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This weekends plans

Started by nor-cal yote, February 12, 2013, 03:10:56 PM

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nor-cal yote

Well there's a few ranchers over in central Montana that are having coyote trouble. Me and my buddy Gus are bringing my wall tent and wood stove over for the weekend and gonna try to put a dent in the population. All total on the three ranches is over 36 sections of land. I don't think we can cover 36 square miles in two days. Bringing my smarter than me phone, so I will try to get lots of pics of our set ups. Have killed 16 coyotes over there in the past on just one of the ranches. He told his neighbors now we have access to there place. One of the ranchers Kenny is going to fly it this week to see if he can locate a few for us. Wish us luck.

never yell whoa in a horse race


Good Luck  :highclap: and take a LOT of pictures  :yoyo: :yoyo:


That sounds like a great place :yoyo: I cant wait to see some pics.


Chris, I'm going to hold you to that! :eyebrownod: We'll be waiting for said pics :eyebrow:
I hope you have the time of your life, lord knows you deserve it. :congrats:
Stay safe my friend.
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nor-cal yote

Jim always safe, if not I will not name it after any of you guys :alscalls:...  trying to fall asleep but all I can think about is coyote hunting. Think I need a shot of NyQil.
never yell whoa in a horse race


  Sounds like a perfect weekend! :yoyo:  Good luck!  We'll be waiting for the pics!


That does sound like a good time.  You even got the spotters out!

nor-cal yote

Well Gus just called and said he is sick and can't make it. Looks like its just me. Will post some pic as soon as I get the tent set up. Leaving work in about an hour. Have to go pick all my gear at Gus's house then head to the ranch.
never yell whoa in a horse race


Hop on the bus, Gus, don't need to discuss much :innocentwhistle:

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Good luck that sounds like a lot of fun

nor-cal yote

Well I have done 5 sets, the wind is about 20 to 25 mph. I am to stubborn to leave. I am pretty sure the coyotes can not here me in this wind, or they just don't want to play. The wind let up about 11pm last night I turned on my bull horn and coyotes answered to the north and west. Can't get them to answer back today.
never yell whoa in a horse race


We very rarely get return howls during the day up here. In fact I've never heard one myself, but had a buddy say he got one once in his 12 years of calling.
They come in dead silent most of the time.

That wind has got to suck...well I mean it must really BLOW...I mean... :doh2: oh you know what I mean.
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nor-cal yote

Here is some of the country that I am hunting. Beautiful but windy.
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never yell whoa in a horse race

nor-cal yote

Jim, the coyotes are pretty vocal out here, but when you get around the timber they answer back as much. I was told because the wolfs can zero in on them. Got a reading on my kestrel today 37mph gust. Averaged about 26 on the kestrel.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

never yell whoa in a horse race


I like the camp set up. And boyyyyy that is some seriously wide open country. There's horizon everywhere.
The closest were gonna get to that much horizon around here would be from the middle of Lake Michigan. :laf:
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nor-cal yote

Well the wind has not stopped.  Did one set up at day light 40 mins on that set up wind was 12 to 15 out of the S Sw then by the time i was ready to leave 19 to 24 with gust to 31. Went back to the tent to wait for it to die back down so I could take the tent down. Still waiting.... big tent to take by yourself in the wind.
never yell whoa in a horse race
