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Sawteeth Mountain...

Started by Coulter, July 18, 2012, 05:14:52 PM

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Here are pics from the latest climb - Sawteeth Mountain (4100') from a couple weeks ago.

This is Lower Ausable Lake, its nearly four miles from the trailhead before we start climbing. Keep its size in mind while you look at the rest of the pictures...

But there is a side attraction prior to the climb - Rainbow Falls almost 150' up...

No, that is not a pumpkin growing across from the falls...that is yours truly doing a bit of exploring before we move on.

This peculiar geological formation protrudes out over Lower Ausable Lake - Its called Indian Head (For good reason I might add)

My daughter Tori thought it would be funny to include a "What the hell are you doing up there? Terrified look" picture for Mom to see. (She really wasn't that high up.)

This is the first lookout into the climb...

Up we go - another ladder to keep climbers off the fragile vegetation...

There aren't ladders everywhere...you need to climb and scramble on some rocks too...

Humorous signage, but sadly placed here for a reason - check out that drop off. And the lake gets smaller

And smaller...Tori on one of the last lookouts prior to the summit. That little speck down there is Lower Ausable Lake

Here's the summit shot...

And a better view of "Gothics" from the summit of Sawteeth - this little guy is next on the agenda. Hopefully in a couple of weeks with Armstrong Mountain

Here's the trip profile...



Beautiful pictures Steve. It is great that you get to do that with your daughter.  :congrats: :congrats:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


That was probably our last trip together until late March, I'm doing the next couple solo. She leaves for basic training (Navy) on August 13. and will likely be visiting her sister in Florida when I go back up to tackle Gothics and Armstrong. After basic she will be heading off to her first semester at college (Coastal Carolina Univ.) and doing the Navy Reserve thing.

Anybody want to climb a mountain with me? :innocentwhistle:



Here's a little clip of Rainbow Falls too...