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Coyotes ran us out of the woods.

Started by Bopeye, April 26, 2008, 08:51:15 PM

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Yeah Bop, I'll have to go along with old Frogman on this one.  You need to eat a double helping of that famous Land Between the Lakes Chili, heavily spiced with Weedwalker's Coyote Helper, and then head back out to that place.  When those damned coyotes come in to start playing that game, just drop down on all fours, or is it fives?, and aim the dangerous end of your big butt at 'em, and fire off a couple of real loud, violent farts!  If that don't stop 'em, head up a tree cause those coyotes are too tough to mess with!  :roflmao: :roflmao:  You might consider taking along a well greased funnel to insert properly and really give 'em the musket effect. :laf: :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


 :roflmao: @ ^^^^

Danged it ... Bop
I'm gone for a few days and you almost get yourself ate !!! :sad3:   

I can see it all now.... One coyote looks to another and says:

Man ... You see the size of that chicken? :shck: :sick2:

Glad you made it out alive  :biggrin:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


:roflmao: :laf: :hahaha: :roflmao:


Maybe need a change in walkin' sticks.  :eyebrow:

A Boar Spear by Cold Stee!l  :innocentwhistle:

It slices, it dices, ........... but wait there's more!  :laf:


You guys are just too much.     :yoyo: :roflmao:
You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Too much what, Mr. Frogman? Or should I have said "Ribot, ribot ribot, rrrrrrribot"?  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: coyotehunter_1 on April 27, 2008, 02:05:53 PM
:roflmao: @ ^^^^

Danged it ... Bop
I'm gone for a few days and you almost get yourself ate !!! :sad3:   

I can see it all now.... One coyote looks to another and says:

Man ... You see the size of that chicken? :shck: :sick2:

Glad you made it out alive  :biggrin:

It just dawned on me the "chicken thing" there Mr. Chet. I owe ya buddy and glad to see ya back from Las Vegas........... :yoyo: :highclap: :congrats:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: vvarmitr on April 27, 2008, 08:27:17 PM
Maybe need a change in walkin' sticks.  :eyebrow:

A Boar Spear by Cold Stee!l  :innocentwhistle:

It slices, it dices, ........... but wait there's more!  :laf:

That's what I'm talking about..........where do I get one?  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I wonder what 6 yotes could do to 2 huntin dogs?  I run beagles and walkers.  Don't think the walkers would have too much trouble.  But the beagles would make a snack for multiple yotes.
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


QuoteSeriously though Bop, I'm actually surprise that doesnt happen more often. Dogs running through coyote living rooms while deer hunting and getting gang banged.

I'm a little late with my reply but it happens all the time around here.  If they dont give your dogs a hard time face to face, they're letting you know its their territory vocally.


Quote from: bushmaster on May 06, 2008, 01:02:22 AM
I wonder what 6 yotes could do to 2 huntin dogs?  I run beagles and walkers.  Don't think the walkers would have too much trouble.  But the beagles would make a snack for multiple yotes.

Bushmaster:  I wouldn't rely too heavily on that part about the Walkers.  I have a friend down in Woodford County, and he and his buddy are hard nosed coon hunters.  Their two coon hounds, both big rascals, had a coon up a tree in the river bottom, and a bunch of coyotes ran in on them and they had one hell of a fight.  My buddies can't be sure how many coyotes were involved, as the deal broke up as they got there with their lights, but one fellow said he saw two big yotes giving his black and tan all he wanted.  They are dirty fighters and don't think a thing about having several attack one dog.  On this particular farm, it is adjacent to the farm I killed a 58 lb. male several years ago, so big runs in the bloodlines around there.  If dogs are in their territory, I doubt that the size of the dogs would keep them from attacking, even if they have to recruit the whole damn family group.  Paul Rose, who was one of the original developers of High Point Golf Course here in Jessamine County, told me that when they were doing the original layout for the course, he was mowing one morning, and he saw his big black lab and his Irish Setter chase a yote across one of the fields, and later he heard them squalling their asses off and saw them heading for home with what appeared to be a dozen or more yotes in hot pursuit.  Wiley is one bad ass, and you can bet on that.  He is at the top of the food chain in our part of the world, with no wolves around, and he sure won't tolerate other canines in his territory. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: possumal on May 06, 2008, 07:01:20 AM
They are dirty fighters and don't think a thing about having several attack one dog.
Up north of here coyotes got in a fenced in yard & killed one of those big bad guard dogs that everyone's afraid of. They're supposed to be worse than the pitbull & I can't think of the name, let alone spell it.   :doh2:

Ya got to remember ..... coyotes make a living by killing.  Your dog doesn't!  :nofgr:

Mt. Curs are about the best breed to handle coyotes. They're quick, smart, & gritty.  But they're still no match when out numbered.  :rolleye:


I just got a call TODAY about a guy turkey hunting a leased 4000 acres. Somehow he got away from his gun and was treed by some yotes. :laf:
Guess who has permission to hunt it now......... :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:
I am meeting with him next week. :wink:
I do not know the whole story yet but you could tell he was embarrassed to say it.  :shck: :roflmao:


Hey possumal, thats a serious event you mentioned.  And vic had a good point about yotes killin for a living.  guess i better keep the m4 handy.  Or... fashion myself a coyote poker.
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


Victor: I expect you are talking about a Rottweiller.  They are bad ass dogs, no doubt about it, but a quicker dog can give them fits. A pair of big coyotes would give one mucho trouble, and three or four coyotes would make it no match.  That is the main reason Cal Taylor, Merv Griswold, Scott Huber, Murphy Love, and some of those experienced coyote decoy dog trainers always train their dogs to come to either a whistle or some such signal. They don't want them to be so aggressive that they'll chase a yote too far and get attacked by a bunch of those rascals who would kill him.  They are surely the most opportunistic animal in this part of the world, both on the appetite end of things and on the defending their territory category.  Old Bill Bynum used to say they weren't scared of anything except wolves and man, and it is beginning to look like they may be losing their fear of man by teaming up more in defense. Hell, they tried to eat poor old Bopeye, with him all hurt and all.  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff