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Frozen ground dirthole set (pictorial)

Started by blakcoyote, February 26, 2008, 06:35:00 AM

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I see alot of posts on different forums about how to go about anti-freezing land sets.
  So about a month or so ago while putting in some sets I took pics of what I do.

   It was 9 degrees above zero this morning when I went out with a wind chill of about -10 below,a little nippy.

  Heres the lake a 1/4 mile from my house you can see how the wind is kickin' up snow on the ice.

First what I'll do is chip out the bed with a 3# chipping hammer or my 10# maul.I'll also dig a dirthole with my trowel by pounding it into the ground with my mini maul.My trowel handle is made with 3/4" round stock along with the T.It takes a beating and holds up well,the maul head is welded to a 3/4" round stock as well,with 1/4" round stock welded to the handle so it doesn't roll in my hand,and it takes some abuse as well.
Here's the frozen sod busters.

Here's the hole and the bed dug and ready to lay the steel.I use cable stakes and drive them in the center of the bed,notice the dish shape of the bed.Before bedding the trap I coat the bottom of the bed with rid ice or road runner,anything like that.It keeps things thawed out so the trap don't freeze down.

Then I'll add more dry dirt and anti-freeze to bring my bed up to bring my trap up higher.I use quite a bit of dirt and antifreeze,this gives a nice workable bed that stays thawed.
Next I'll bed the trap,notice the hollow under the trap,thats where my chain lays.

Once I have the trap bedded,I'll add more anti-freeze around the trap and push dirt under the trap to fill the void where the chain lays.The red arrows are where I'll take and tap the dirt with my hammer to firm up the trap,while tapping the dirt I'll hold the trap down with my hand on the jaws.

Then I'll lay a piece of wax paper over the pan and finish off the bed with dry dirt with anti-freeze mixed in.

A veiw from the side.A nice gob of RK's Predator Plus down the hole and a grass wad and she ready to go.

Now putting in a good set isn't gonna do you any good if your not on location.Heres some pics of the area I set.The white arrows are where I have two sets,coyotes are coming out of a logging road in the woods and crossing the road at the blue arrow,tracks are everywhere.They check out this little weed patch on there way through.

This pic shows it from the other side,the red arrows are where the traps are.When they get done checking this patch over,they head across the field in the depression and it takes them to a brush filled irrigation line,then head off into the woods about 150 yds away into the creek bottom that is there.I have traps set up there as well.

Hope you enjoy and hope it answered some questions.This is the way I do it,and you may do it alittle differently,depends on your style.My biggest thing is making a large bed so I can have a decent freeze proof bed that can be worked for the remake to come.I hope,lol.


As a guy who has never done any trapping, I find that fascinating.  Thanks for the pictorial, and good luck.

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