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New River muskies

Started by shaddragger, June 18, 2011, 10:56:34 PM

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 With my son's ship date looming, we decided to take one last fishing adventure together. I called an old friend of mine, Capt. Mike Coley of Savage Strike Guide service, to see what we could get in on. On a side note, Mike is one of the most knowledgeable guys I have ever fished with. No fool will guarantee fish, but I guarantee you will get 110% from him to get you on fish. He suggested that since neither of us had ever caught a musky with him it was high time we fixed that! A date was booked and the anticipation started.
  The night before we were to head out Mike called and suggested we come a little early. "The fishing has been a little slow in the heat so we should try an evening trip. Come up early and we'll split the trip between night and early morning." We met him at the ramp at 8 pm Sunday evening, and after a short tutorial we set out in the drift boat. After only about 100 yards on the river Wes had a strike on the topwater that missed the bait, which looked like a chartreuse outboard coming through the water. As dark began to fall we switched over to HUGE spinnerbaits and moved on down. We came out of a "riffle" into a deep pool and Mike told Wes " 45 degrees to the right, throw as far as you can."  He had brought the bait all the way back to the boat and CRASH!!SPLASH!!THRASH!! 4 feet from the rod tip a 38 inch musky hit! First trip, first fish and what a wrestling match! Pics, high fives, and on down the river we go. At the last good hole before the take-out spot, we slipped out the anchor and on the fifth cast I hooked 46 inches of what I can best describe as freshwater shark. Huge headshakes and short powerful runs are on the menu with these guys! What a night!
  9 am next morning found us on the river again. The fish were a little less aggressive but in the daylight we could see 4 fish follow baits and not take them. Finally, on a long cast across a rock vein the 44 incher hit on the 3rd turn of the reel handle. Seeing that fish battling in the bright, clear river was AWESOME!! The next pool downriver, we had backed up into an eddy behind a boulder to fish a gravel bar for about 15 minutes. After no action, Mike pushed away with the oars and I flipped the giant rooster tail upstream of the boulder and let the current flutter it down through the current/eddy crease. Out from behind the boulder we had been sitting behind rocketed a fish the size of a WWII torpedo! I hate to admit it, but I just stood there and watched that huge fish miss the bait. We worked that eddy for 15 minutes trying to raise the monster but with no luck. Thrilled but dejected we continued downstream. We traded the super heavy musky tackle for light smallmouth gear and caught 11 bass before the take-out that ended one of the best fishing trips ever!

If anyone is interested in a trip look up Capt. Mike Coley @
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


Now thats some serious fishing :yoyo:
We got lakes loaded with Muskies up here. I Just never went after them, but it sounds like a blast.

What with the little yellow ripcord hanging off everyone?
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Those sure are some dang nice muskies!!!!! Congratulations on the successes & your Son now has another great outdoors story to tell all those city folk he's about to meet up with & become Friends with. Hopefully he can convince them his Family is living THEE lifestyle.  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: FinsnFur on June 19, 2011, 05:28:43 AM

What with the little yellow ripcord hanging off everyone?

That is to open the 'chute when the big ones bite.   :laugh2: :laugh2:

Actually it is a bug repellant.  :rolleye:

Edit to add ... VERY nice fish.
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Wow!  Never heard of such good muskie fishing!  Great time with your son and that's as good as it gets.


Nice job ! Sounds like a blast.  :yoyo:


Wow!!   What a trip!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Awesome !!  And please tell your son THANKS for serving our country !!!   :yoyo: :yoyo:


Quote from: FinsnFur on June 19, 2011, 05:28:43 AM
What with the little yellow ripcord hanging off everyone?

Those are the activation handles for the rapid inflation belts we were wearing, but I like 5SHOTS answer better!
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


Now that looks like a lot of fun.  Nice fish and a great write up. 

Todd Rahm

Thats a cool way to cap things off before he leaves. Nice job and tell him thanks!  :congrats:


Quote from: shaddragger on June 19, 2011, 08:51:27 PM
Those are the activation handles for the rapid inflation belts we were wearing,

I wondered if thats what they were after I made that post. In fact I mentioned them to my brother while we was out on a boat trip last weekend. He confirmed there was such a device but not legal here :confused:
Kinda handy and clever, I think. :shrug:
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