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Statement to clarify my position on posts

Started by possumal, October 21, 2007, 12:16:37 PM

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Due to a very ugly pm received this date from one of the regulars here on Fins and Fur, I thought I'd just make a post to clarify a few issues.  Any posts I make on this forum or any other forum are intended to serve as help for inexperienced coyote hunters, especially younger ones, and not meant to make anyone look wrong in their views or posts.  If that was my intention on a particular post, I would be real clear and say just exactly that.  I don't think I am the greatest coyote hunter in the world, as this individual stated in his pm, and I surely don't think I know it all.  I have enough ego to state that I am a good coyote hunter, and I know a lot about old Wylie, but I am not the only good coyote hunter.  My techniques are not for everybody, and lots of good hunters don't agree with my approach.  That is fine, as that is what difference in opinion is all about. I don't agree with all of their techniques either, but I still respect their opinion and ability.  Any posts I make are public knowledge, and I will no longer take part in receiving pm's that can be chock full of insults and name calling.  The sender knows who he is, and this is aimed directly to him.  I would never insult him by calling him any derogatory name.  We all know an individual who has been banned from posting on all forums, and we all know why he has been so banned.  I stated some time ago that I would never mention his name again in a public forum, and I have held to that promise.  I am a member of the Foxpro Field Staff and proud of that, and I do prefer their products and integrity. That is why I am affiliated with them.  I trust this post will be received in the spirit it is intended.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Sometimes it's not as easy as it seems to predict or judge someones tone of voice or attitude on the internet. If people keep telling me I'm coming across the wrong way or continuously replying defensively, I'd try to change my posting pattern.

I've read posts by you Al that made me want to reply back, "who the hell do you think you are", as I'm sure you have done the same with some posts by me or others.  :wink:  That's the wonderful  but deceiving internet.
On the other hand, I have attempted to politically and correctly reprimand someone through a post only to be greeted with gratitude as though I just gave them a wax job and a body massage.  :shrug:

There's almost 50 emoticons (smileys) available to use in posts that help project intentions.

I can't approach someone about what they have sent to another member via PM because , one...I have absolutely no way of verifying what that PM said. Unlike Predator Masters who has had a history of spying on private messages.
Two, even if I could read them, I don't feel as though they are any of my business. If it was, it would have been sent to me by the originator. Hence the term Private Message.
I won't even attempt to get involved with those.

On the same note there is a feature in every members profile, to ignore PM's from any member they choose to put on their list. Which also remains soley in their privacy.

Every hunting forum has members that strongly support a product that another member despises. That's actually what makes the forum useful and attractive. Forums dedicated to one specific product can usually be found on the products own site.
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THO Game Calls

He's talking about me and I really don't care if everyone in the world knows it. 

I've put up with the snide unsigned e mails, and the remarks in post both here and on PM from you possumal, and for the most part, I've just let it go,

But when you write

QuotePeople that don't believe in the match the hatch theory are generally reluctant to go to that much trouble to kill coyotes.

you're saying that unless we do what you think is right, we are really nothing more than weekend warriors.

The big difference I see between you and other good coyote hunters is that other good coyote hunters will say, "based on my experiance, this is what has worked for me."

You on the other hand came right out and said

QuotePeople that don't believe in the match the hatch theory are generally reluctant to go to that much trouble to kill coyotes.

The mere fact that I do not own a Fox Pro, that I do not own a Decoy, that I do not set up the SAME EXACT WAY YOU THINK I SHOULD does not mean that I  - or anyone else on this or any other board - wont go to a whole lot of trouble to kill a coyote.

Your PM to me said "we keep having to explain ourselves to each other"

I think we were both very clear, and no expanation is needed.   You said 
QuotePeople that don't believe in the match the hatch theory are generally reluctant to go to that much trouble to kill coyotes.

I'll say it again so there is no misunderstanding -

That is an arogant and rude statement to make about the coyote hunters on this board.

I certainly hope that it doesn't need an explanation.  I think it is pretty clear and to the point. 

I don't think you need to clarify anything for anyone.  Your statement was pretty clear also.

I just hope that the coyote hunters on this board who read it feel the same way Jim expressed he does sometimes.

"who the hell do you think you are"

It's wonderful when we can come in here and exchange ideas and techniques. That is what this forum is for.   It's not a puplit for you to preach from or to tell every one reading it that if they dont subscribe to your way of doing things, they aren't really coyote hunters. 


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


THO Al:  The big difference I see here is that I didn't call you a name in a pm or in a post, and I wouldn't call anyone what you called me.  My comments in the post about cover scents/attractor scents did not say that anyone else was wrong in their approach.  I have used the phrase "In my opinion" time and time again, and did so again in the post to clarify my position.  That is why I made it, to clarify, not confuse the issue.  You have a right to think any way you want to, and to hunt any way you want to.  I don't criticize you for that and never will. I do criticize you for using the privacy of a pm to insult my mother because you don't agree with a post on a forum that doesn't match your opinion. My statement about people not going to the trouble to do the decoy and scent deal correctly does not mean that anyone is lazy, and it certainly doesn't mean it is the only way to hunt coyotes. Posting just the portion of our pm's that suits your purpose won't feed the bulldog.

