like reflexes, but most importantly...............darn glad your ok!!!!!!!!!!

Not to make light of your situation, but do ya have any hairs left that aren't grey?  :wink: :biggrin:


Glad you made it throught that unhurt Dave. It could have been really ugly.  :whew:

Quote from: msmith on March 29, 2011, 06:46:01 AM
Who woulda thought of a tire iron going airborn on the highway?
Very odd indeed.  :confused: Were you close to an overpass or wall where someone could have dropped or thrown that thing?  :shrug: I've never known of anything that large being kicked up that high off the roadway. I have however dealt with several instances of "pranksters" dropping or throwing things at vehicles from overpasses. My suspicious nature defaults to malicious act.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Pat, I was just as surprised as anyone would be.  There were no over passes in that area?  A concrete divider on the left of the passing lane, and one on the right.  Sort of a high speed cattle chute.   My only guess is that someone either had a flat tire along there, and hurriedly changed it.  Forgetting their tire iron?  Or that it fell off a truck, or from the bed of a pickup?   Somehow, it managed to get airborne about six feet off the ground hurtling in my direction.  Folks that know me can tell you that if someone tossed that thing at me, it would have been the last thing they ever threw!  Yeah Todd, what precious few blonde hairs I possessed took a definite hit after this episode.  :laf: 
As I write this, the local news is showing that a tractor trailer has crashed this morning in that area.  Shutting down all 4 lanes North/South bound.  500-600 cars are now sitting there, as there is no way to progress or turn around.  It'll be hours until they are moving!  It's a bad area for serious accidents.  They haven't said if anyone died this morning?   Glad I'm not out there today!  Driving in cities downright stinks!



Quote from: HuntnCarve on March 29, 2011, 09:22:09 AM
As I write this, the local news is showing that a tractor trailer has crashed this morning in that area.  Shutting down all 4 lanes North/South bound.  500-600 cars are now sitting there, as there is no way to progress or turn around.  It'll be hours until they are moving!  It's a bad area for serious accidents. 

Sounds like it's possessed Dave. Kinda like a Burmuda triangle :sad3: :holdon:
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Wow!.. way to keep your head in a crazy situation Dave... I'm glad to hear you're ok.  :yoyo:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink: