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How long do you stay on stand?

Started by alscalls, March 15, 2008, 05:39:23 PM

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What about when they hang up just out of sight and howl and yip and fight? What are they doing?
Sometimes they leave and come back again and never show themselves......... :confused:
Lets here it guys I know if you have been out ther you have had this happen. :eyebrownod:


Quote from: Bopeye on March 17, 2008, 11:32:53 PM

All I"m saying is that there are no hard and fast rules.

Dont ya got to get permission and a licence? :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Soory I cant help it, I hear ya Bobeye I just want to hear what everyone ele is doing so I can compare it with what I do.
I will never stop trying to learn, and this is alot of good information.
I can tell you and I would do some damage on them critters if we put our thunkers togeather. :eyebrownod:


Quote from: Frogman on March 16, 2008, 09:20:42 PM
   I'm looking forward to hunting with you.  We will just have to experiment with some different stand lengths and figure out which length kills the most dogs!  Then we can get all these guys straightened out.   :innocentwhistle:

JIm, we may just do that tomorrow.


 Stand length varies according to three factors.   Known coyotes in area,,, weather conditions,,,,, and how comfortable my butt is.


QuoteStand length varies according to three factors.   Known coyotes in area,,, weather conditions,,,,, and how comfortable my butt is.

yeah.  My legs usually start to fall asleep after 15 minutes.


I try and tell myself on every stand, the coyotes are there. Then I watch the birds and other animals and listen as well, for anything getting upset or maybe even too quiet. A lot of times, I can make a good assumption as to whether or not something is coming in.
Crows in the daytime I believe give me up before even getting started I know those yotes watch the birds so I will to.
I have stayed on stand for hours on many occasion and sometimes it pays off many times it does not. But I do not see any difference so Far as a short set sometimes paying off and many times not. I vote patients any day over wondering what happened after I left. But I am torn over covering a lot of ground in a day.
I don't think we will ever agree on the subject all together yet we can learn from it by sharing our successes and failures alike.
That is why we should watch these birds on Fins and Fur some are old like me, some are new, some are exited and making noise but if we watch em close we will all learn there good patterns and learn from the mistakes. :eyebrownod:
If we are patient.
What do you think? :wo:


Quote from: alscalls on March 20, 2008, 10:06:09 PM
That is why we should watch these birds on Fins and Fur some are old like me, some are new, some are exited and making noise but if we watch em close we will all learn there good patterns and learn from the mistakes. :eyebrownod:
If we are patient.
What do you think? :wo:
patience grasshopper! :laf:


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


I try to stay on stand 22 minutes. Don't ask me why I go with that number, it just seems to work. I also have long sound sequences setup in the FoxPro for that length of time. When I hear the Owl Hoot, that means it's time to pack it in and head to the next stand. Of course when it's -30ºF, I'm lucky to get 15 minutes before I have to get moving again.




Patience is something I never could get the hang of. :confused:


As long as I don't doze off I keep my stands to a 15 minute minimum and 20 minutes max. A vast majority of what I call in are usually there within the first 5 minutes.


Here in WV there are many times when they will come in howling after an hour or so. I do not know if it is just because I stay longer than most people or what but it happens all the time.


Probably just a difference in terrain and animals in the area. Here in the high desert I make more of shorter stands just to play the odds. I am sure that there has been instances where a coyote would come in after an hour I just don't wait around for it and go seek my fortune elsewhere. Unless you are hunting professionaly there really is no wrong way to do it.


we hunt mostly after dark but I have howled them in at 4:00pm in the summer and it took about an hour.


any where from 45 mins to an hour usually as long as the wind keeps working in my favor anyway
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Quote from: LORDDAL on April 12, 2008, 07:16:27 PM
any where from 45 mins to an hour usually as long as the wind keeps working in my favor anyway

That's what I'm talking about.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


  Stayed that long one nite working some noisy ones that wouldnt stick their heads out of the tree line at fifty yds. Almost lost a couple toes on that deal! Went out and bought some electric socks the next week.


We did a really long stand last night and they finnally cut loose but they were far off and would not move.
Frogman had a grey fox come and say hello to him, it was fun. :eyebrownod: