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Guys We are going about this all WRONG!!!!

Started by cjcalls, April 07, 2007, 09:29:21 PM

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Before everyone leaves the guild, Let's think about this.
They Wanted us in, Sorta, They have taken our money, Now we are supposed to sit down and shut up in the back of the BUS.

I don't think so. I think we should keep bring up our Needs and keep Ramming it down their throats until the get sick of us and Represent us Like they have said they would OR kick us out of the Guild....... Oh wait they CAN"T kick us out. READ the bylaws We either have to not pay our dues, send them a letter quiting or DIE. I ain't dieing any time soon!

The way I figure it , I've paid for a year. I'll get a year. If you lie cheat or steal from me, I'll make you pay for it. I've been self employed to long to just let little things like money slid by with out getting my money's worth.

So what do ya'll say. If we can't get Represented like we were told then let's at at least get our monies worth.


Todd Rahm


Wish I could help ya but I monitored this thing from its conception, been involved with its post, joined, dealt with a group of turkey call fellas that thought other concerns, were whinning and complaining. So I have only one thing to say.

Long live the "Turkey Call Makers and Turkey Call Collector Guild"  :wink:

I'm still miffed from yesterday.  :argh:

Well support ya here though.  :wink:

THO Game Calls

Clint -

If you read my last post over there, I think you will get a different perspective.

It is not a matter of giving up, it is a matter of being completely shut out.  They had the draft of the rules for the call comps on March 24th.  They had plrenty of time to incorporate them into the new drafts.  They did not.  They gave the duck and goose guys their own category, but predator calls are still lumped as Locator Calls.

Here's te post.


I have some ideas for something for Predator Calls, and will try and get it together this week and post it for all of us.   

THO Game Calls
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Al just let me know If I can do anything to Help.

I did get your drift on the other site.

All I'm saying is they have taken our money for what looks like a complete misrepresented purpose. If that is the case then I ain't gonna sit in the back and keep my mouth shut. I will keep asking questions. If it pisses some one off then oh well. but hey I get a years worth don't I?

Any how If you need any help just let me know.


Todd Rahm

And heres your commanders reply.


All I can say is you are dead wrong, but I respect your right to be just that. There is nothing given but the truth and a lot of effort on my part, you on the other hand offer nothing of substance. I can do without your type. No need to kiss and make up on my end, I did nothing wrong, but try to appease a few trouble makers. No thanks! I guess I know why there is not an existing, thriving Predator Call Guild - everybody knows everything! 


Brad H

Well that's just lovely.

Have any of you guys tried getting a refund?


Hawks Feather


That must be posted in a member's only section.  But I assume that the reply you got is similar to the one that Todd just posted.  If there is anything that I can do to help your "Predator Calls" idea, just let me know.



Well Todd according to the By Laws, They can't Kick us out. So they will just have to put up with us. Right?

I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm just trying to see that what is right is done.

They ask for Input, Help, Ideas, Money..... Then what happens. Sit down and shut up.


Todd Rahm


I'm just not willing to be frustrated by all the word twisting and false hope they push.   :wink:

I just went over to reads Al's post (Good Post by the way Al, and they'll still claim no one is offering to help) Instead of addressing my questions and points I made, they are still on the "You should be nice about the trinkets" thing?  :rolleye:

If they want to really draw folks in they need to get those BOD memebers posting in the open forum that they are willing to help and this is what we'll do. Not "Give us a chance" or "We are working on it", because what those are, are just blowing ya off while they attend to the business they want to attend to.

And another thing they need to do is get rid of Preston. His board post, and behind the scenes messages portray two different fellers, and the behind the scene feller is showing his true colors. He talks down to folks like he is high and mighty, and he tries hard to be a word-smyth (Twister), but he's not great at that with out tripping over his own words.

My patients have worn out, and I have sent Mr. Chamberlin a request to remove me from the "Guild" forum.

I will be sure to share my experience with every call maker and collector I know, because I'm not going to allow them to be suclked in under false pretenses either.  :argh:


Sure is nice to be able to sit on the side and let somebody else fight the fights for a change.   I learned about all the turkeys that run that site a long time ago, and stopped supporting them in any way.   Still wouldn't support that guild even if a predator call branch with equal billing was started up there.  

It's hard to soar like an eagle when you work with turkeys gents.

Being at or past the end of my call making career instead of at the start of it like most of you guys, I could care less about a predator call guild anyway.   I would however be a minor supporting member of a stand alone predator call guild if you gents started one... if for no other reason than to support you and the art of building custom predator calls.  

If the turkeys can do it, you could do it better...  Jim could host it for a fair fee, and there is more than enough talent here to put it together and run it.   Food for thought maybe.


USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus

THO Game Calls

For those of you who could not see it, this was my post on CCO.  There have been no replies to it as of this day at 2:30 PM ET


A week or so ago, I told Preston via Private Message that I had done and said all I was going to do and say concerning the Guild.

But my name keeps popping up in E mails and Messages to people I know and God knows to how many I don't.  So I am going to have one last word.

I support the idea of  a Custom Call Maker and Collectors Guild 100%

Which is why I joined.

I wanted to be associated with the best Custom Call Makers in the world...

I wanted to learn and grow as a call maker...

And I wanted to have my calls compared to theirs to see what I needed to do to be considered one of the best.

Selfish reasons, but honest ones.

I also came prepared to work.

I was asked to write the Predator Column in the News Letter.  I agreed.   

But when I read the Rules for the Field and Decorative Calls Competitions, I got concerned.

In the Field Calls area, Predator Calls were not even listed.   

In the Decorative Calls, Predator Calls were lumped in with Duck and Deer Calls in a Miscelaneous category.

So in 26 or so categories of competition, Predator Calls was listed in just one.  And as what appeared to be an afterthought.

