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Dire Situation in AZ

Started by JohnP, July 01, 2012, 11:42:26 AM

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Border Patrol agents in Arizona are blasting their bosses for telling them, along with all other Department of Homeland Security employees, to run and hide if they encounter an “active shooter.”

It’s one thing to tell civilian employees to cower under a desk if a gunman starts spraying fire in a confined area, say members of Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, but to give armed law enforcement professionals the same advice is downright insulting. The instructions from DHS come in the form of pamphlets and a mandatory computer tutorial.

“We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide’” union leader Brandon Judd wrote on the website of 3,300-member union local. “If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).” [...]

But members of Local 2544 say they are obligated to protect the public in such a situation, whether they are on duty or not. Given the instructions, some wonder if they would be disciplined for taking down a gunman in a situation like the Fort Hood shooting or the January, 2011 case in Casa Adobes, in which a deranged gunmen shot 19 people, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Six people were killed.

“It is always comforting to know that for those of us who carry a weapon when we are off-duty, if we should encounter such a situation, stop a shooter and save countless lives, we can look forward to being disciplined or fired by the Border Patrol because we should have run away to hide and then maybe thrown objects at the deranged killer instead of taking action and stopping him with a firearm,” the union local’s website says.

In the past if a LEO picked up an illegal they would call the BP who would then come and take custody.  Now DHS has instructed the BP to refuse to pcik them up.  You got to live on the border to understand what is really going on in our country.  If you don't already know, I'm telling you now we are being invaded. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Yep, total BS John.   What happened to the right as a citizen of this country to protect yourself OR others?   You don't have to be LE or BP to legally do that.  Put the law makers themselves on the line.   BP never has got the recognition they have earned and deserve, same as some LE’s don’t.   So naturally let’s tie their hands to be PC for the bleeding hearts of this country

As a union they can fight this BS if they can muster the numbers.    Been there done that as Teamster in the early 70’s in CA at contract time.    Even to the point of fighting Longshoremen who tried to force us to go out with them to help them at THEIR contract time.  Kiss my what, they didn’t help us!   There were some shootings, people ran over by delivery trucks, trucks forced off the road and the drivers beaten, and people died before that one was over.

SE AZ is a favored place… I spent a lot of weeks on the border in the cross over canyons studying leps on several trips over a few years in SE AZ, a lot of it at night, a lot of it alone.   I was armed, I would have used my firearms if necessary AND I would not have worried one bit about legal ramifications.   That was in the 80's/90's when while the US was way too liberal, not as bad as now.  I saw and talked to the BP fairly often in the Pajarito Mountains and Wilderness areas, a couple of times in the Huachuca Mountains, and once in the San Bernardino Wildlife Refuge.   The hog leg was often strapped on, and BP never said a word about it.   I advised them of night crossings I saw, exactly where, when, direction and approximate numbers.   None of the illegal’s ever threatened me, most ran away, and I actually wasn’t too worried about them.

Even so it comes down to NOT ON MY WATCH as a citizen if I am attacked.   I will defend myself, use deadly force if called for and let the chips fall where they may.    BP needs to take the same stand.
USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus


They're just getting ready for the legislation that will allow illegal aliens thwarted or attempted to be detained while coming into the country illegally to sue the USA for blocking entry and inhibiting them from trying to attain a better life. We wouldn't want to waste money on the law suits.... :iroll: