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Just some nice pics.

Started by HaMeR, June 27, 2008, 08:40:51 PM

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Diane has been snapping them off with the camera I got her for CHRISTmas. Man is that thing nice too. I hope you enjoy them.   :biggrin:
July 21,'08  Sunset after a bad storm rolled thru the area. That is the runway at the small airport up the street from my house. It almost looks like a lake.

Rainbow from 6/24.

Robin nest on our back porch light.  :biggrin:

2 Red fox 50yds off the road in the bean field. I have permission to hunt this particular farm. One has a big white tip on it's tail.

These 2 bucks are just down the road in my neighborhood on unhuntable land.   :sad:  The big buck has a split right brow tine.

And a big ol skunk we saw this evening.  :puke:   :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


HEY! I really enjoyed those pics. :yoyo: I needed that :wink:
I turnned down a real good coyote hunt this evining.........I just aint up to it yet, so keep em comming.......Cheers me up.


What kind of camera did ya get her?

That top pic would be awesome without the chain link fence and the cars. man that wet pavement just glows in the sunset.
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Your wife has some talent. I got my wife a camera two years ago to help save our marriage :eyebrownod: She was tired of me traveling on out of state duck hunting trips and getting kind of grumpy about it. So I got her the Canon Digital XTI with two lenses and a pair of WADERS :biggrin: Now she goes into the duck blind with me and shoots her camera
#1700 God's Speed my brother


Tell the wife I enjoyed the pics and get out and take some more.

QuoteWhat kind of camera did ya get her?

Jim from the looks of the pics I think it is a Sony Cyber-shot  DSC-H7.



Diane said Thanks a lot but she just sees things she likes & shoots em.  :biggrin: She's just a rookie but I think she does a nice job with the camera.

CCP nailed it on the camera. I don't know how he did it but he got it right. It's kinda geeky  :nofgr: freaky someone can look at a picture & tell which digital camera took it.  :laf: :laf:  The red fox pic was with my little cheapy any moron can use it Kodak EZ Share C330.  :laf: :laf:  The robin pic was taken thru the screen on the kitchen window with the Sony. Thats why the color is off on that one. I shoulda turned the truck around & took a picture of the sunset from up in the bed. The planes in the left of the pic woulda looked like they were on the water maybe.  :laf: 

I realize there is sooooooo much that goes into a quality award winning picture but I just can't help enjoying the spur of the moment shots from an amateur photographer a little bit more.  :biggrin:

thanks for the kind words.  :biggrin:

Hey Al!! Still not feeling well??  :shrug:  I'm glad you enjoyed the pics tho. I bet Jim would like them too. 

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Hamer, if she really gets into it get her a good photoshop program.  Its amazing what you can do to your pics.


"little cheapy any moron can use it Kodak EZ Share C330."..........GOT IT!  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: I need one :wo:
HaMer I do not know if I am over doing it or if I laughed with Jim at the hospital too much but I just can not get my wind back yet. I have only missed that one day of work to go to the doctor and toughed out the rest but dang I even turnned down a real nice yote hunt last night.....I must not feel well :shrug:
You folks and your pics are getting me by but I gotta get outa here more! :wink: 


Nice pics Glen......I am thinking about going on a drive this evening myself and seeing what I see.  :wo:


Silencer-- I'll have to mention that to her. My daughter has an extra laptop we could set up for this stuff. I think it would be cool to buy a calendar somewhere & see her pictures on it.  :biggrin:

Al-- You just need to get better dammit!! These windy rainy conditions are not good for you right now. And I'll try to get some more pictures to help you along the way.  :biggrin:

Thanks Joe!! Take that drive!! Maybe Jim would let us have a Friendly little competition here with this stuff. You know,, to tide us all over until September or so. Just bragging rights is all.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Bills Custom Calls

Good job on the pics MRS. Hamer
Hurry up and take some more

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


We tried today again but things weren't moving in all this stupid weather.  :rolleye:  It's raining for the 27th time again today!!  :doh2:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


No pics for me......I went out this morning, and went to turn on the video camera and it was dead  :doh2:. Whic really sucked cuz we had 4 hens and their poults within 20 yards of us. We also had a deer running all over the field and just wouldn't leave.  :rolleye: Live and learn.  :argh:


Been there done that too Joe!  :eyebrownod:  Just laugh it off & move on. Thats all you can do.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Went for a ride Friday evening. This was the smaller of the 2. The other one was to the left in the ditch & we didn't see him til he popped up & ran for cover.  :yoyo: I don't have permission on this land. We saw 3 more bruisers in another field on the way home but they apparently associate rubber scuffing the asphalt with danger.  :shrug:   :biggrin:

Baseball great Cy Young is buried in this cemetary below this small very rural church. Diane took the pic from I would guess 600yds away with her Sony Cybershot.

This is the little knoll & cabin I posted pics of last winter & this past spring.

Hope you enjoyed them.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Good deal Glen......I miss them Ohio bucks.  :sad3:


Nice shots :sneer: And man what I nice tall rack....not you Diane....the buck :doh2:
That rolling terrian looks a lot like here.
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Thanks guys!! The buck is blurry because Diane was bouncing her head off the dash as I was slamming the brakes to the floor & saying  ":shck: GRAB THE CAMERA"!!   :laf:  That buck was gone within a few seconds of that pic being snapped.

And yes my Wife does have a nice,,,,,,,  :eyebrow:   old man for a husband.  :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


A few more from today.

Cy Young's headstone at the little church in yesterdays pics. Those are two quarters laying on the ledge. Visitors have been leaving money there for years & we don't know why. Baseball doesn't know why either.  :shrug: We left ours too.  :biggrin:

Goldie Hawn in "Bird on a Wire".  :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on August 16, 2008, 09:42:26 PM

Those are two quarters laying on the ledge. Visitors have been leaving money there for years & we don't know why. Baseball doesn't know why either.  :shrug: We left ours too.  :biggrin:

That is interesting...I wonder what the deal is :confused:
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