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All Smiles this morning

Started by Carolina Coyote, April 30, 2008, 02:16:39 PM

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Carolina Coyote

Got a call from a friend Saturday that said he had a friend that had a Coyote problem on a piece of property he leased last year for Deer Hunting and wanted to know if I would come up and try and calling the property, well a new piece of property always perts my ears up but when he told me that one of the guys in the hunt club had 14 coyotes come under his stand one evening during Deer season that really got my attention. I went up on Sunday and rode over the property with this fellow and found some sign and spots to setup, his 11 year old son was there also and he lives with his Mother across the road from the property and he said just about every night and early in the morning he could hear the Coyotes  howling, yipping. Sooo this morning I picked up my friend and we called a spot behind his Dad's house that we heard pups yipping a week ago, no response this morning, we then went to the new property and after making 3 setups around some fields and thicket's with no response we walked up an old logging road up the side of small mountain where the timber had been cut about 8 years ago until we came upon a draw by the road that looked promising, I put my friend where he had a good view down the draw an a thickets on his left side, I then moved to his right about 20 yards and started calling, after about 15 minutes calling,  Crows squawking several Hawks flying overhead and yard Dogs barking in the distance with one sounding like he was coming to the call, I got out my Kee's Howler and made a couple of long howls then made a few barks at the yard Dog waited a couple of minutes a started making Puppy whines on the Howler I had been stopped calling for about 30 sec when my friend shot, he had heard the dog coming down in the draw, the wind was coming from our right and the dog came Thu the draw to the Thicket on our left and my friend got several glances of him as he circled around to our left and stuck his head up over a little rise, my friend shot him with a Seven mm and the Dog died Graveyard dead. This was my friends first Coyote, he had went out with me a couple of other times when we had no response, so now we have another Coyote Hunter, he did real good he heard the dog coming and then got the glimpse of the dog and had his gun pointed in the right spot and when that dog stuck his head up. BINGO.

Here are a few pictures:

  Wayne and his first Dog

The Dog came in avbout the center of this picture.

Hawks Feather

Nice write up and pics.  Tell Wayne congratulations and that next time he calls and you can shoot.   :innocentwhistle:



You told me that property would produce a coyote, didn't you? Way to go!!  :yoyo:
Ronnie Cannon


Brad H

Great job guys!!!

I miss it already but I'm holdin out till fall. The ticks are bloodthirsty and viscous as ever up here right now.



Very cool!!!!!!!! Congrads! :yoyo:


Bills Custom Calls


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


You trained him well didn't you Ronnie :eyebrow:

Nice job guys  :congrats:
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Nice job...  :yoyo:

I got my first one in December, and then was with a freind of mine when he got his first, and helped another gte his first (even though I wasn't there). I was still just as excited and I didn't even get to pull the trigger.


Congratulations !
Both to your buddy on his first coyote,
and, the way it sounds, to you for gettin this piece of ground to hunt on.  :wink:


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


WTG Wayne and CC!!!!!!!!!!
:yoyo: :yoyo:



WTG CC!  :yahoo:  :yahoo:  :yahoo:

Instead of calling you CC for Carolina Coyote we're gona start calling you CC for Coyote Caller!   :bowingsmilie:

Thanks so much for the story & pix.  :biggrin:


NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing




Quote from: FinsnFur on April 30, 2008, 07:50:44 PM
You trained him well didn't you Ronnie :eyebrow:

Nice job guys  :congrats:

Carl and myself have put in quiet a few stands together. I wish I had more time to hunt a lot more than I do. Hopefully by this coming season I will have some of my work caught up or at least figure out how manage it a little better. So Carl and myself can do a little more calling.

We have hunted enough together now that we can just about read one another's mind, especially in how to setup and where to sit. That kind of thing. Looking for many more trips hunting with CC.
Ronnie Cannon


Carolina Coyote

Lots of good comments on this post, Ronnie has been a great mentor for me and I really enjoy hunting with him and really look forward to more Hunting trips with him and his son Drew, a True Sportsman and a super person to be around and eager to share what he know about Coyote Hunting, I have learned a lot from him and from this Forum, The support from the more experienced Coyote Hunters to those just beginning has really impressed me, Thanks for all the atta boys and support. cc