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Started by KySongDog, April 18, 2008, 05:01:08 AM

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We just got hit with an earthquake about 4:35am.  Woke me and the wife up. Shook about 10 seconds.  The bedroom dresser was doing a dance!

Anybody else feel it in West Kentucky?



 :shck:  Hope you all made it thru without any severe damage or injuries!! We're thinking about you up here Semp!!

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



Woke us up too.  I didn't know what the H... was going on!  You were alot closer to it than us, you must have had quite a ride!  Hope nobody was hurt.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Same thing here everything was rattling, and I'm way up in Wisconsin  :huh:
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We're all OK.  Don't know if there is any damage yet.  Have to wait till its light outside.  The news is saying it was 5.4 on the Richter scale. (Whatever that means) 

I just know it rattled the bedroom furniture but good!   :shck:   :eyebrownod:



Felt it too in Middle TN.......I thought my wife was cold......so I............. :eyebrow:


We just got an after shock, lasted 3-4 seconds.  The whole house shook.



Quote from: Semp on April 18, 2008, 05:31:57 AM
We're all OK.  Don't know if there is any damage yet.  Have to wait till its light outside.  The news is saying it was 5.4 on the Richter scale. (Whatever that means) 

I just know it rattled the bedroom furniture but good!   :shck:   :eyebrownod:


Looks like the gumment has down graded the quake to 5.2 on the Richter scale.  Whew!  I feel LOTS better now.  They had me worried there for awhile.   :doh2:


Red Dog

Glad all is well.No need for the alarm this A.M Huh!!!! :hahaha:

Jimmie in Ky

Just wigled the bed a bit and rattled the cabinets some. Where was it centered? Jimmie


Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on April 18, 2008, 11:47:19 AM
Just wigled the bed a bit and rattled the cabinets some. Where was it centered? Jimmie

It was centered about 48 miles NW from me in southern Illinois by Bellmont.  The after shock registered 4.6 on the scale. 

That's a once in a life time event. (I hope)  :biggrin:



5.2/5.4 is a respectable enough quake.   Glad nobody was hurt at your place Semp.   Heard about it earlier this morning from a friend who is real close near Salem, IL.

I lost a house to a 5.9 followed by a 5.8 a half hour later that I was about 50 miles from the epicenter of about 40 years ago, and half a housed to one a few years before that I was only a block off the fault line of.   I don't remember how big that one was.     Been through a lot of earthquakes that I was well within 75 miles of.   Us westcoasties who grew up and lived with quakes all of the time just kind of ignore them unless the house is coming down around us.   It's common to get dozens to hundreds of after shocks too with the first of them nearly as big as the original quake, they could go on for weeks and sometimes do more damage than the original quake.   

USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus


 I posted this somewhere else but I'll copy it here. This one bugged the heck out of me, and I'm probably 2x as far away from th epicenter as you KY folks:

Illinois - California Style

Illifornia? (man I like that term, think I'll remember it)

5.2 earthquake this AM that scared the crap out of me - only because I didn't know it was an earthquake.

I was awake and feeling more than a bit puny due to having a few too many drinks with a friend last night. I was working on a web page prototype for a friend and was testing an effect that flashed a bright red object on the screen. While that was loading and starting to flash I picked up a drink glass from last night and was marveling at how crappy a little bit of that amber liquid can make you feel.
About that time my body started rocking or swaying from side to side at a very slow rate.

Talk about thinking WTF! I had about 500 medical maladies that could be the cause of that affliction run through my mind in the time that the swaying transpired. That red flashing object just kept swing back and forth as my head swayed side to side. MS, epilepsy, stroke, syphilis, MD, palsy, you name it, I wondered about it.

I just sat here feeling pretty damned sorry for my self. Feeling like you did not have control of you muscles for almost a full minute is disconcerting.

I was really unnerved by the thought of a having a bad Texas 5th of Jack Daniels.

You can not begin to imagine the relief I felt an hour or so later when it was announced over the radio that we had had an earthquake.

Certainly not my first earthquake, nor the strongest one. This one was different somehow. Super slow oscillations, so long in duration.


Jimmie in Ky

In 68 I felt a lot like Joe, only I was about 8 years old and sober  :laf: I was trying to brush my teeth and it started. Lasted for just seconds but it semed like an eternity. I was on the second floor of a balloon framed building and that sucker could flat rock. It was just a 4 something on the scale , but I was located within five miles of the center.

Sitting where I live , I am between the two fault lines , wabash and new madrid. We get small ones all the time here that very few people even feel. Some 3 hundred last year. I hope this one isn't th prelude to the big one on the new madrid. If it is folks all over t midwest are going to be in for a rude awakening. And it will do far more damage because of this little one. I am quite sure everything here will break down for some time.  If your not aware of earthquake preparedness, get some info to help you in case. The newmadrid will break down everything you are used to in comunictions, powerlines etc. .

And even Jim will definately feel that puppy as far away as he is, most of you will. Jimmie


I'm glad to hear yall are ok.  We had one years ago up here but I slept through it all.


I felt it at work ,I work midnights  and the concrete floor did a dance for about 10 seconds! .  :whew: :whew:


I'm in central Illinois, and the early one woke me up.  House was a creaking and poppin a little.  The wife said she could hear the dishes in the hutch making some clatter.  It seemed like it was longer than 10 seconds though.

And I felt the next one around 10:15 am as well.  It was pretty cool experience to feel both of them.  I figured the second one was a big machine in the shop just shaking the place, but after it lasted a few seconds, then we all figured it must have been an aftershock.

We heard that the aftershock registered around a 4.5

hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


Didn't get even a jiggle over here in CO.  I don't miss them, though.  I got more than my share of shakers when I was in CA.  Between 1971 and 1999 I was treated to the Sylmar 6.7; Mammoth 6.1, 5.9, 5.8, 6.0 (all on the same day!); Gorda 7.2; Coalinga 6.5; Whittier 5.9; Loma Prieta 6.9; Joshua Tree 6.1; Landers 7.3; and Hector 7.2.  Four of these quakes were centered less than 20 miles from where I was living.  Lost a lot of plaster, dishes, picture frames, and bay windows.  You get used to them though, and don't even look up unless they're magnitude 5.2 or better.   But I'm glad everyone had a fun ride and no one panicked or got hurt.


Did not feel it here in WV. I am glad everyone is OK.


We have had little ones here in NH before, never knew it until we where told. The last one was centered in upstate NY I believe.

I got a friend up there, it kicked him outta bed.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!