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Started by Carolina Coyote, July 02, 2011, 06:32:10 PM

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Carolina Coyote

I was down at the Wanderosia in Georgia this past weekend Sunday evening a friend and I was doing a Predator cruise of the property looking For Armidillo's, Beavers, whatever We stopped at one location just looking for any kind of sign and found fresh Hog sign where they had been in a food plot
we continued on to a Corn field on the property and started driving around the edge of it and could see that Hogs had destroyed the Corn  field, knocked 75 percent of the stalks down, rooting in the field and had been warling around the edge of the field real fresh sign, we continued on real slowly to see if we could spot them as the sign was so fresh , we left the Corn field and drove around the edge of a peanut field at the end of it we entered the roar that would take us out to the main road we also could see across another peanut field and out at 300 to 350 yards was a herd of Hogs, 15 to 20 my friend got out of the car as he was riding shotgun with his 22-250 he took a shot and the shot was low the hogs started running toward us and at about 250 yards he shot again this time he connected, a 200 pound sow, see picture below by then it was to dark to try to get any more so we loaded her up and carried her in a put her in the cooler and made plans to be at the Corn field at daylight the next morning.
Next morning it was about 7:00 when we got to the field I dropped my friend off on one end of the field and I started walking around the field I got about half way around and I heard him shoot I then proceed on to the other end of the field a slowly started sneaking around the edge when I spotted the Hogs feeding on the corn, I got into position to get a shot on one in the head (Bang Flop) started trying to get a shot on another one got a shot at one in the shoulder knocked it down, hogs were running wild by then shot at another one as they were running into the woods, I took off running into the woods to try and turn them back toward my friend but no more shots, when I got back to where I shot the first one was DRT the other had got up and run off , went down into the woods looking for him and jumped him up but could not find any blood so was not able to find him, but my friend had killed another sow the one I killed was a Boar. I t looks like every time down to the Wanderosia this summer I will have something to get after.  See pictures below. cc


Those are some nice big hogs. Should get a lotta eatin from them.  :biggrin:  Congratulations & Thanks for sharing your trip.  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I still got that on my bucket list. Looks and sounds like a lot of fun.

By the way Carl....it sure does look HOT down there. :whew:
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Wow! Ya flat put the smack down. For some reason I've always wanted to hunt hogs. Just looks like fun.


 :yoyo: Nice pics and story! It sounds like a great hunt!
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!



Great hunt and write up!  Sounds like you fellas found a good source of entertainment.  Good luck on your next trip.



Congrats on a couple nice Hogs.  I have been wanting to go for sometime now.

Carolina Coyote

Yes it is hot down here to hot to be trying to cure out Hogs but that is something I plan to do this fall, we don't have a major problem on our place just enough to make it interesting, The one I killed was with a 243 wssm with a 75 Grain V-Max bullet but it was a head shot , the other one that I knocked down was shot in the shoulder so I won't be shooting them in the shoulder anymore only Head shots. I know a couple of people that went in the the thicket to look for a wounded Hog and was attacked by the Hog so they can hurt you but it is a fun hunt. cc


That sounds like a lot of fun.  Is the "wonerosia" a preserve? or just a piece of ground that the hogs are really chewing up?  It would be tough to be a farmer down there giving out fields of free lunches.  I know a few guys in upstate PA who lose a lot corn in their fields to bears, so I can't imagine what a bunch of hogs would do.


Quote from: FinsnFur on July 02, 2011, 07:49:15 PM
I still got that on my bucket list. Looks and sounds like a lot of fun.

By the way Carl....it sure does look HOT down there. :whew:

+ 1

Sure want to hunt hogs some time.


Looks like a great weekend Carl. :yoyo: :yoyo: I'm back in Seneca for the 4th of July. Next time I get down here I'll give you a call; I still owe you a breakfast.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing

Carolina Coyote

The Wanderosia is a track of land that is mostly owned by a good friend of mine, There is some leased land also, total aces over 4000 thousand. Private Hunt Club. 4 Members in the club with several regular guest, the property has been in our procession for about 12 years now and has been developed for prime Deer hunting, Bucks have to be 15 inches inside spread to be legal. Does are taken to try and balance the Herd, Lots of Turkey and other small game on the property, A pretty good supply of Coyotes, Bobcats,Fox and from time to time the Hogs move in. We also have several Lakes one of which we are trying to raise Trophy Bass anything 5 pound or over is returned to the Lake, for us the Wanderosia is pretty much what the name implies.  cc


That sounds like a paradise!  And a well equipped paradise, too, looking at the walk-in box and the set up in some of the backgound shots of your pics. 
Those hogs look huge - especially the one in the 1st pic.  But the nicest shot is the one with the guts hanging out.  When talking about head shots, that's the only pic I would need to see to convince me that that is where you want to shoot them. 

Carolina Coyote

Head Shots are Bang Flop and don't mess up the the good eating parts, I didn't take a picture of the head shot but the bullet did not exit as far as I could see, The first hog shot by my friend weight 200 pounds and was shot in the left front shoulder and it was destroyed internally as was the smaller sow that he shot , the Boar that I shot in the Head had no damaged meat. Just my preference I guess also as I stated early I know of two people that went into a thicket looking for a wounded hog and the Hog attacked them, put one up a tree and the other in the Hospital. The Boar was 125 to 150 pounds the other sow was around 100 pounds, anything up to 200 pounds we keep for our self larger than that we try to find some one that will take them which is no problem in Georgia.


Good time ! Nice sized pigs too for sure.  :congrats:
I'll be headed down to Oklahoma to do it
the middle of August. Lookin forward to it again.


You boys done good!

Carolina Coyote

I accidentally move these photo's so I re added  them.cc