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Hit hard by storm..

Started by Hidehunter, July 01, 2012, 11:02:54 PM

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Just got cellphone service back and im posting on it.  Havent had power since Saturday morn and its HOT! Water pressure is almost non existant and they say they are turning it off tomoro. gona b around 6more days they r guessing before we get power. losing all meat in my freezer is bad thing. Good thing is the wife gets misarablely hot with no ac and she wants to run down to the river and i get a little smallmouth time in. gona be a rough one and gas stations that brought out generators have either sold out of gas or have a 6 hour wait. no place to really get food. Wishing now i had a milk cow. Goin to bed and sleeping beside my pistol just cuz it makes me feel better lol. I do think it may get bad around here in next couple of days if the power doesnt get restored.


Well that's rough !! Sorry to hear that ! Hope it gets restored as quick as possible, and ya come out with as little damage as possible !


That doesnt sound good at all. I've seen some pics and several have been killed already, I'm glad you and your family werent hurt though.
Sounds like that reality show a couple years ago...the colony. People had to try to survive an "end of days situation" for a period of time.

Earl Tomblin's got FEMA coming in and I hope that they are able to restore some order soon and prevent people from doing something too dire.
Try to stay safe and let us know if there's anything we can do.
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It was bad here too but lucky I got a generator last year so we had power to keep our food cold. Got it back in 24 hours which was a shock..... last storm we were out 3 days. Some here will be out a week they say, lots of trees down back in the mountains. we had tree damage but no structural damage, we were lucky. They say the winds reached 90 MPH. Hope you are all safe  and get power back soon.


That was certainly a bad freakish storm. Sorry to hear about the hardships this storm has caused your family, but thankfully you're all together and safe. That's what's important.

The next week is going to be extremely trying and difficult for a lot of folks. With this heat wave, people are going to be at risk. Especially the elderly. Hopefully there's plenty of help and assistance on the way.


Still no power or water. Have generator running at Grandmas so i lost everything in the freezer. Still huge lines at gas station and a big shortage on ice. Only ice to be found is at the firehouse and they have a very small. quantity they are saving for emergency. We are doin ok here tho so im thankful for that. I siphoned the gas out of my boat and put it in tthe truck so i can avoid the long lines for a while longer.


The freezer going out would be devastating.
Are you guys going to work? Is wherever you work shutdown or been hit...or are things so devastating that work has moved down the list?
I'm not trying to be nosey, I'm  concerned, especially knowing there's a little girl running around there with you.
Have you seen anything of FEMA yet?
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I have power at work now. me and my family own a big produce market and greenhouses. we lost one of our new greenhouses. it was bout 24 by 50 and the wind demolished it. im not sure about gema bit national gaurd is here. Lots of crews ha e came in and are workin hard and i appreciate them comin on and workin thru the heat. iv come to realize that i live in a good little town. i took some watermelons down to the firehouse yesterday for all the guys thats been in there working and volunteering. they are saying that its looking like friday for the power to come back on.

No need to worry bout my little girl lol. she is having a blast. been goin down to the river every evening to cool off and she been swimming and fishing so she is in heavin. we have plenty of food and imfreezing ice at work and hauling it back home. kind of like camping except im still having to work some.


Sorry to hear about your hardship I know what it is to be in a situation like that.  All is well that ends well and I'm sure you and yours will ok in the days ahead.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


10-4 on the camping.
Well dont be afraid to holler if there's anything I or we can do to help.
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I just got power back yesterday 7/4/12.  Fortunately since we loose power here occasionally,  I wired the house for a generator and bought a 5500 watt one a couple of years ago.  It ran everything but the AC.  So we didn't loose anything in the fridge or the freezer!!  Hell of a storm.  I will try to get some pictures up soon.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Still dont have power back on here yet. Hoping it wont take much longer


Good luck to you, Hidehunter.  Hope things improve fast.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Been a week so far. They are saying it should be back on Sunday. Have my fingers crossed. Sure is hot. Thank you guys. We are doin just fine although they are saying not to get in the rivers because they are running so low. We need rain very badly. Storm was just alot of high wind and not much rain. Everything is hot and drying up.


I feel for you.our power went out last friday after a real bad storm.power just came back on friday.our phones still out.we lost three freezers full of meat.

And found out Friday that the insurance doesn't cover food loss.I really don't know what I'm gonna do.the f freezers were full of wild meat and Thera no way I can afford meat at the grocery store..

We might have to become vegetarians till deer season.lol


I still  have no power. I think this is day 9. Losing count lol. I am about to roast. Getting ready to head down the river to cool off and maybe catch a smallmouth or 2. We lost everything in our freezer to. My neighbors have spent over $500 on gas for the generator so far. My freezer wasnt full enough to justify that. Hate that for ya catheryn.


Have you heard what the problem is? Is the utility company on vacation until the end of the month, or are they just completely un prepared for situations like this, or was there catastrophic damage to a power plant?
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People need to review  their insurance policy before disaster strikes.  After the fires here last year we were without power for 10 days and lost all that was in the fridge and freezer.   When we submitted our claim we only got $500 but lost about three times that much.  It seems that we had only insured our freezer "stuff" for that amount.

When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Quote from: FinsnFur on July 09, 2012, 05:05:47 AM
Have you heard what the problem is? Is the utility company on vacation until the end of the month, or are they just completely un prepared for situations like this, or was there catastrophic damage to a power plant?

They were really working hard at it and I wasnt complaining a bit.  Its pretty rough running new lines throughout these remote areas through the mountains.  I did get my power back yesterday and internet back today.  Man is it nice lol.


That's good news.  Glad to hear it.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff