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1st Pennsylvania Predator Expo and calling comp.

Started by bigben, May 01, 2008, 12:15:39 PM

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If anybody wants a ride from the west I'll be heading over early saturday morning. I have plenty of room in the truck, just meet me along I-80 somewhere.



Quote from: FinsnFur on July 08, 2008, 10:20:58 PM
:confused: :confused: I'm getting a warning that a virus called trojan-downloader.js.remora.bp is on your site when I click your link Ben

I have told our webmaster about it and he keeps saying it is in the board not the actual files on the cpanel.  I tried all I could in getting him to fix it.  here soon I will have to call the main man at the server and get it fixed. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


not in the board he said the server.  sorry.
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


I'd be on the phone with ANOETICCONCEPTS.COM which by the looks of things is who owns that server and give them an ear full.

Anoetic Concepts
PO Box 8448
Kirkland, WA 98034 USA
(888) 212-1535
(206) 600-7828

Anyone who knowingly resides a trojan on their server like that shouldn't even be hosting sites. The fact alone that it got in, tells you what kind of set up they are running.

Looks like your domain expires Oct 11th. I'd tell them to go hell, seriously.

Any mail that gets sent from your site is also going to have that in it, and before long your site will be on every MX Blackist in the country. That's just the beginning.
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well i got in contact with the server through out the day and he has told me he has scaned the server and it looks like our virus is in the phpBB coding.  I need to talk to the officers this weekend if we want to just wipe the slate clean and start a new one or try to upgrade and see if that takes care of it.  I know that our server guys website is ultrahost.us  I am not sure what is going on.  I am not sure if the webmaster is lying or what.  I am going to try to convince em to switch servers.  the webmaster now wants to go to blue host.  not sure on what the course of action will be.  we are having elections in a few weeks so I doubt that the current administration will have time to fix the problem.  I do know that we only use about 1 % of what we pay for.  I would like to support your hosting service jim personally if we are too move.  but I have no clue what the repercutions would be with pissin off the new webmaster.  he is a kid 21 yrs old that stepped up to do the job.  he has his own website bussiness and I think if we make him mad he won't stay on.  volunteer ya know.  and if that would happen we would need someone to change stuff on the board. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Do you have to be a member of the PPHA to call in the contest?



I wasn't trying to fast talk you into becoming a hosting client of mine, Ben. It just baffles me being in the business that someone with supposedly positive intentions in the same business could shrug off something so serious.

I understand where your at with the current administration and the qualms moving could incur. It's a huge step for some people.
Whether they move or not though something really needs to be done about the trojan. Any host worth spit will say the same thing, and right now anybody is looking better then who you have.

There's nothing wrong with bluehost if thats who they have there sights set on. At least nothing that I have heard.

I'll stop hijacking your thread, I dont wanna make a mess of it for ya.:wink:
Let me know if there's anything I can do
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I never took it as trying to fast talk your way into it bubba.  the webmaster that I guess should be handling this has not really done so.  he has just left it go.  who's responsibility is this?  the webmaster or the servers?

you do not need to be a ppha member but you do need to be a pa resident.  sorry.  if you were a member of the ppha and out of state before we announced the calling comp then you would still be allowed to call.  I think next year we are going to open the calling comp up to all the states that border pa.
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Wtg Ben, cooking in this heat musta been a killer !!!  From what I've read it was a huge success !!!!!


The expo was probably one of the most organized things I have ever been apart of.  I heard of only a few people that said they enjoyed the seminars.  I would not know though.  I was stuck in the kitchen.  I have been told the kids seminar was a great one along with all the other speakers.  it was nice to meet a few people and put some names to faces.  it was great to meet Dave Kaprocki pete hauer andrew lewand and his father,  along with sonny pruitt which was a total surprise that he was there.  The calling contest winner was ernie wilson/buckwheat.  second was curtis houser/bootmud and third was tim dekard/lookn4fur.  we had 8 callers.  and the points between 1st and 8th was only 30 points.  First and second was only 1 point apart.  top score was 308 scores were over 7 sounds.  two lowest sounds dropped. 

I would like to thank.  foxpro for the donation to the building and also for flying out the winner to compete at the worlds in late august.  if you are gonna be there introduce yourself to ernie.
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


After a day of conversing with some of the best and most notable folks in the predator calling industry the 1st Annual PA Calling Cometition took place. 

I'm sure most of the callers were nervous to start, maybe not quite as nervous as me but that didn't last long.  The backstage area for the callers was more like the green room for a Larry the Cable Guy show and not a competitive event.

The judges were bombarded with sounds that included bird dist., coaxing dist, coyote pup kiyi's, rabbit dist, chicken dist, field mouse dist, and more.

Then came the coyote vocalizations.  The sounds included adult coyote kiyi's, challange howls, lone howls, and more.

I was simply amazed at the different styles and sounds the contestants were making.  As one caller mentioned everyone of those sounds by the callers was more than efficient to call in any coyote across the country and how were the judges to pick???

The support by the contestants to one another was great. Words of encouragement were constantly tossed around to make each other confident in their calling. 

I believe Lifes2Fun made mention after the event that there was no way he would have wanted to be a judge.  He also made mention that from his side of the curtain the sounds were very realistic and that the judges were under alot pressure to critique the sounds by the unseen callers.

In the end the scores were all very close but Ernie WIlson - Buckweat one of our very own HPA member and former pres. of the PPHA took top honors.

Second place went to bootmud and LookN4Fur rounded out the top 3 with third place. I'd like to congratulate all the contestants for a job well done and again I was absolutely amazed at the calling styles of all the competitors, I learned a great deal.  It was a great event and I'm glad I was able to participate and my hats off to the judges.  Thanks You to all the judges!

1st Place - Ernie Wilson (Buckweat)

2nd Place - Curtis Houser (bootmud)

3rd Place - Tim Deckard (LookN4Fur)

All the Callers

All the callers from left to right.... Duffman, Steve Frye (YoteHunter74), Uncle Buck, Ben Smyser (BigBen), Curtis Houser (bootmud), Tim Deckard (LookN4Fur), Timmer ?, and Ernie Wilson (Buckweat).



Congratulations Ernie, Curtis and Tim...I couldn't stay for the entire comp, but what I did hear sounded absolutely awesome. My hats off to all of you guys for participating.

Curtis, I told ya you should have tried my calls...you probably would have won it all :biggrin: :biggrin:



Steve, yer call must have been one of the tricks he left out of his purse...er..  fanny pack  :biggrin:


I've found a new appreciation for the "Man Purse".  :eyebrow:


Thanks for nice words about my calls, However I am not sure what you mean about me being run off the other board. I just got tired of paying for it there and selling calls,
Kind of takes the fun out of it if you know what I mean. I just want to make calls and enjoy it for a little wile.

As far as a speaker, I only had one hour of time to tell everything there is to know. lol

I would have also liked to see Brent there; He was invited as far as I know. I think he is a go getter. Some day I hope he will come to a hunt or an event; there are a lot of PA guys that like him. I may be one of them if I ever get to meat him. Al, some day I would like to shoot the bull with you also.

THO Game Calls

Hey Ernie -

Just forget I said ANYTHING. 

Internet Caller Extraordinaire
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Congrats guys :congrats:
I'm gonna leave the man purse thing alone :innocentwhistle: :nono: :laf:

Thanks for bringing in the breakdown and pics bootmud :wink:

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Forgotten already, BigBen had one of your calls hanging on his neck, so I finally got to run my grubby fingers on one of your bonker calls at this event. Sure is a neat little call.


Hey there Buckwheat! Welcome aboard! :biggrin:

Hey is that guy on the right, in the orange T-shirt, in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th pix, the President of the PPHA?.  :wo:


Thanks for the welcome I appreciate it; I had been on this board a little wile though. I just have not posted much and yes that is the president of PPHA he is nice guy.