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Ohio gun season opened today

Started by HaMeR, November 26, 2012, 06:12:47 PM

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I seen a decent 8pt down the hill from me around 7:15 or so. He was about 80yds out & stopped in the wrong place. Then mosied across the 4 wheeler trail & headed down into the ravine never to be seen again. LOL

But all was not lost on that one sighting. OH NO!! The action started immediately upon setting down in the ladder stand. I heard a rustling in the leaves right under my feet. Then wings flapping. By the time I looked down I was boot to beak with this critter!!!!!!

The little tike is just 2 rungs from the platform. LOL

Grousey liked jumping back & forth between the ladder & this small branch.

Then I decided a 30 second video was in order. LOL

More details later. Stay tuned!!   :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11




A 30 second video clip is ALWAYS in order brother :eyebrow:
I wonder if she had a nest around there somewhere that got her so intrigued with your tree stand.
Thanks for sharing it :biggrin:
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Yeah it's really cool. I don't think there's a nest anywhere around there. As for the video I just couldn't pass that up.  :nono: :nono:

The rest of the story.
2 years ago my Brother was riding along the trail when this Grouse came out to see what all the racket was. He stopped to look at it quick because we have very few around here anymore. Well it just stood there on the trail in the way. When he tried to move it would follow him. So he got off the bike to chase it away so it wouldn't get ran over & it moved just a few feet away but wouldn't leave. LOL  So he called it stupid & went on his way. A couple days later it came out again and wouldn't get out of the way. So Dave tried to scare it off to no avail again. This time when he left it alone & rode off the damn thing tried to knock his hat off.  :laf: :laf:  After almost 2 years of feeding it almost daily he finally got the damn thing to eat out of his hand.  :yoyo: :yoyo:  A couple weeks ago he was able to pick it up. Ol Stupid was OK with that but just for a couple seconds. Then it tried to get away. So Dave let it go & it flew off & walked right back to him to be hand fed again.  :laf: :laf:  He named it Stupid.  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That's funny! 
Liked the video, too.  Wonder if someone hatched it, or just came upon it as a chick, and he is used to people.
I gotta admit that when I read "more on that later" in your first post, I thought I was gonna see him as the guest of honor at your dinner table.  :shock2:


Thats strange.
Someone got killed out there in the woods and their spirit is in a Quail  :shock2:
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To heck with the deer...that grouse looks awfully tasty. Our season opened yesterday too...I saw nothing but tails and that wasn't until 4:00. Back to work for the week and get back after 'em thius weekend...and maybe some ducks if the weather cooperates :innocentwhistle:



Yeah it is different for sure. There's absolutely no way I could kill that thing. I think Dave has become attached to it. And after all the shiite he's gone thru personally over the last 10 years I won't be the one to ruin that for him. Now it's not that I haven't wondered how good it would look on my plate tho!!  :laf: :laf:  One of the other guys hunting there said it flew up & sat in the stand with him. Yesterday it flew down out of the tree & came to me. But lost interest real quick before I could get to my phone for more pics.  :laf:

It's funny you say that Jim. Here is another pic I took about 2 weeks ago whilst turkey hunting. You make the call.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That marker is in the same woods too?  :sad3:
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YEP!! Near as I can figure it's about 800yds away from where Ol Stupid hangs out tho.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:  All of that land was also mined back thru the 70's. Makes for some interesting theories does it not??  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on November 29, 2012, 04:58:22 AM
Makes for some interesting theories does it not??  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

Maybe Jimmy Hoffa is a Grouse now.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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See THAT is why they can't find him!! They don't know his real name!!  :laf: :laf:

If anybody is interested in another short video of Ol Stupid I'll post it up. He appeared to be a little hungry today.   :laf: :laf:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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Yeah it's actually purdy neat. Just before that I was coming off the hill on the 4 wheeler & it flew up behind me. It landed just in front of me & as I passed it I w looked back & it started flying again. I stuck my arm out for it to land on but I hit a dip on the trail & I didn't hold my arm steady & it flew into my arm instead. It landed again & I swear I seen it do this  :doh2: with one of it's feet.  :alscalls: :alscalls:

I haven't seen it lay an egg on the road yet tho.  :shrug:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on December 01, 2012, 04:52:30 AM
It landed again & I swear I seen it do this  :doh2: with one of it's feet. 

Mmmm Hmmm  :sneer:
Was it with the foot he wears his watch on or? :laf:
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 :confused:  Not real sure bout that Jim. There's a right turn in the trail at just about that point.  :laf: :laf:

It's still a purdy neat thing to experience tho. Glad I got to share it with you all.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 :laf: 10-4 on the right turn.
Yah hey thanks for sharing it
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