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Need ammo?

Started by FinsnFur, April 04, 2013, 05:46:21 AM

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The right to keep & bear arms is Constitutionally protected. Buying and selling ammo is TRADE and CAN be Regulated.
Their strategy is to make gun ownership a moot point by choking-off the supply of ammunition.
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Carolina Coyote

Sneaky Ba-------, could explain the shortage of ammo. cc


I think Jim makes a very valid point.  Couple that with the tax increase several states are proposing and liability insurance and gun ownership could get very expensive.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


I believe (hope) the socialist progressives would lose that argument in the Supreme Court.   If a gun cannot fire (for lack of ammo) it is no more than a club.  The Second Amendment is not about protecting clubs.   

What I most worry about is the current HMFIC appointing liberal justices to the Supreme Court.  All bets would be off then. 


Follow the progression, anyone who questioned the dhs purchase of guns was a conspiracy theorists, and the bullets en mass didn't exist, then they say nothing when congress(the lawmakers ask BIG SIS to explain she doesn't respond and now she says saves us money. But what about the 2700 mine proof personnel carriers. dhs has enuff ammo to wage a 20 yr war based on peak fire rates during peak of gulf war or enuff ammo to shoot every American six times iover. Not to mention hollow point is more expensive and outlawed under Geneva convention. somebody got sum splainin to do...