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Heating the house

Started by Silencer, December 05, 2007, 04:47:09 PM

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I'm bout tired of spending money on fuel oil.  I was raised with a pot-belly wood stove and know the ins aond outs of burning fire wood but I'm leaning tward getting a pellet stove to help heat the house.
Anyone here have a pellet stove and how well does it work for you ?   



I used to heat with wood but no more.   :nofgr: It got to be too much work.  My neighbor went with a "Corn stove".  He swears by it and says it leaves less ash than even a pellet stove.  He claims there are no "hot spots" in the house either.  Approx. 1800 sq ft.
I  am not trying to sell "corn stoves"  but it may be worth looking into.

WhiteHare Lanyards
Richard Hughes



I'm hearing ya. The fuel costs this year are going to put me in the poor house.
I only buy a hundred gallons at a time so I can pay as it comes. I even locked in this year at 260.9 a gallon.
Un freekin believable.  :madd:
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pellets are getting dang near what oil and gas is getting.  a buddy of mine does sell corn stoves and looking at the numbers you will recoup the cost of a corn stove in I think two years.  corn is cheap and like pointed out earlier it leaves little ash.  another thing on the horizon is cherry pits.  most of the times you can get em free if you haul em.  but it is only a matter of time before they start going up.  I have not yet got one of these corn stoves but the ones my buddy sells is bixby I believe.  I was very impressed by em. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


we had 270 gallons droped off and cost us around a 1000.oo dollers


Thanks for all the feedback, I'll take a look see at the corn stoves.   

Jim, I've been doing the same thing, 100 gal at a time. 


Dont take long to burn through it, I know that.
6 below this morning  :eyebrow:
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I just called to see what the minumum was for oil, they told me 150 gallons. The price on that much was like $460.

Holy crap. I am gonna go broke!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

Hawks Feather


Cold temps like that are the price you pay for living up north.  Heck we have 2 above here and the sun is shining.  And Stu, we don't want to hear you complaining about it being a cold 50 there in the south.   :wink:



I have a pellet stove down stairs in my house.  There's a heating duct cut through the floor to the upstairs.  The stove does an excellent job heating the main part of the house.  Now the down side.  When I got the stove, pellets were $75/ton.  I just bought a ton the other day and paid $200/ton!!! I go through about a bag (40lbs) per day.  Supposedly my stove can be fitted with a corn pot.  Might be something to look into?  As petroleum products go up in price, people look for alternatives.  That causes the price to go up on everything.  So eventually even corn will start creeping up in price.  Sigh....


I'm surprised that corn prices haven't gone up. The guys at the mill said their cost about doubled last year.

Jerry, I'll try not to complain too much. It was actually below freezing here this morning and I saw a couple spots of ice around the edge of the pond..... though the forecast for most of next week is talking about high's in the 70's  :puke: What I will complain about is the lack of rain. It all seems to be skirting north of us  :argh:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


Stu.....I was about gonna say the same thing. I know I am not quite as far South as you, but it was pretty freakin cold when I was sitting in my tree stand on Monday and Tuesday, and that is all I am gonna say.

Todd Rahm

Man thats a stinker. Stick to ya when they know they have ya cornered.  :rolleye:

I have natural gas, and dot he budget billing where its the same every month, but man I think its went up up 70% in the last three years.

I just set down and figured my monthly gas bill for the truck and suburban last month was like $633.  :shck:


Well now we know who has all the money  :sneer:
No wonder the rest of us are broke  :laf:
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Got a relitive that uses coal to heat his house. It is cheap and plentiful around here. It can be  messy though :hahaha:.

Right thing easy, wrong thing hard...

Bills Custom Calls

I have an electric furnance but have a fireplace in the family room and a wood burner in the basement,and the woodburner in the basement will handle the heating till it gets down in the low 20's.Then the fire place gets started up we only use the electric furnance for back up


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Hawks Feather

If you heat with electricity and don't have another source of heat, you will add a new meaning to "Back Up".


Bills Custom Calls

My electric bill ran $200 a month through the winter last year .I am glad we didn't have fuel oil or gas.
We are heating 3400 square ft.

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

George Ackley

Find a fat woman ,, stay in bed till spring.. that's what i do,,,, friction baby     :eyebrow:
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

George Ackley

since i am a old time heater man I will say make shore your oil burners are running efficiently..
check your nozzle  size ,, some oil company will install larger nozzle then you need, so you need more fuel..

ya they do it to! there is a efficiency test that can be done to make shore your unit is burning right

keep the tank from running to low , if it is old and gets to low the introduction of new oil on a low tank can and will ster up the muck at the bottom or the tank , then it can get into your line and into your burner so keep the 3 dollar filter clean.

put a set back thermostat on so you can program your unit to heat when your there and drop off when your not.  like if your out of the house at 7:30 am and back at 3:30 pm it will go from 70 to 65 then back up to 70 at 3:30. same at bed time down to 65 or 67 at night but it will come back just before you wake up
this thermo state can be had for under 40 buck at any home center.

but the fat girls are more fun :eyebrownod:
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump