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A short story

Started by Braz, July 11, 2008, 10:26:30 PM

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I just wanted to share a story of something that happened to me.

A while back, a fellow call maker asked for donations for a charitable organization. I almost always donate to these kinds of things, as that is a real easy way for me to help out all over this great nation we have. On June 19 I got a PM from the fellow. Here is what he said.

The 20 gauge call that I won on the raffle is one of the nicest calls that I have and I would like to get some more from you.  Do you still make them and if so do you ship to Canada.  I'll pay to much for something I like and willing to send you the money way before you send me anything.

I responded that sure, I'd make some up for him and sent it off. Didn't hear anything else from him so just forgot about it.

On July 9, I got this message from him.

Sorry about the delay in replying but with work coming to an end and some damn fool suggesting I take a 6 day fishing trip I've been a mite busy.  If you can make the calls all sound as good as the one that I won I'd like say 10 of them[if that sounds like work I'd settle for less.  I'm not concerned with gauge just sound and I'm sure your work is good in any gauge.  The yellow 20 gauge is pretty easy to find once you throw it on the ground in a hurry so I am a tad partial to it for myself.  Let me know what you think and I'll be happy to throw a check in the mail for you.  Just don't do it for free as that always sucks and I don't mind paying for quality and as I won't shop in a big box store the part about North american made is a big selling point to me.

I responded to the man with a price that I normally charge, and told him, since he was buying 10, I'd sell them to him for $1.50 apiece less than the normal price. Shipped of course, and only would charge him for the extra, if any, to ship to Canada. This is what I got back from him.

I'll buy them at (here was a price $2 more than my original asking price) a piece plus shipping and not a penny less.  I'm having a good year in my spraying business and don't mind paying for a product I like as long as it ain't from China.  If you would send me your address I would send you a check and don't worry about hurrying as I'm in no hurry cause the hides ain't worth nothing until near the end of October.  Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but the wheat midge needs to be killed around here and I got busy again.

I was just really shocked at all this. I have been donating calls because I wanted to help organizations out, but this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. I just want to encourage all of you to donate every chance you get. Not because you will make a lot of sales, but because it is a great way to help out folks all across this great nation. If every one of us does a little bit, it amounts to a huge amount. And you just never know, it may come back in Roses!


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Bills Custom Calls

I would like to share something here also
Here is a pm I got this week

Morning Bill
  I have a request to make.  I have a few friends down there in the US I'd like to send calls to.  I was wondering if you would be willing to make some up for me and mail them to these guys.  I'd be more than happy to pay you well for the service and quit trying to screw yourself helping me.

Then I got a second pm and here is what it said

Morning Bill
  Sorry I didn't get back to you right away but the wheat midge needs killing up here and I got busy again.  I'm going to need 8 of them calls made up and as I don't hunt with any of these guys I guess I'd leave it up to you as to what kind of call to make for them.  I have not even got all their address's yet so if you would let me know your price I'll put a check in with the next bunch of migrating geese and get you paid for your troubles.  I'll send you the address's as soon as I can but had better go make money now

This is still getting put together and I am very happy this feller chose me to make him some calls
I just had to share this with all of you


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

THO Game Calls

QuoteMY sediments exactly


now that's funny   :roflmao:


who has no room to talk when it comes to spelling or grammer - but it's still funny
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Hey Al...go work on your new site :laf: :laf:
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