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A first for me!

Started by Mallardsr, September 04, 2011, 06:46:24 PM

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The Brettster and I made our daily trip to the river on the off road golf cart today. Low and behold ,two Mexicans fishing. This is where it deviates. They had a 2 liter coke bottle with line wrapped around it with hook and sinker. They would take 18 inches of line and twirl hook,line,sinker, and bait releasing it at just the right time to cast. As they did this, they would point the 2 liter bottle end in the direction of the cast. They would hold the line between their fingers and wind the line with the bottle. Have you ever?


Thats the way all the lil illegel basterds fish here by the house, the_y dont have a licsense  so  they handfish like that so they can drop the bottle and line when the game warden shows up.
"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"



I saw some dominicans doing it like that with coffee cans...catching bass illegally...I said you know thats illegal? you could lose your license..they were like, license??


I woulda called the TWRA johnny on the spot. ....After I took a cellphone pic :sneer:
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One thing about living in WV is I dont have to put up with shat like that at all.


You can add that to my list of reasons why we should kick all the little bastids out of our country and then bomb everything south of the Rio Grande River.  :argh:
Here we are fighting 3 wars (Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan) and the whole time we are being invaded. I saw today where 111 Americans have been killed just this year on the U.S./Mexico border due to drug cartels, which includes drug trafficking, people trafficking, tortures, kidnappings, etc. That crap pisses me off!
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Exactly the way I feel Bop!   However I think we are fighting a losing battle on the illegals.  This President is bound and determined to grant immunity and fast track to US citizenship.  Bush also did nothing to stop the invasion nor deport them.  With the state of the economy in such bad shape you would think that catching them and immediate deportation would be a priority.   We are rapidly becoming a third world nation.  Keep your weapons well oiled!
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


We actually invite them over here on 'Work Passes' which mean they are allowed to live in our country as long as they are working.  This is what I dont understand...When so many Americans are unemployed we bring foreigners in to work the jobs that do become available.  What a government we have running our country.

Hawks Feather

I agree that any illegal should be sent packing and really don't have a problem with not allowing any to cross with work permits.  But the problem that I have heard (don't have any first hand knowledge) is that they are doing many of the lower paid jobs that "people on this side" of the border won't do.  I have a friend who winters in FL who has coffee with a citrus grower.  When the friend complained about the grower using "work permit" pickers he was told that the price of citrus products would need to double if they only used US labor.  He said that almost all of the US labor won't pick for minimum wage - too hard of a job.  Either that or welfare is too easy to get.   :rolleye:



Quote from: Hawks Feather on September 30, 2011, 09:24:11 AM
Either that or welfare is too easy to get.   :rolleye:

You may just be on to something there...


That's pretty close to the truth Hawk. When I was a kid, the way we made our money was hauling hay, working the tobacco fields, working in bean sheds, etc. Now the farmers have a heck of a time around here getting anyone to help them. The last time I hauled hay was about 10 years ago and it was for a friend of mine. He couldn't beg hard enough to get anyone to help him pick up hay. He and I spent an entire weekend, just the two of us picking up hay. Use to be we would have 6 or 8  in the field and 1 or 2 in the barn stacking. Not now.
He sold his square baler for near nothing and bought a round baler so now he doesn't need help.

The local bean shed has been flying in 30 or 40 Haitians for the last few years to work the bean shed for him. Built them a couple barracks to stay in and they stay until it's done. It's kind of funny watching the women coming back from K-mart with merchandise perched on their head, but at the same time is very aggravating knowing they are here, because you can't get anyone here to do it. I believe we have gotten to uppity for our own good. When welfare pays better than a honest days work then something is flawed with the the system.  :rolleye:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: Hawks Feather on September 30, 2011, 09:24:11 AM
Either that or welfare is too easy to get.   :rolleye:


Yep, you can be a crippled dope dealer, born to a crack whore in Americas penitentiary hell on earth in Florence, Colorado a.k.a. (ADX Florence), no credit history, no drivers license, no speak english, and show up to fill out the application jacked on smack and you'll get welfare.

But you have to have a clean record, pass a piss test, valid drivers license,  speak English, have good references, and have lived at the same address for the past three years to get most good jobs.
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HEREFORD â€" Four suspected illegal immigrants were rescued by a BORSTAR Search and Rescue helicopter at about 11:30 a.m. Sunday after a woman in a larger group of suspected illegal immigrants was injured during a fall high in Ash Canyon.

According to BORSTAR Supervisory Agent Robert Kiernan, assigned to the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector, the incident began at about 3 a.m. when a group of 12 suspected illegal immigrants was apprehended high in the Huachuca Mountains by four Border Patrol Agents from the agency’s Naco Sector.

The Naco based agents were in the process of escorting the group out of the mountains on foot when an adult woman fell and received a crushing injury to her hand and fingers as a result of falling rocks.

At about 5:30 a.m., Kiernan said, a call was put in to Border Patrol Search and Rescue agents in the Tucson Sector.

As four more BORSTAR Search and Rescue agents made their way to the group already in the field, a helicopter was dispatched to the area and began making preparations for a rescue by about 7 or 8 a.m., he said.

Two separate rescue operations were conducted, each involving the rescue of two suspected illegal immigrants.

The rescues occurred about 20 minutes apart and were concluded by about 11:30 a.m.

During the rescues, Kiernan said, only one helicopter pilot was utilized due to treacherous terrain resulting in the need to reduce weight in order to carry more patients in a single trip.

An adult woman and a 2-year-old girl, suspected to be the woman’s daughter, were pulled from the mountain first, followed by the injured woman and an adult man.

The injured woman was transported to Sierra Vista Regional Health Center by ground, Kiernan said, while the other two adults and the child were taken to a nearby Border Patrol Station for processing.

Although it could not be determined at the time of this report, it is believed that at least one of the two uninjured adults had some sort of family relation to the injured woman, which is why agents believe they may have stayed behind with her.

None of the illegal immigrants rescued had any water, Kiernan said.

The rescue operations had concluded by about 11:45 a.m., and Border Patrol Agents along Ash Canyon Road remained at the scene while the eight-agent team in the mountains made their way out on foot.

The other eight suspects that were not rescued by helicopter were escorted out of the mountains on foot and taken to a nearby Border Patrol Station

I think I'll send a letter to the Border Patrol Station here in Hereford and under the Freedom of Information Act request what the cost of this "rescue" set the tax payers back. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs