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? on hunting coyotes in the summer time

Started by topdawg, July 09, 2008, 05:37:28 PM

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when hunting coyotes in the summer time what should you do different than hunting them in the winter :holdon:
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Try and stay where you can see them.....Tall grass and undergrowth makes it difficult to say the least. Some folks use a low hung tree stand. Really think it through before you go and remember the snakes are out and a doe can kick your but when using fawn distress!!! It can be very exiting and dangerous...Like bears, so be careful and scent control more difficult. Try hiding your vehicle and walking less to keep from sweating. Also if you wear glasses practice walking and then wearing your face mask, If it is not cut right your mask will make your glasses fog up. Cutting a V to uncover your moth and nose should clear it up. If you hunt at night practice shooting with all your gear on first, this can resolve issues that you would never know was going to ruin your hunt.
There are a lot of good hunters on here to help you along the way.....listen to them, they are good at what they do and have helped me a lot in a short time.
And send us pics from your hunt we like that. :eyebrownod:


Hey Topdawg:  I find the real early morning hunts and late afternoon, after the sun is down behind the trees to be far more productive in summer time.  From June through August, the coyotes tend to really put a dent in the fawn population around here.  I like hay fields near woodlots, with fawn and coyote decoys, deer scent and coyote scent, and sounds like the Coyote & Fawn.  That is good advice from Alscalls about controlling the sweating too.  I tend to make more stands that spend all my time on one good setup at this time of year, as I find it much more productive than running and gunning.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

THO Game Calls

I hesitate to answer this - but you only have two replies so what the heck

First, in my opinion, it depends on a couple of factors.

what kind of terrain are you hunting in?

what kind of weather have you had recently?

I'll tell you what I have had some success with here in the north east, NH.

We hunt big woods.  Or I should say, we hunt the edges and creek bottoms of big woods to be more exact.

It's been hot and we have had a lot of rain.   That means everything here is grown up a lot.  Sitting on the ground is going to get me nothing but eaten by bugs.  I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. 

It's also been hot.  Really hot for us this time of year.   So hunting during the day is not really that productive.

If I were to go out tomorrow  (and I am) I would get up in my tree stand some time before first light, just like I was deer hunting.  I would set up in a nice seculded creek bottom where I know it is going to be cool, there is a lot of edge cover on both sides, and the coyotes use it as a travel lane because everything else is grown up.   I would make sure that the creek bottom is somewhere near where I think they will be bedded down for the day.  Here, that means the northwest side of the mountains, as it is cooler, gets the wind, and is out of the morning and midday sun.  In the winter they bed on the south east side of the mountains.  More sun, warmer and out of the wind.

Also, in the summer, I find that they head back to bedding areas a lot earlier than they do in the winter so I am in my stand before first light as I said.  I will use an e caller and play softly.  I'll just let the thing run and sit there for a couple hours.  By 7:30 or 8 am, I'll be done and headed home for breakfast.

If I was going to hunt in the evening, again, I would find some nice edge cover, not necessarily a creek bottom, but the edges of where two types of trees come together, pines and hardwoods, or a power line, or edge of a field that has not been planted and jsut allowed to grow uo, and set up in the shaded part again in a tree stand because of the vegitation this time of year.  I would keep an eye on the side that is in the deep shadows as the sun goes down.  Again with the e caller and a bit louder this time as I am trying to get their attention from farther away where as in the morning, I expect them to be traveling and dont want to sound like Rabbitzilla.  In this case, I would go out and set up around 6:30 or 7 PM, as it gets dark around 8:30 9 PM.

In the winter, the visability is better and you can hunt from the ground more, and later in the day and even sometimes the whole day.  I have found hunting in the dead of summer in the middle of the day to not be as productive as other times, and unless you can get up on a ridge or hill and look down, sitting in the woods is futile.

We cannot hunt here at night this time of year.  Sitting in one spot for a long time may seem contray to what others will say, but with limited prime time, moving around is not really an option here in the summer.  That's why I do it the way I do.  Works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't.

Just my take. 


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I always thought summertime calling was for guys making bangflop videos and those bucking to be moderators and field staffers :rolleye:.


Quote from: yucca on July 12, 2008, 10:54:35 AM
I always thought summertime calling was for guys making bangflop videos and those bucking to be moderators and field staffers :rolleye:.

YOU DANG SKIPPY BABY!!!!!!!!  :roflmao: :roflmao: :yahoo: :yahoo: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh3: :laugh3:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


"I always thought summertime calling was for guys making bangflop videos and those bucking to be moderators and field staffers rolleye."

Nope. Calling coyotes in the summer is for folks who live and breath for the thrill of fooling the wiley coyote in it's very own living room.
Foxpro Field staff


Fooling the pups or the adults?  :laf:

Aw c'mon boys I'm just having some fun.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free



The same basic calling techniques that work for you in winter will work for you in summer also. The main problem with summertime calling is vegetation, which has the bad habit of growing so thick and tall that you can't see the coyotes that come to your calling. Pasture ground that is beaten down by livestock makes one good place to call coyotes. A lot of callers (maybe most) are still using the same sounds and techniques that were used by old time icons like the Burnham brothers. There are many coyotes fooled yet today by the sound of a screaming little critter. Don't worry about sounding exactly like a rabbit. The coyote doesn't have the ability to discern which species of small critter it hears screaming. To the coyote, a prey in distress scream spells an easy meal.
Foxpro Field staff



Right now the pups are still out hunting with momma a lot, so you might get lucky and call the whole family in at once. With five being pretty much the average litter size, that would mean calling as many as seven coyotes on the same stand. Momma doesn't seem to have quite as much influence over the pups as she did a month or so ago, so calling a pup or two isn't all that uncommon.
Foxpro Field staff

THO Game Calls

The Official Off Season Summertime Thread is Now Open for Debate.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

THO Game Calls

And you wondered why I hesitated to answer the guys post 

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Just for the record.

I wasn't wondering one damn bit.


I always wondered what you looked like amigo, is that you stirring the pot?  :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Long off season :innocentwhistle:!  Cannot wait until the fall.

THO Game Calls


Sheesh, now you are draging the Obmama thread over here.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I can not hunt the woods in the summertime. Open fields only, by law, here in WV But the hills around here makes it common to find a high spot to sit almost anywhere I go to the point that I do not use a tree stand until the season allows.

I would like to say that I will hunt coyotes anywhere anytime I am allowed and if someone does not like it.........I do not care.
I will sleep just fine, Knowing that I have done no wrong.
I will not debate the issue any further than that and will respect that others would rather wait till winter to kill a coyote whether or not they are a problem for someone else. :readthis:
I went last night and I am going again today........God Bless America Because I can Hunt.


Al, if I wasn't such a jerk, I would be right there with ya.  :wink: :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free




im with u albert.         thinking about a hunt also       