Jim:  I can appreciate the privacy issue you mentioned concerning pm's, and I am sure you may have felt just like you said on some posts by me and posts by other people.  It wouldn't offend me if you did ask me "Who in the hell do you think you are?", but I would try to answer your question in a civil tone, and I wouldn't send you a pm to do it.  You are sensitive to certain words being used on your forum, and I think most people have been respectful of your wishes.  I think those same standards should apply to pm's when it comes to insulting a person's mother and names of that nature. My entire purpose for making posts is to try to share knowledge, techniques, and even opinions with the hunters who are new and looking for advice.  Nobody is required to agree with anything posted by anyone.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


       We are all coyote hunters here.That means we all something in common.We may not all hunt alike,but i hope we all enjoy our time out there.As long as we have freedom of speach,there will always be differences in opinions.I try to respect everyones opinions weather i agree with them or not.Cant we all just get along?


Dang THO, you must have a burr or something when it comes to possumal because I did not percieve that quote as being arrogant or rude.  Maybe there is bad blood between you two. Maybe it is none of my business. I dunno.

Anyways, I looked at it as challenge I guess. And my post indicated I could kill the same coyotes with a lot less effort than is required with a decoy or some kind of scent concotion. Just a different method of hunting based on my experience and possumal was in partial agreement. Makes for continuing discussion.



I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.

THO Game Calls

I called you an arrogant SOB - but I did spell out SOB.  If that is an insult to your mother, I apologize to her.  If you have never been called an SOB before, you need to get out more.   But I wont apologize to you.  You earned that tag possumal.  

Trust me, it is nothing I wouldn't have said to your face.  


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


THO Al: You have my written permission to copy and paste everything that was said in all pm's involved between you and me. Let the members of the forum see if they agree with what you said.  Nobody deserves to be called what you called me, especially over a difference in opinion or a wrong take on something said in a forum post.  I have been out plenty and I have been called a few names, as most of us have, but most of that happened when I was much younger when the person saying it didn't know better, but soon learned better.  I would rather be friends than enemies anytime, and don't consider someone who takes something wrong an enemy. Life is too short for that kind of stuff.  I wish you well in spite of your insults that aren't justified at all.  I really couldn't care less whether you own a Foxpro caller or a decoy, as that has nothing at all to do with my feelings about being insulted in a really gross manner, under the cover of a pm. In my opinion, that is a gross misuse of the pm feature.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

THO Game Calls

QuoteTHO Al: You have my written permission to copy and paste everything that was said in all pm's involved between you and me.

Oh please - I don't need your written permission to do anything.,

Go back and reread my PM.  I dont feel like typig it over.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Bills Custom Calls

I like to hear the different way hunters hunt I like to take a little from everyone and mix and match what others use in their hunt.There is no right or wrong and nobody is perfect or the best although some are better then others.
The way you hunt is a matter of what works for you,and what works for you may not work for me.

If I am not breaking the law there is no reason for anyone to down the way I hunt.

Just my thoughts

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Randy Roede

Possum Al, it was a PM, you know who it came from, you post on an Internet forum, if your that thin skinned don't stick your neck out and post about what ya do and how you do it. It's not always going to be warm and fuzzy on the replies.

Cardboard decoys, rubber boots , rubber gloves, e callers, coyote urine, deer urine, hand calls, a rifle, shooting sticks, holy crap!  Talk to some people who run human tracking dogs and ask them about eliminating human scent. Then human odor two different things. You put down more human scent putting these things out than you ever eliminate. Not to mention the fact that the coyote nose is much more acute than any tracking dogs nose! Sometimes you will get coyotes that don't react with fear the instant they smell human , but they still smell human.

Reading your posts would have led me to a similar conclusion as AL, would ya like it in PM form?


Yep!!! This is all George W. Bush's fault.   :innocentwhistle:

Even though different both of you have good tidbits of info that we can all use and appreciate(esp. us new guys).


"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Quote from: Randy Roede on October 21, 2007, 10:36:24 PMSometimes you will get coyotes that don't react with fear the instant they smell human , but they still smell human.

And the ignorance of that simple fact sells a lot of cover scent!   ;yes;

Randy Roede

You hit that nail right on the head!!! Nasa



I had a guy tell me that xscent stuff works so well coyotes come in to him straight downwind. Usually get as close as 12 to 15 yards.. :roflmao:

Your skin is constantly depositing human scent as the breeze blows it off. Were dealing with a nose so accute that he can pick apart a trapping lure laced with skunk essence and still name off the other 3 or 4 ingredients.



I would really like to know what exactly it is about humans that coyotes so dislike. I also wonder if and how a fish knows it is schooling with the same type of fish. It never sees itself sooooo? :confused: The world all comes down to who smells like what I guess.



They know who shoots at em.   :laf:


MATCH THE HATCH THEORY?   Oh my gosh!   :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
Foxpro Field staff


 :roflmao: :roflmao:Hey Rich: That's what my reaction was when Bill Dance coined that phrase on a fishing show.  A friend of mine compared using fox scent with a fox sound to that method.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff