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BobD's Wood Howler - An Adventure with a Prototype

Started by THO Game Calls, March 27, 2008, 06:06:56 PM

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THO Game Calls

BobD asked me to make him a wood howler - 

Now every call maker worth his wood chips knows that a wood howler is nothing more than an open reed call body on steroids with a howler tone board in it.  Nothing special in that.  And for that fact, it just would not do for this project.  I had to come up with something else.

After much thought and a couple of beers, I had a brainstorm.  Or Fart you decide.

I grabbed a 2 x 2 x 4 inch block of maple, drilled it a bit off center and then sat down with the Foredom and a couple of Kutzall Bits.  I figured what was the worst that could happen?

When the big old Kutzal jumped off the end of the blank and hit my finger, that was bad,

But it wasn't the worst that could happen.   When it jumped off the second time, and got the same finger again, I figured I was getting close though.

When it jumped off the third time, I was READY!  Got that finger out of the way quick and thought to myself "ha - missed me sucker" to which the Foredom and Kutzal of Death just snickered as it made a bee line right for the fleece pull over I was wearing.  It proceeded to wrap it self up in the fleece at 18000 rpm and then jump up and smack me in the head and break the shaft of the Foredom.

A cup of coffee, a few bad words and a visit to the Foredom web site to order a couple more shafts and I was ready to try again.  This time with the Dremmel and a Smaller Kutzal of Death bit.  I got a band aide for the finger too.  And a couple spares just in case   :iroll:

A day later, I had something that I thought held some promise.

It's 5 3/4" long with the tone board.  I figure I will shorten it up about 3/4 of an inch on the next one.

If BobD likes the style I will dig up some nice wood this weekend and get started on it.  If not, back to the drawing board.


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Bob D

Ouch Al. Man I didn't mean to cause you a problem on this howler. Started off bad for sure but that style is like none i've ever seen, cool. I like it !!!!!!!!!!

Troy Walter

Hawks Feather

That is a neat looking call.  The finger doesn't sound so good.  So, you have a foreman for sale?   :wink:   Actually your finger doesn't look nearly as bad as I would have thought after looking at the tool head.


THO Game Calls

No. I can't sell the Foredom  - I really like that tool. 

I was trying to make a wood howler shaped like a horn howler.  I am getting close and I think the real one will come out very well.  I will get some nice wood either this weekend if I can find it or order some for you Bob.

And honest, it's no trouble LOL.   That was not the first shaft I have broken :)  Nor the second or third. 

Anyway, should not be long now before it is done for you.  Thanks for the opportunity to make it

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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The war wounds don't sound like much fun,  :nono:
but I like the call !   :congrats:


That is super nice. Ya might wish ya never posted it...the orders will start pouring in. :eyebrow:
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Just think... Only 9 more fingers and all your fingerprints will be removed.  :nono:  :laf:

The dreaded "Kutzal of Death" :roflmao:  Geeeeeze, that hurts me just looking at it.  :sad3:

I'll have to say, that's certainly a neat looking howler, quite unique. :highclap: Then again we have learned to expect such things from the man @THO.  :congrats:

Edit : 'cause sometimes I can't spale worth squat

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Sorry Jim.....that wasn't Chet, that was me.

Al, that thing is OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!! I love it.  :congrats:


Sorry, Jim...  can't help it. Some things just make me us want to drool. :laf:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Sorry to hear about the boo boo on your finger, just glad you still have it! :yoyo:  That is one howler to drool over, might you be making anymore? :innocentwhistle:


Man that thing looks awsome.  Bet it sounds good too!  ;yes;

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

THO Game Calls

Glad you liked the idea.  BobD I will be wood shopping this weekend - will see what I can come up with.

As for making more, I will probably put some on the web site in the future. 

Krusty does calls like this, and his work is amazing.  It is what gave me the inspiration to try this.  I've also been informed that there is another call maker making wood howlers in the same style.  I offer my apologies to him for sniping his idea.  I think the ones I make will be different enough that there wont be any overlap or confusion on other folk's part, and give him credit for making them first.   

My finger is fine, I just thought it was funny how it all happened which is why I posted.   It was a learning experience.  I know where to hold the wood now, and to keep those fat fingers out of the way  :roflmao:

Thank you again for the comments on the call. I appreciate it.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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Very nice Al !  As for "sniping" an idea, that is not so. Most people that think about something long enough and hard enough, (and care enough) will come up with the same ideas. Weve all seen it many times in callmaking. There are many logical conclusions as to how to build something in callmaking.
I have seen a few cowhorn shaped howlers made from wood back in the late 80's/ early 90's. One from a guy that carved duck decoys I think, I remember it was carved mostly using his power carving tool.

Bob D

Careful with those fingers. I don't want any of them MIA or damaged.  :madd: I would imagine that I will want you to make me something else in the future and you are gonna need all those fingers to do it. :nofgr:


Great looking howler!  She's a beauty! :highclap:

Guess I don't feel so bad now all those times I turned the drill press on and forgot I let the chuck attached.  Ziiiiiiiiiing......... It goes flying across the room.  Just missed the TV last week. :laf:


Brad H

Super nice AL!! Krusty was the first thought that came to mind when I saw that call. I have a soft spot for a nice wood call that goes beyond the lathe. And that's not an easy thing to do.

Terrific work!
