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FoxPro's new Open Country Caller

Started by FinsnFur, February 24, 2008, 12:29:23 PM

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Reeves just snuck in, now behave dangit :innocentwhistle:
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I think that we are lucky to have several e caller companies  competing  with each other for the top dog of callers spot. There would be no need to continue improving a caller if there was only one brand and model to choose from. Digital callers sure are head and shoulders above the old 45 RPM record player callers too. I see Minaska and FoxPro as the two major E call makers today, and they are both winners. I have been a field staffer for both, and both companies make real good callers. You can't go wrong with either company. There are other callers out there that call critters also. Best thing to do is shop around, buy the caller of your choice and go call some critters.  A remote controlled E caller has never called more critters for me that I can tell. My mouth blown calls call critters just fine. What the remote controlled E caller does for me is help me kill more of the critters that I call. Not a magic bullet, but when used wisely they are a mighty good tool of the trade. I happen to use a couple of foxPro callers now, and I love em both. I have my own personal issues with nicad and nickel metal hydride batteries but I am beginning to learn how to deal with the little buggers. I love to call coyotes and I love to help people become better callers. That is who I am.
Foxpro Field staff


I saw that post you are referring to Jim. It struck me as odd too, but I promised myself I wouldn't say anything about it.  :nono:

I do believe everyone knows that Wildlife Technologies is the best e-caller out there........HANDS DOWN. It's just that most casual hunters don't want to spend that kind of money on a caller.......me included.

So to be fair, I believe that we must say that Foxpro and Minaska are the best two callers of the "moderately priced" ecallers. It's kind of like arguing about Ford and Chevy, but knowing that a Jaguar is out of their league in both performance and price......... :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: Rich on March 20, 2008, 10:17:55 PM
I think that we are lucky to have several e caller companies  competing  with each other for the top dog of callers spot. There would be no need to continue improving a caller if there was only one brand and model to choose from. Digital callers sure are head and shoulders above the old 45 RPM record player callers too. I see Minaska and FoxPro as the two major E call makers today, and they are both winners. I have been a field staffer for both, and both companies make real good callers. You can't go wrong with either company. There are other callers out there that call critters also. Best thing to do is shop around, buy the caller of your choice and go call some critters.  A remote controlled E caller has never called more critters for me that I can tell. My mouth blown calls call critters just fine. What the remote controlled E caller does for me is help me kill more of the critters that I call. Not a magic bullet, but when used wisely they are a mighty good tool of the trade. I happen to use a couple of foxPro callers now, and I love em both. I have my own personal issues with nicad and nickel metal hydride batteries but I am beginning to learn how to deal with the little buggers. I love to call coyotes and I love to help people become better callers. That is who I am.

Cheers Rich , good post.  I have both FoxPro and Minaska callers love them both and not a member of either FPMafia or Minaska Gang.  Both great products  !!  Thanks FoxPro and Minaska !!  :highclap: :highclap:   Now , can we get on to hunting or fishing ?  :biggrin:

Todd Rahm

Greenside, very good post. Used to be the "staffer" tag carried some type of respect, and honor, but at the rate they are handed out, and the selection process being watered down or not as picky,.........................................................I think its more harm then good anymore for the product pushers, for the exact reason I gave earlier.

It doesn't matter if its ecallers, custom calls,  other products, etc.......... If I see a post about XYZ caller, and I see 20 of the 22 replies are from XYZ "Staffers" or "Admin", I'm instantly turned way from any info the post might provide and in some cases disgusted enough to not even consider the product. Kinda like ya said, its like seeing whats on TV at night and coming across all the infomercials.   :rolleye:  


Quote from: FinsnFur on March 20, 2008, 10:16:27 PM
Reeves just snuck in, now behave dangit :innocentwhistle:

Jim, I am perplexed as to why you would tell this. According to the last reply I got from you, you had a problem explaining to the members here why I was allowed here considering all the other Mods from PM are banned from the site. I just felt it best to come in under the radar to make life easier on you. After all that what friends are for
"Ain't never hit one yet, I didn't burn powder at."


I can't speak for Jim, but I am assuming he was playing with you Randy. I personally didn't know who he was talking about until you made this post.  :wink:

As far as I know, you are still welcome here........
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I was perplexed over a few things myself...but that's not what this is thread is about.
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"I do believe everyone knows that Wildlife Technologies is the best e-caller out there........HANDS DOWN. It's just that most casual hunters don't want to spend that kind of money on a caller.......me included"

We don't actually know that anymore. FoxPro and Minaska have both caught up with W.T. in both electronic technology and sound quality. W. T held the long range remote control title, but it is my understanding that this is no longer true.   Now I believe the remote control issue is about equal, but W.T. has lost their lead and is soon to be left in the dust. I don't believe the cost of a W.T. is main reason that most of us never did buy one. I called Bill Martz on the phone a few years ago because I wanted to compliment him on high quality of some of his coyote vocals or something. I couldn't get more than two or three words in, because Bill immediately went in to a "know it all" mode. It is Bill that kills sales of W.T. callers, but I don't think he even cares if he sells em.  :wink:
Foxpro Field staff

Brad H

QuoteYou guys got half the net over here watching this thread

I'm not paying attention at all to this thread. I don't even open threads like this.

Just so you know.


(edit) I pretty much agree with what Dennis has said.

THO Game Calls

QuoteW. T held the long range remote control title until they got caught using non legal radio waves.

Mr. Cronk,

Please show any evidence of where WT was fined by the FCC for their remote, or forced to replace the remote of the WT e caller.

If you cannot produce such evidence, please edit your post accordingly.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I fixed it just for you.  :innocentwhistle:  If you have one of the new models, would you please check to be sure your remote control will work at a mile or more away? I would appreciate knowing how far the line of sight distance of the W.T. remote is these days. The real truth is important don't ya think?


I just checked the W.T. site. They now advertise their transmitter range as 150-600 yards. I wonder why they cut down the power so much if I wasn't correct in my original post?  :biggrin:
Foxpro Field staff

THO Game Calls

QuoteI wonder why they cut down the power so much if I wasn't correct in my original post? 

Please check the size of the electronics package on the Old WT as compared to the new WT and you will have your answer.  Smaller, lighter, more portable.   

You were incorrect in your original post.  It is a myth that at one time (may still be) was posted on the FoxPro web site.  The old WT Remote was FCC Certified and was and is completely legal for consumers to use.  Users of the old WT remote will not be subject to arrest and prosecution for using the old WT e caller.

Perpetuating this myth and trying to scare legitimate consumers into not using their old WT E callers by insinuating they could be breaking the law is despicable.  Which is what FoxPro did.  The old threads are probably still on PM search from mid to late 2005 to summer of 2006. 

If you WERE right, you would have provided something other than a feeble attempt to bolster your position by pointing out  that WT changed the remote to one whose current range is much less than that of the old one. The fact of the matter is, there is no truth to it and FoxPro knows it.  I am sure they would have given you the information to refute my claim if they had it.  They dont because it does not exist, yet they continue to perpetuate the myth.

The FCC web site is accessible to anyone who wants to view it.  All Orders are published by year and are searchable.  Feel free to find any order forcing WT to change their remote, or any orders or fines levied against WT because of it.  Even better, as a Fox Pro field staff, please invite Mike Dillon here to this forum and have him refute the claim that it is a lie, not with rhetoric, but with some hard concise facts that an old Cop like yourself would be comfortable taking to court. 


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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As you well know, there are reasons why the FCC did not take legal action. I don't care whether actual legal action was taken or not. Further more, I don't care. I didn't make the original claim, I just read it on the boards. Since the new W.T. transmitter is no longer using the alleged radio signal which made their transmitter work their receiver at a mile or more away that is proof enough for me that there was something wrong in the wood pile.
Foxpro Field staff


Wow, your statements here are disappointing Rich.  Generally, your thoughts/opinions and statements are pretty valuable... but here they're showing a loose grasp of reality and very little knowledge about the products involved.   You're stirring the pot and don't even know why.  Perhaps your being swayed by whichever staff you're on now?   The FCC thing is a bogus claim that stormed the internet- Bill went away from that system for other reasons: reasons every WT owner is privvy too.

The old style WT remote will not only work at one mile, it will work well beyond one mile.  The new style will not only work at 600, mine will work at 800 and others will work farther.   I've probably used the new style unit more than anyone else in the country.... I recieved #8 off the line and I've literally worn the paint off the thing in two years.  The new style remotes are not as dependable and reliable as the old WT remotes, but they're still in a class of their own when compared to others on the market.  

As for the sounds and sound quality, I'd venture to say the Borlands and Dillons would be blushing if they saw you making that statement.  The sales pitch that Foxpro and Minaska sounds are even comparable to WT sounds only works on people who haven't heard WT sounds.   Most folks that own a WT won't talk about them online, but at times I'm too dumb to bite my tongue while "Staffers" mislead the masses with vague claims and outlandish statements.   Minaska vs. Foxpro is one thing- but throwing the WT in there is like including those little Cass Creek doodadds, it's an entirely different class of product.

It's sad really, because with Dillon's prostaffers and advertising campaign he's made enough money to have real sounds recorded so he can produce a top notched unit.  Why hasn't he?  Because he doesn't need to invest that money to keep selling product... he can ride that gravy train until Minaska or some other big commercialized product pressures him enough to warrant it.   I don't blame him really, it's a great marketing move and economic stratagy for the moment since WT refuses to advertise.  The other products are getting so close to WT prices, in the coming years anyone that knows how to purchase a WT.... will.  I think they're only about $100 different now?  The new WT runs $800 with 32 sounds.

You're right about Bill and his attitude, he turns away quite a few people: but to hear him tell it... he doesn't want those people as customers.   His choice I guess:   I'd prefer to be the only WT owner in the country, wish he'd stop selling them tomorrow.


Good post JRB, I always enjoy reading your stuff.

WT getting caught for radio signals, Now even a stupid white boy like me knows that ain't even close to true. Crap facts like that belong on the Foxpro forum. Maybe weasel will fight tooth and nail to defend them like he does all over the net?

The answer to why WT changed the remote is very simple to find out, as long as someone takes the time to ask someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

But as far as people having to change stuff, and as long as the Dillons like to have tea parties and tell stories. Ask them why they had to pull their magazine ads a while back. Why would they lie to potential customers and who made them pull them.

Now that I wrote this I am sure foxpro will come bustin in and tell some woe is me story!

EDIT: as far as sounds go, it is ridiculous to say that foxpro sounds even compare to the WT vocalizations! Yes, even the mark II sounds or whatever those things are called. I have hunted over many types of foxpro callers with many many different sounds including the newer ones. Yup, they suck compared to the WT vocalizations.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

THO Game Calls

QuoteAs you well know, there are reasons why the FCC did not take legal action

That is utter horse crap and you know it.  To insinuate that the FCC struck a "deal" with a tiny insignificant company like Wildlife Technologies is laughable.  They would have fined them and been done with it had something been amiss.  But you know the truth, and so does FoxPro.....

And here is what I know too.....

When this all blew up two or three years ago I was really interested in buying a WT e caller.  But I was told by Fox Pro that if I did, and I got caught using it, I could be arrested and fined for violating FCC rules.

So I started doing my own investigating.  I ran into a few road blocks and finally said the hell with it and picked up the phone and called Senator Judd Greggs office.  I told them the situation, what was being said, that the product was made right here in NH, and could they help.

They gave me the phone number to the Head of the FCC Testing Facility in Maryland.  I called.  Talked first to a Secretary, told her I had been given the number by Senator Gregg.  Within a few minutes, I was talking to the director of the facility.

When the WT was certified, it was done In House, not outsourced as so many products were then.  The technician who did the testing and certification process was STILL working there.   In the end, I was told that the WT Remote and Receiver were completely legal, were certified and that I would NOT be arrested for using them and anyone who told me I would be was wrong.

Again, I challenge you to have ANYONE from FoxPro come here and tell us why the WT remote is or was illegal.  To show PROOF that it is, not just speculation.  I can read the FCC rules for FRS Radios as easily as the next guy, so spouting off those rules to me is meaningless and just a straw man for the real issue.  There is nothing anywhere that says the old WT remote was illegal.  To try and make people think the FCC struck a deal with Bill Martz and let him slide is beneath you.  If someone told you this, they screwed you.  It's one thing to support a company, to believe in them, and their product, but quite another to let them lead you around by the nose with absolutely no regard for your reputation by feeding you Bull Shit to spew the uninformed masses.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


yes Al, I remember you telling me that you did that in your shop. I guess Slippery people will do anything to sell their products!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

THO Game Calls

QuoteAs you well know, there are reasons why the FCC did not take legal action

Rich, I did a little research for you.   

Here is a quote from Mr. Dillon, so if someone from Fox Pro told you the above, I say again, they have no repsect for your reputation,

"if a manufacturer is turned in, then the FCC has no choice but to enforce its rules"

Mike Dillon October 5, 2005

So tell me how it is that Bill Martz is so special that the FCC did NOT take some action?

and another

"To try and gain an edge in the market place deceptively should be brought to everyone's attention"

Mike Dillon, October 5. 2005

That one I agree 100% with

Still waiting for some proof of the accusations that are STILL out there. 

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results



You are jumping to a lot of conclusions, and putting words in my mouth that I did not say.  Nobody leads me around by the nose, and I didn't say that the FCC gave Martz any special  treatment. Let me tell you a real world fact. If I was breaking FCC rules, I would likely talk to my Attorney for advice. If my Attorney advised me to change my ways, I would very likely change em. I said nothing here that I didn't believe to be true. You have a thin skin Al, and you should try to grow a thicker one. I should have kept my mouth shut about what I believe really took place. W.T. callers have always been good callers, and I have said that before. From the nasty tone you have taken in this matter, some folks may think that you are a salesman for W.T.   To claim that W.T. turned the power down on their callers simply to make them lighter is nonsense Al. Think about it
FoxPro didn't ask me to say anything  bad. about any company, and neither did Minaska. Lighten up Al, your blood pressure is rising.  :wink:
Foxpro Field staff