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Tough Coyote

Started by Rprince, June 27, 2008, 08:33:04 AM

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Yesterday, after doing my honeydoos when I got home from work, me & a buddy decided to make a few stands before dark.

The first place looked good but nothing showed.

Next, we went to a place in town that I wanted to try. While we were talking to the landowner I noticed a neighbor coming across the field on his Gator, he drove right through the area that I wanted to hunt :argh:. His 2 dogs were trailing behind and they stayed in the field after he left. We were getting ready to leave when I heard a scream coming from where the dogs were. I knew from the sound that it was a deer so we ran across the field & kicked the dogs off. The fawn wasn't hardly knee high & couldn't have weighed over 12 lbs. After we made sure the dogs weren't coming back we headed up the road to another spot.

We then set up on a bean field that was bordered by a big corn field. After about 10 minutes a coyote came out of the corn field and headed for the call. When my partner moved to get a shot the dog saw us & barked, I had just got my scope on the dog when my buddy shot, I could see the dead coyote pellets when they hit the dog in the rear :hahaha: . My partner shot the dog 3 times with dead coyote from 40 - 70 yards, & I pulled the trigger on my AR 5 times, 4 of my shots connected either behind the shoulder or in the gut. We knocked the dog down 3 times but he still managed to get in the corn field. We found plenty of blood & I'm sure the coyote was dead within 50 yards of us but it was to dark to try & find a dead coyote in the corn.

I don't shoot ballistic tips this time of year but the hollow points sure disappointed me yesterday :rolleye:.

I wish I hadn't left my camera at home, it would have been nice to have a few pictures of the deer


Dang Randy........who taught you to shoot?  :hahaha:

Just kidding.......We will get out soon enough.


Quote from: DirtyDog on June 27, 2008, 09:20:55 AM
Dang Randy........who taught you to shoot?  :hahaha:

Just kidding.......We will get out soon enough.

Hey A-hole I said I hit him 4 out of 5 times.  :confused:  :pout:   :biggrin:

This one wasn't crippled like the last one you shot! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:  He was actually moving on all 4 feet!!!! :biggrin:


 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Yeah.......I gues I needed him to be 3 legged and trotting off while I was shooting at him free hand from 100 yards away.  :biggrin:

You know, I was just thinkin, 2 out of the 4 stands we have called something in at, have been doubles. That first one was, so was the next one, then the last 2 were singles, but between me, you and George, we have taken every one except that first one. 5 out of 6 isn't too shabby.


Last year was my best as far as the final killing ratio. Between me & partners we killed 25 & only 3 or 4 got away & some of these were doubles or triples where it was difficult to get another shot.

After starting back up a few weeks ago I'm 5 for 5! I hope it stays that way.


Quote from: Rprince on June 27, 2008, 09:42:48 AM

Hey A-hole ...

:roflmao: :roflmao:

I never have had much luck with varmint hollowpoints. But it's good to hear someones getting some action.
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Rprince, I know how it feels to get a good shot on one and then watch it run off. It happened to me last Saturday. I was shooting 100 gr SP out of my .243. :argh:


Pssst......... {whispering, Bop says} hey boys, did ya hear Dirty Dog get called an A-hole?  :hahaha: :laf:
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Quote from: Bopeye on June 27, 2008, 11:25:38 AM
Pssst......... {whispering, Bop says} hey boys, did ya hear Dirty Dog get called an A-hole?  :hahaha: :laf:



Quote from: FinsnFur on June 27, 2008, 10:53:56 AM
Quote from: Rprince on June 27, 2008, 09:42:48 AM

Hey A-hole ...

:roflmao: :roflmao:

I never have had much luck with varmint hollowpoints. But it's good to hear someones getting some action.

I always shoot ballistic tips during the fur season, but this time of year I shoot the cheapest (non-fullmetal jacketed) bullet that I can find. DirtyDog shoots them high priced bullets all year. Me - I'm a cheap A-Hole. :wink: