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Hecs suit.

Started by nastygunz, January 24, 2015, 01:12:16 PM

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Looks like a Nother gimmick to me, what do y'all think?


Carolina Coyote

Oh hell I can't wait to get one  :alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:


I want one in office camo so I can hide from my boss better :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:


Electroreception? I need two of 'em. One to crap on and one to cover it up with.



Quote from: nastygunz on January 24, 2015, 04:12:27 PM
I want one in office camo so I can hide from my boss better :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:

You workin for a predator nasty??!!  :alscalls: :alscalls:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


This sounds like a gimmick, but...  I am convinced through experience afield that there is some kind of perception or "6th sense" that can make animals and humans aware of one another.  Jim Corbett the hunter of man eating leopards and tigers mentioned it routinely, not calling it anything but simply writing that he knew the tiger had arrived.  John Wooters wrote of it in his book on hunting whitetails. 

And I have experienced it on deer, cougars, a grizzly and on humans.  I simply knew the animal was present, without any of my five usual senses  being in play (as far as I could tell).  With the grizzly and one deer, I knew where it was almost exactly and was looking at where it was, not for it, before it came into view.

Wooters advised not to stare nor look directly at a buck being stalked or that was approaching because it made the critter nervous due to its sense of being looked at.  I have confirmed that phenomenon and as much as possible avoid looking directly at a hunted animal I'm stalking or that is approaching me.

My softly held thought is that it is a sense almost lost in humans, but that time afield in silence and relaxed attunement with surroundings cultivates it.   

HEC still sounds like a gimmick or a playing on a widely held vague notion of 6th sense somewhat as I've admitted to believing.  But maybe it is on to something.