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Darn that was fun!!

Started by northern coyote, March 13, 2008, 11:05:26 PM

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northern coyote

Me and a buddy of mine just got back from our night excursion in search of coyotes, and boy did we find 'em!!! we went out around 7pm with a .222 and a 12ga loaded with some 0 buck we had. Any way, we head out on our 1st set up and sat for about 30mins or so. after not even hearing an approach, we decided to move onto our next spot situated about 2 miles away up 3 differant roads, we get 'bout 1/2way up the second one, 3/4 of a mile from our previous set up when we hear  a yote howling 'bout 1/4 from our old locale! :madd: so as we contemplate our return approach, I let out a lone howl to entice this coyote to stick around a spell, after my first note struck the cold night air, we had 4 open up in a draw on untouchable property 100yds away in a draw to our left!  :shck: this bout made each of our jaws drop, as we made a mad dash accross, the nearest cornfield to try and entice these newcomers to join the party, we spent the next hour playin howl tag with this new group as they ran up and down the draw, out of our sight and legal shooting limits (not to mention the road between us!) we decided to let this group go and we ambled on back to the truck to work out a new strategy. We decided that a hunt ending at 9:30 on a school night was too early to call it quits, so in true Creeker fashion we drove around all the huntable property we could think of, howling and calling in improvised blinds we literally fitted togather well, blind, after our 3rd set up, we decided that it was finnally time to call it quits, it was 10:30pm by this point, so we drove in the general direction of home, and stopped of at a menenites place that i hunt, to howl one more time, my buddy no more than gets to my side of the truck (drivers) when all i hear is 'Oh s#@%!!!' as i watch him run around the truck, as i turn to see what was the matter, all I see is a flash of 'yote fur runnin all out towards cover, 5yds away, then he was gone, apparently he was just perfectly situated behind a tree enough for us to not see him until my buddy was in the middle of the road at the right angle to see 'round the tree. haha,  even though we never got a shot off and the only coyote we saw was bookin it away, that has to be hands down the one of the best hunts I've ever been on
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


Holy Molely!  What a hunt. :biggrin:
W/ that many coyotes around we'll be see you w/a hero pix in here next.  :eyebrow:


Sounds like fun. Do you ever try any distress or do you strictly howl?


Sounds like a really good time.  :yoyo:
Keep after em, keep havin fun!

northern coyote

i was howling and barkin aggressive 90% and i had some distress (bobcat and pup) the rest, all the howlin was hand callin and the distress, and some of the more aggressive howls were on my WR e-caller
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time



sounds like a exciting night, thats why u go out n hunt for nights like that. no fur down.  but alot of memories