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Good reports for Northeast PA

Started by Silencer, June 26, 2007, 05:22:46 AM

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Good reports coming from the WCO in the area of PA that I hunt.  Bobcats are on a big rise here in PA, I just need to be picked out of the lottery.  3 yrs now I've applied for a bobcat tag with no luck.

FURBEARERS: If an individual were interested in beaver, bobcat, or coyote trapping, northern Wayne County is the place to go. With many bobcat sightings, coyote and beaver complaints almost on a daily basis, I have to rate furbearer hunting and trapping as excellent.

This right here gets me all fired up !!!



"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


You're more than welcome in my neck of the woods anytime.  Dont have any gps but I can tell you at or around SGL 70 and SGL 299 in Northern Wayne is your ticket.   I have to  hit some of the farms around that area this summer and find where the most coyote complaints are coming from. 

George Ackley

Ben ,
i been hunting that area for about 2 years , it's so nice that i put a trailer in the area so i dont have to drive all the way back to my camp after calling all night,, there are lots of farms as soon as a get a chance i will be spending a couple days knocking on doors if i get some good location you make the drive up and will get out a couple days
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Hey George, let me know when you want me to bring Dylan down to you trailer this fall, he keeps asking me about it lol   

If you guys happen to come up this way, give me a shout, I can show around the mountains.  I'm only familiar with Susq and Northern Wayne, heck I've never even been to lake Paupack so the southern part of the county is new ground for me.

George Ackley

the youth doe hunt be great, this way the other boys will be up..

just were are in Wayne you say the northern part but i to am in the northern part , I am 11 miles north of honsdale ,,,,,,,,,may not be spelling that right
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


11 m north of Honesdale is mighty close. The gamelands I mentioned arent too far from the NY border in Scott Township.
rt247 to rt370 or the Hancock hwy and a few back roads will get you there.
There's a real good watering hole named the Orson Inn off 370 that has some great food.

Also bordering SGL70 is an old place called The Land Of The Vikings. http://www.sofn3d.org/Lov/LOV_Home.html
The site has directions on how to get there and will put you right on SGL70.  During bear and deer season we always kick up coyotes behind that place. 

Rgr on the youth doe hunt, he got his combo license in the mail today, I'll make sure to send out for doe permits this year.
Last year we both deceided not to take a doe because of the numbers in the area. 

George Ackley

Ok since you will not tell me your location to see how fare we are about i will give you mine.. :eyebrownod:

i am at long pond road and 670 Wayne co.

The Land Of The Vikings is about 30 min. west of me

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


LoL.. sorry, we live right in the town of Susquehanna and have kin in Sherman Pa, next to the Vikings, so you're trailer isnt all that far, maybe a 40min to 1 hr  drive from here if that  :laf:

You're only a hop skip and jump from Forest City


here's a map,  i'm bored today :)  too hot to do anything outside and this ac feels good

George Ackley

cool map,,
I have a friend that i think is real close to you, I will have to get his address,
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


you still in wmu 3C at the trailer, or is it 3D ?

George Ackley

3d i think,

i do all my deer hunting in 3D
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


I'm not sure but I think the weekend of the youth deer hunt is fox opener.  I hope not, Its a tradition to get the gang together and pull an all  nighter for opener.  I'll have to take a look see.