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Memorial Day groundhogs

Started by HaMeR, May 29, 2012, 06:31:54 AM

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Diane & I went out yesterday for a looksee around our killing fields. There were a couple hay fields mowed & the beans are sprouting up nicely now. Hopefully we get some of the rain that is heading our way now.  We seen one big hog that made the hole along the woods in a hayfield & it never came back out. So we drove to another farm about 30 minutes away. As we pulled in we seen 2 in the yard of the old farm house & one out back around the barns. Luckily we had a couple rimfires per the Huntress' request. She wanted to have her 17M2 just in case these fields weren't mowed. That way we could shoot around the barns & other outbuildings. We drove out back & waited for an hour but nothing popped out in the semi mowed field. So we drove back out. When we got to the gate Diane walked around an old car & checked the backside of a building. There was a youngun out. She loaded the M2 & walked back over. It was still out. She shouldered the rifle flipping the safety off at the same time & within seconds of getting a good cheek weld she popped it!! 10yds but it was here 1st stalked groundhog!!

I walked out to the front & checked on those 2. One wasn't out so I walked over & found it's hole. This one should prove challenging getting a safe angle with the house & road there but it can be done from 1 spot only. I walked along the front of the house to the opposite side & as I peeked around the bushes I seen a little rascal. There was a motorcycle coming & I knew it would look up so I waited. When the bike past it looked up & went right back to feeding again. I stepped out from behind the bush with the Marlin 17HMR shouldered & on fire. It sat up & looked toward the road & I drilled. 15yd shot thru the chest.

I took the little bugger back to the truck for the photo-op & went over to see how Diane was doing. She was still waiting on the other one to come back out. I told her I was gonna grab my chair & sticks & walk over to another spot & as I was telling her where I would be this BIG male came out of the bushes at 20yds. She locked in immedialtely like a shark in the water smelling blood & popped him in the head with the M2!! This was a big hog & luckily she wasn't undergunned!!

Head shot with the M2 at 20yds sure did the deed!!

I went over to my spot & Diane stayed put telling me the other one was a baby & not that big male. So as I'm watching the weedline for the other hog Diane comes up behind me & asks ahy I didn't shoot the other one out in front of me to my right. Then she realized I couldn't see it thru the brush pile. So I told her to walk straight toward the power pole & when she got there to just side step to her left with the rifle shouldered & on fire & pop it. And she did!! Stalked groundhog #2 in the books!! Just a tad shy of the 35yd mark & offhand!!

This is her take for the day. The middle groundhog was the last one. The M2 bloodied it all up on the underside.

In closing,, and for the few that are still reading   :laf: ,, I really like the M2 for around the outbuildings & live stock. At 60yds it is death on a laser line & the report doesn't bother anything. Not the sheep or the cattle. The farmer only heard 1 shot out of 3 inside the barn behind us. The 17gr V-Max left no exit holes,, and hasn't yet,, at these short distances & everytime it has jellied the insides tremendously. On the big hog it busted the skull all up.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 :yoyo: :yoyo:
Her first stalked, produced a first bagged and tagged stalked :eyebrow:

You guys had wayyyyyyy too much fun out there, but ...ok...you both deserved it. :biggrin:
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Yeah I'm awful proud of her for sure. She just does things the way I suggest & they work for her. It's fun to watch!!   :biggrin: :biggrin:

BTW-- The one I mentioned at the top of that story that might prove to be a tough one to get?? Well it wasn't all that hard to do. Another stalk put the Huntress within 10-12yds & the rest as they say is history.  :biggrin: :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


History  :eyebrownod:  ...made everyday.
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RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I was wondering when the "Huntress" was going to be turned loose on the Ohio hog population. :laf:  Way to go folks!  Glen, its good to see Diane's teaching you a few things out there, or vice versa. "The old Motor cycle trick"...works like a charm. :congrats:
I have that same exact Marlin I believe in the 17M2 and it too is one of my favorites.  I've come to like it more than the 17HMR.  It's a neat little round, and very capable of dispatching assorted vermin.  As Diane well proved.
Way to go you two! :highclap:



Fortunate you had enough gun in case of a charge.  :eyebrownod:

Looks and sounds like a lot of fun.


 :laf:  :laf: @ Dave!!  We were just waiting for Memorial Day Dave. We decided this year that since we've hit them so hard these past few years we would let a few of the older ones procreate & hope for a big turnout this Summer. It just might have worked too!!  :biggrin: :biggrin:   The little 17M2 is a sweet little rd for certain areas. I really like the ricochet factor is close to zero around building & livestock. The report is mild as well. Diane loves that little round.  :biggrin: :biggrin:  Apparently you've used the old MC trick a time or two yourself. It never fails does it??  :nono: :nono:

Yes we did FOs!! We always enjoy our trips out together. It's always fun too!! And yes we were fortunate that day in that we had PLENTY of gun for that big boar hog!!  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Good deal, Glen and Diane.  Glad you had a good day with the piggies. :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


 Looks like a great time!  But,  You need bigger guns! Are you saving the pelts? :laf: Out in SD now doing PD's , not much left for photos! :highclap:


Thanks Al!!

:laf: :laf: @ nailbender!!  The groundhog fur market has taken a beating here lately. It costs more to pop them with a 17M2 rd than they are worth nowadays. Can't even afford to break out the big boomers on em until we get away from the buildings out into the real killing fields of Ohio!! The Diane grabs her 221FireBall & I grab "the ol OT4" & we really give em what for!!   :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Yeah, it's too bad about the ground hog fur market.  That big one there would have squared 15"x15". :laf:  I can start sending you mine.  Coupled with your's, you'll soon have enough to make Diane a coat. :laf:

Hawks Feather

Looks like a "dog gone" good time.    :biggrin:



AHHHHhhh!  I get it !!... :hahaha: "dog gone"

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  Nobody gets one by you do they Jim! :laf:


 :alscalls: @ the groundhog fur coat!!!!  I did tell the Huntress we should ship some up to Jim & have them tanned then get some slippers made from them.  :laf:

:alscalls:  @ Jerry!! That's just what it was too!!

Really  :alscalls: @ Jim!!!!  :alscalls:

:doh2: to nailbender for pointing out the shortcomings of the man that can ban him!!!!

:alscalls: :alscalls:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 :laf: :laf: If you're not livin' on the edge you're takin' too much space!  :eyebrow: :yoyo:



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Surprised that your allowed to use such a small caliber, surely the law must be changed to a minimum of at least .30 caliber. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


 :laf: :laf: @ Mr. John!! Sometimes I think we need to use those "over" bore cartridges!!  :laf: :laf:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11