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Anyone know this Person?

Started by Carolina Coyote, April 28, 2008, 08:15:09 PM

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Carolina Coyote

Back in January of this year I was at the Hunt Club cabin and heard a knock at the door, when I open the door there stood this tall, lanky hairy person that I swear that looked like he had been drug out from under a pile of sage brush in the old west :laf:, Well he seem like a pretty nice fellow and I invited him in and we chatted for a while and he indicated he would like to do a little Predator Hunting, so I go out and get Elvira our touring car and we Cruise the property looking for fresh sign and for some possible setup's for the next morning then back to the cabin to get a bite to eat and a few sips of Bush Mills that he brought in and a few sips of some white stuff in a jug that we use for an occasional mouth wash, after an hour or so Predator hunting talk and this fellow going to sleep sitting up in a chair :confused: don't know if he was tired or bored? we decided to hit the rack to get some rest for the big Hunt. Next Morning I was up bright and early and put on a pot of coffee to brew, I sat down at the table putting on my boots when I heard this rumbling and mumbling in the back bed room, looking over my shoulder and I saw two big long arms sticking out from the hallway, my first impression was 'Good Lord its Frankenstein"  :shck: and then the rest of the hairy creator entered the Den, at that moment I started to leave the cabin as I thought "its Big Foot in a dress" but then I began to under stand what the creator was mumbling " coooffeeee, coooffeeee, coooffeeee, well then I recognized it was my visitor in his night gown, I mean I'm sorry his Housecoat :doh2:. Boy! I sure was glad I had the coffee on. Well needless to say we had a couple of cups of coffee and then a day and a half of good hunting together, not all of my pictures turned out real well but below is a couple of this fellow with some of his trophies, if this fellow ever comes knocking on your door , let him in and take him hunting, I really enjoyed his visit and company.cc

Bills Custom Calls


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Here's one and I do recognize that scary dude.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Carolina Coyote




Bills Custom Calls

I thought thats who it was

I have  a few pics of this old codger also

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


DAYUM!!! I'm glad I've been awake for the last 12 hours!! Otherwise that woulda scared stuff outta me I never knew I had!!

:roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
Carl, you ol'coot, you don't forget a thing do ya!  :nono:  :laf:
I sure had a wonderful time w/ ya. 
On the way down Carl  all but guarrenteed me a coyote.  I says "Carl, it sounds like you might have one already tied up & waiting for me."   While we were cruisen the plantation in the lap of luxcury in Elivira we come upon a coyote in a trap. Carl tells me to go shoot it.   So I did. :shrug:   Toten the critter out I look over at Carl & say see you did have one tied up for me!  :roflmao:
Now iffen ya'll ever want to see a picture of CC just look in the Dictionary under Southern Hospitality.  They should have a picture of him right there. :wink:

Ha. Ha.  Aren't you funny HaMeR.  :noway:

Carolina Coyote

Hey VV, Hope I did't offen you in anyway, I had such a good time with you I could not forget and just wanted to share  some of the experience with the guys on the board. cc


 :laf: :laf:  On occasion. But I guess this wasn't one of those occasions huh??  :shrug:

:laf: :laf:

VV is a good guy to hang around with Carl. We've had some fun the last couple years chasin on thing or another.  :biggrin:  He had nothing but very good things to say about the way you took care of him.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: Carolina Coyote on April 29, 2008, 07:23:35 PM
Hey VV, Hope I did't offen you in anyway,
You offen me????  :shck: 
:laf:  You're joking, right?   :shrug:
But if you want another chance to try & offen me how about I show up again in Jan. 09?  :biggrin:

Actually Carl this post blessed my socks off.  I didn't have those pictures.  Except on my cell phone.  :iroll:

Quote from: HaMeR on April 29, 2008, 07:27:36 PM
I guess this wasn't one of those occasions huh??   :shrug:
Nope!  :pout:

:laf:  :laf:  :laf:

Carolina Coyote

Sounds like a winner to me VV, If you remember the first set up we made in the woods, I called up a 25 lbs Putdy cat last Saturday at that spot and a friend got the shot, yeeha! Stay in touch still lots of cat running around. cc



Yall plan another trip in Jan. 09 I want to come along too!!!! :eyebrownod:
Ronnie Cannon



Ahh geeze Ronnie, I don't know?  :wo:

'spect maybe you should come.  Don't know iffen I'll get to see ya at the LBL.  :innocentwhistle:

Ya got my okay.  ;yes;


Don't you worry brother I will be at the LBL this year!!! I hate I missed it last year, well maybe not that bad since we did smoke some critters that weekend in GA. I did miss seeing all of my friends though. Fast as time goes by it won't be but a blink and it will be here again next year. So see ya soon.
Ronnie Cannon
