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Serious Question for Discussion

Started by FOsteology, September 22, 2014, 08:45:42 AM

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Has societal conformity replaced Truth as a core value in America?

Hawks Feather

I think it has for the liberals, liberal media, and people on 'free' stuff.



I agree with Jerry - BUT - I think it will grow until it corrupts the vast majority of us.  The values we had in this once great nation are on the edge of the cliff and just need a small nudge.  Truth or lack of it has infiltrated all walks of our society. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


I believe Truth stopped being a core value long before societal conformity became an issue.


Quote from: FOsteology on September 22, 2014, 11:12:25 AM
I believe Truth stopped being a core value long before societal conformity became an issue.

Agree.  Abandoning truth allowed conformity to replace it as the standard value.

I had an unusually prescient professor in the 60's who talked with us about the trend away from believing that absolute truth existed into a squishy idea that truth is whatever the loudest voice says it is. The loudest voice is usually in power.  That wasn't a new idea but it didn't used to be held by the majority of people with common sense.  He warned us of the consequences and he was eerily accurate about what has come to pass.

Francis Schaeffer nailed this with his little short book Escape From Reason that I'd guess was published in the late 60's, certainly by early 70's.  We are reaping results of 50 years of schools instilling such irrational nonsense:  in families, economics, communities, law enforcement, medicine-- across the board.

Schaeffer wrote that people may say that there is no truth but even they do not drive that way. :eyebrow:

Eventually, reality always trumps unreality, but as with Soviet Communism, it can take a long time and a lot of lives...


How right your Professor is/was. In this day and age, Truth IS what the majority says it is....

The Left has so influenced and perverted American culture that America now believes societal conformity trumps truth. Liberalism =  Intellectual dishonesty. When the truth doesn't agree with you, just change the definition of "truth"..... or deny it completely!


Quote from: Okanagan on September 22, 2014, 11:40:52 AM
We are reaping results of 50 years of schools instilling such irrational nonsense:  in families, economics, communities, law enforcement, medicine-- across the board.

And there it is. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs