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Straight Talk

Started by Arkyyoter, May 04, 2007, 08:24:25 AM

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Hi guys...thought I would give ya a head's up on some stuff I am doing...

As many of you know, I began designing some calls for Buck Gardner. We have 4 calls out there and they are already picked up by Bass Pro and others...I designed three of them. We also have a couple of prototype calls, one of which is an open reed based on my Kat Kaller...and it is going to be good......Really good!!

At any rate, any of you who are waterfowlers, may be familiar with Buck's "Straight Talk" CDs.....one for duck, and one for Geese.....the latter using Shawn Stahl, a world champion goose caller. These CDs deal with many issues, mainly calling and calls...but also tips and pertinent information as to sets, decoys and so on...they really are a good thing....Since they are CDs as opposed to DVDs, you can listen to them in your car and so on....

We are going to do one on predator calling....and guess who is going to do it?? TADAAAAAA....it's me....Buck and I am to start recording May 14...shouldn't take but a few days at the studio to get it done...so if you have anything you think might be good to talk about, especially for new guys...here's your chance...lemme know!!

I will also start shooting a video for them, in August...cool heh??

Wish me luck and I could sure use any input you guys have....ya'll know I am just a dumb old hillbilly...



Congrats Joe.  :congrats: Sounds like a blast.

Just tell em to be mindful of their scent.......and always watch the downwind side.  :biggrin:


WTG Joe :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
I'm to new at this for input. But mention to them not to forget the kids.  :yoyo:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


As far as tips, do A once over of the primer threads.
The one thing I have to keep telling people is the "coyotes don't care what firearm you use, just start out with what you have- grandpa's 'ol deer rifle, or your goose/duck gun(seeing as how it is buck we are dealing with :roflmao:)

As far as my tip for you- You need to tell them that you are not 2nd rate feeding off their table scraps.  Just because thier camera will be with you in thier "offseason"  doesn't mean it's your "ONseason".  We would love to watch you hunting prime time.  Unles, of course, your shooting basics and such then, and shooting some hunting later in the fall.  If so please disreguard.
           That kinda reads back to me A little harsh, but I don't really know another way to say it.  ~KT
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.


That's awesome Joe. Can wait to see how it comes out.

Brian Keahey
Texarkana, TX 75503

Bob D

Good luck with your new endeavors Joe. :yoyo:


Congrads Joe! I wish you the best of luck! If I can help in any way just yell!



Appears that you are going to be having a lot of fun. Looking forward to the CD and video. :highclap:

Brad H

You're an old hillbilly??!!! HA!!!

I don't even know who Buck Gardner is? But then I don't watch any hunting or fishing shows, so I don't know who any of these guys are.

Still, it sounds like you have a great thing going. :congrats:  If I can help out somehow, let me know. And if anything comes to mind, I'll let you know.

Looking forward to hearing more about it. Good luck!!


Hawks Feather


That is really great.  I can say I knew him before he became a CD and movie star.  I don't think that I have any hints or ideas that you don't already know.

Again, congratulations.



Only thing I can suggest is to put in a plug for Good Ole FinsandFur.net.  Anyone seeing the video needs to take a look here also.
One of the BEST sites I'm proud to be a member of..

WhiteHare Lanyards
Richard Hughes



Congrats Joe!  You'll have to get us the link when were done so we can buy em.  I second everything everyone's said. 
And feel that I have no clout to be giving you tips but the two I live by are...

Play the wind!  It WILL give you away, regardless of sent lok or cover sprays.

Always give the country a once over before leaving.  Never leave home without binos..

Again, can't wait to see the new products!!!!!

When you feel like you can't take another step, ALWAYS take one more!


CPCMCA www.custompredatorcallassociation.com

Todd Rahm

Congrats Joe.   :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Glad to see it coming together for ya.  :wink: Speaking of proto types.........are the for sale?  :sneer: :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:


Congrats Joe!!!!

I would like to see a short segment in the beginning on Firearms Safety. Just a nice refresher course sorta thing. Point the rifle toward the ground while walking in. Look around for a few minutes & get familiar with the territory you are in so you don't shoot the wrong way. Make certain you know EXACTLY where your partners are. Just about 5 minutes or so of the basics. I feel 1 accident is too many.

Other than that right now,,,, it should be a good one!!   Can't wait to see it!! :congrats:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Most important thing to include is a map with GPS coordinates to your favorite set up sites.   :biggrin:

BTW, congrats on your new adventure!    :highclap:



Thanks a lot guys....I think it will be fun!!

We will make several hitches at the video...starting in August, and ending up in Jan or Feb '08...planned to start out in Tennessee...then go to Arkansas, either Texas, Oklahoma or both....then on to Colorado and end up in Idaho....I think we will be doing it 3-4 days at a time...going to try to get a lot of hunting, tips, calling, in different seasons/locations/weather/etc....

It should be interesting, informative, and fun!!


Bob D

Have fun Joe. And if you need another shooter just let me know.


I stand corrected.   Glad you left Missouri off your list. . . for obvious reasons :laf:  Can't wait to see that RRA in action.  ~KT
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.


 :congrats: congrats Joe and good luck with this new venture ...

PS you get ta Colorado ya better be giving me a jingle and letting me know  :biggrin:
