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Started by snafu, June 23, 2015, 09:06:14 PM

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I have two older Bro's. We all grew up fighting other kids, then other men when we aged some. Back when I was in 1st grade. Two kids bullied me. One of them was my size the other kid was large & husky. I assume he flunked a few. Anyway I was no match for both at the same time. I asked my Bro's to step in. Instead they taught me how to fist fight. Still I was no match.

1/2 way through the school year. The larger of the two moved away. Payback time commenced. When I could catch that punk. I threw him to the ground & pounded his face until my arms went numb. Day after day the hunt was on. Some days he escaped my wrath.

Decades roll on by. One day at a stop light in town. Who do I see walking across the street, walking his 10 speed. Why it was punk. I locked eyes on that puke. He eventually turned to see who was sitting in that old truck. He recognized me instantly. His eyes widened as if he seen a ghost. He then quickened his pace. To this day if he was to ever say a peep or otherwise to me. I would surely thump him.
"Smartest man, knows but a grain of sand. In the desert of truth"


My dad said every day as a kid he was getting into a fight with one kid.
He finally found out another kid was telling the other boy my dad was saying stuff he wasn't to make them fight.
So the next day he whipped the crap out of the shit stirrer and tied him up with some old barbed wire and left him at the bus stop! Said he never had anymore problems.


I never had much problem with bullies, maybe I hung with the wrong crowds lol. One isolated incidents I DO remember though..when I was in maybe 4rth or 5th grade there was a kid that like to run his mouth when he saw me. Calling me names etc. Barely knew the kid other then the fact that he was a doper and both parents were in jail so he lived with his grand parents. It got to the point his name calling wasnt working so he started pushing me around. I tried avoiding him and it got to the point I would run away from him which made it worse. I became his prey. :doh2:
I told my step dad about him and said I dont wanna go to school there any more. He said how big is he? Grab that sonofsbitch by the arm, throw him to the ground as kick his ass, he'll leave you alone. I said hes not that big but he crazy and I'm afraid of him.
My Step dad says well your gonna have to tell a teacher or something cause you cant stay home from school. I said, Dad you dont tell teachers, it makes it worse.
The next Day, the same crap at school. After school I knew what was coming so I took off running hoping I could get out ahead of him. I walked home every day and I had to cross a huge wide open field to get the first road. I was gonna be a setting duck once he saw me blazing across the wide open grass out there. There was a slight knoll the separated us from the road and I was praying to god I could get there before he saw me. I looked back and here came, guns a blazing, yelling stuff, running full bore for me. I think I started crying as I reached that knoll, knowing that I didnt make it over the knoll to be out of his view.
I got to the top of the small knoll which revealed the road and there stood my step Dad leaning against his 1973 Dodge Extended van LOL. Holy &^&%$ I was so happy to see him. The kid had no idea he was my step Dad, so he kept blazing in. MY Step dad says I assume this is the jack ass. I nodded and lost it, started crying right there. My step Dad, who at the time was 6' 3" and 310 pounds took off toward that kid who was still coming at us full bore. I never seen my step Dad run let alone run like this. The kids jaw dropped and he quickly diverted towards the road like a badly shot coyote. My step Dad veered off with him and chased that kid for close to a hundred yards. It felt so good to finally see the table turned.
He never caught him, and I dont know what he would have done if he would have, but that kid never so much as looked at me again as long as I was in that school.
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Doubt anyone who has ever lived. Never experienced fear. However, comes a time you either confront it. Or continue being a victim. Hell will freeze over before I ever become a victim again. Win or lose I don't give a rats rump anymore. Some dirt bag wants some. I will surely give them what they deserve. As the old saying goes, "Go down fighting"
"Smartest man, knows but a grain of sand. In the desert of truth"


Jim, thanks for posting that.  Took guts to post something that personal.  Wonderful story about your step-dad.  Good read and reflective. 

I only remember one bully, started in 7th grade and got worse till 8th.  I was afraid of him.   I don't like to fight and avoided him, though one time I made steel plates to go over my upper arms under my shirt and got him to hit me TWICE in that stupid game of flinch, if any of you know it.  He was mad but everybody in the class was laughing so hard, including the teacher, that he let it go. 

Of course he gradually picked on me more.  Finally one day in the 8th grade we were at a football practice after school, no pads or helmet.  The bully started pestering me and then tapping, hitting me lightly over and over as I ignored him and approached our huddle.  I thought it through and decided that it had to end, and that if I punched him, nearby people would stop it before he killed me.  It is odd that I thought that he could beat me.  We were about the same size and I was in far better shape, but he was aggressive.  Anyway, I turned in one motion and punched him hard in the center of his nose, which exploded in blood.  As anticipated, people grabbed both of us.

He swore to get me. 

On Halloween I was walking in the dark to meet a bunch of other kids and encountered him, just the two of us.  He started badmouthing me and I said nothing, merely prepared to punch back at his first move.  He mellowed down, never started anything and I dimly perceived that he was afraid of me.  We became friends, at least from his perspective.

I think I could have handled it better and wish I had, but that's the way it came down.


My oldest sister kicked my ass for years, then finally when I started to outgrow her and get a little taller and a little heavier I whupped her ass good one day  then my old man whupped my ass good and said you never hit a girl! I learned a valuable lesson that day, you cannot win anything against a woman!  :biggrin:


I grew up with 3 bullies we fought everyday! So I never had much trouble at school except having to go to the office for fighting with people who thought they wanted to be bullies. I got my ass whipped a time or two but I also handed out a few.


On the subject of bullies.... did any of you see the first episode of "True Detective" on HBO that aired last Sunday?

That was one way to handle a bully.   :eyebrownod:


I never caught it! I wish I had that's a great show.


Quote from: riverboss on June 24, 2015, 06:54:31 PM
I never caught it! I wish I had that's a great show.

They just started the second season.   Looks like a good one. 


HBO?? Who can afford HBO? :laf:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on June 24, 2015, 10:29:32 PM
HBO?? Who can afford HBO? :laf:

Internet moguls who own web sites!  :innocentwhistle:   

knows you're making a killing off the interweb, Jim.   :laf:


Lmao shhhhh!

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Its not bad Jim. I think its $10.00 a month on my cable bill. So $120.00 a yr and I haven't been to a movie in 5-6 yrs which would cost that much for just 2 movies out a yr.  And I can watch at home in my skivvies.