So I asked what was up with this?   

I was told that Predator Calls were not included because they had no one to write those rules.

So, as I had come prepared to work, I set about to create a draft of rules for Predator Calls.  I posted that draft on a message board that caters specifically to predator call makers.  I got their input, and I submittd that draft to Preston on March 24th.

It wasn't back breaking work, and it did not take hours and hours behind the keyboard to come up with it.  But it was an effort to help the Guild move forward.

What happened to that draft?

The rules for the competitions were recently updated.  Waterfowl calls now have their own category in the Field Calls and Decorative Calls section.

There are 4 categories for box calls, two for trumpets, there is even a category for Strikers.

I submitted 4 categories for Predator Calls

Open Reed

Closed Reed



And what did we get?   

Predator Calls are now considered Locator Calls along with Deer and Moose calls.

Predator Calls did not even get a separate category.

So I came prepared to work.  I volunteered to do some work, and I did some work.  And the Guild – slapped me in the face for it.   

Longbox makes a good point in his post about voting rights – 

But I have heard from several members of the Guild BOD and officers of the Guild that the Guild will become what the members make it – 

And I want to know how that can be if the members have no voice – no vote?

In closing, to Kehl and others, I have made an effort – and it has been rejected.  Perhaps it is a communication problem or perhaps it is a lack of time to effect changes or perhaps it is something else. 

I still support the idea of a Custom Call Maker and Collectors Guild.  I still believe that CCO is the best call making site on the internet and the folks who post here are among some of the best call makers in the world.  I hope the Guild grows and prospers and achieves everything that it sets out to.

If some day the Guild wants some help from the Predator Call Community, I am willing to help.  But for now, I have done and said all I am going to do and say about the Guild.  I respectfully ask that Preston leave me out of his e mails and messages to others, and I will stay out of Guild business unless you ask for my assistance or input.

My best to the Guild - and to all of you who are members - the best call makers in the world.

THO Game Calls
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Todd Rahm


I really appreciate your support, I really do, and when my head clears enough   :argh: to allow me to think clearly, I'll have to ponder some thoughts.   :wo:


Just to reiterate Todd and Als point. The type of person that is basically the spokesperson for the Guild (Preston) does have that Dr. Jekyl tendency about him as can be seen in the following messages sent by him. One was to Todd and the other was to me...

Message sent to Todd... "I have never sent you an email or PM, so the fact that you received one from Stephen Steffy verifies my distrust of him."

Message sent to me... "I am certainly disappointed, but respect your decision. I appreciate all your efforts towards our first solo newsletter. I look forward to meeting you in person someday. Thank you."

As you can see in one message he has a bonafide distrust of me, yet he looks forward to meeting me in person someday in the second message. You guys think I might want to bring my boxing gloves with me? Are Texas Turkey call collectors a violent bunch? :roflmao: :roflmao:

Anyway, I would be happy to help in any way I can if you guys decide to go ahead with a predator call association. I have said before that it is usually not a good idea to form an association out of spite for another. The Guild is good evidence of that. I will help out still, as long as it is brought to the table in a legitimate manner and with a course that is not hatched from contempt.

Just like most of the guys that are dropping their membership from the Guild, I wish them the best of luck in their ventures. But, I will not participate in the squabbling any longer. My membership will lapse when the time arrives. I have no intention to renew without a change in leadership and by-laws, as well as solid proof of more diversity in their activities.



Quote from: Coulter on April 08, 2007, 02:42:42 PM
You guys think I might want to bring my boxing gloves with me? Are Texas Turkey call collectors a violent bunch? :roflmao: :roflmao:


No we are a peaceful, fun loving kinda bunch.
It when you make turkey and Predator calls that you become unstable.  :eyebrow:


THO Game Calls

If he were a call maker, it would be different.  He isn't.  He is a collector - and we all know how "THEY" are   :roflmao:   :roflmao:   :roflmao:

I'll throw out a few ideals for you all --

I was thinking something informal for us.  A web site with only Predator Call Makers ( if you make other calls no big deal, but we show only pred calls on our site) where each member has a half page or so, for a bio and some of his calls with contact info and links to his web site if he has one.

We could recognize the collecotors too - by showing a full page of their collections and a bio about them.

We could hold a monthly contest right here if Jim would allow it - say post one of your calls, and let the members vote - and then the winner for that month gets to be on the main page of the web site as the Pred Call Maker of the month.  At the end of the year, take all the monthly winners and have a pred call maker of the year.   You only get to win one month of the year so we have 12 differejnt entries at the end of the year.    We could tie it in with the Call Makers showcase, so that the monthly winner would be the Showcase Call Maker that month.

To participate you would have to be a "regular member" so we don't get the drive by's coming in and trying to just get their calls in the showcase and then never coming back.

It might be fun to have some fun for awhile and forget all the nonsense for a bit. 

Please add any thoughts to this if you have them. 

THO Game Calls

We could take whatever it is going to cost to host a site for a year and devide it up among the people who want to be on the site and charge only that for a membership fee.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Todd Rahm

QuoteHe is a collector - and we all know how "THEY" are

Hawks Feather

Hey Todd,

You aren't a call collector.  You are just a nice guy that likes calls - lots and lots of calls.   :biggrin:


Brad H

Count me in with what Al said.

I think that would be a good start to a great thing.



my name is steve and im addicted to bonkers


Quote from: THO Game Calls on April 08, 2007, 03:15:24 PM

We could take whatever it is going to cost to host a site for a year and devide it up among the people who want to be on the site and charge only that for a membership fee.

I think you should let me foot the hosting for the first year, so the focus can be on other things. If it flies, the hosting fees will kick in after the first year...or based on your member votes can be moved to another host.  :shrug:
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