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Alscalls has fur down!!

Started by Frogman, August 02, 2008, 10:29:18 PM

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Al-- We replied at the same time & you just type faster angry than I do period!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:

See above post OK??  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


coycaller   no offense taken, i was just saying that a decoy will work in a lot of situations and it will give you an advantage. As we all know we all need that little advantage with a coyote. I have another buddie that is a die hard coyote hunter and he also uses a decoy, not the same kind but he likes it and swears by it, he also uses coyote scent all the time and every time we step out of the truck it goes on the boots and clothes, yes we may stink but i think it works. As far as me getting out of bed, I will say i probable should get out early but i usually get up at 8 and go play golf until 2 and then i might go coyote hunting. I like hunting at night when it is cool and not blazing hot. I can step out on a limb and say i have probable put more hours in then alot of guys on here, I might not have killed more then most but I have put in alot of hours, I have spent many nights from sun down to sun up.              And canine     I know a coyote will come in on just a call, i have done it, i have been surrounded by probable 10 at one time without the use of a decoy, but I think it would help out in alot of situations and i would use one if I had one. I do have a jack in the box but it is messed up n i have to send it back, but i do believe if a yote hears a distress and looks out into a field and does not see something he might just sit down and watch, and then get up and walk away without you even knowing he was around


Quote from: coyote101 on August 05, 2008, 06:01:38 AM
Hey Al,

What, if anything, did you do to the decoy to get it ready to use? To get rid of the rubber smell? Cover scents, scent killer, just air it out, or nothing?

I followed the directions on the box and let it air out outside for acouple of days and used coyote scent around the decoy when I set it up..........it worked :wink:


"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


Heck bushmaster, ya posted at 3:15 AM. I'll bet you are sleepy.  :shrug:


coycaller i seen where you live out west, out there you probable would not have to use a decoy as much as you do here in West Virginia because you can shoot 300, 400, 500 yards at a coyote.  Where we live its hard to get a shot like that and I think a decoy will give you that little extra advantage.  I would love to be able to go out west and hunt coyotes on some 10,000 acre ranches, but I am stuck here hunting 50 and 100 acre farms.


Golfer, I am afraid you have a terrible, terrible misconception about calling coyotes *out west* as you put it.

Us *westerners* do not call and shoot coyotes at distances of 300 to 500 yards!!!  I'm not sure where you got that notion, but it's totally wrong.  No, we do not have the thick foliage and trees, etc, etc to hinder long range visibility like you guys do in the east, and granted, there are places here that are pretty damn flat, with little or no vegetation and you can see a long, long way. Unfortunately, coyotes are not in those types of places. 

We also have sage brush, chico brush, river bottoms, dry washes (big, small, and medium ones), prairie full of waist high cactus, yucca, etc, etc, many thousands acres of CRP grass (that stuff is usually over waist high and THICK).  What I'm getting at is.....  *out west* is NOT one big ass flat plowed field void of any kind of cover or foliage!! There are times when I have spotted a called coyote coming full bore from along ways off in certain areas. And that is a neat thing to watch!!!  But trust me when I tell you that MOST of the time when calling here you will not see the coyote(s) until it is very, very close.  I often times wonder how in the hell they got to where I first see them without me being able to see them coming from 100's of yards away (did that make sense?). It amazes me sometimes!!

I will leave you with this to think about.......My rifle of choice when calling is normally a .223. Sometimes a 22-250.  Every now and then I will use a 12 gauge loaded with 4 buck.   EVERY, EVERY, EVERY year I KNOW I could kill more coyotes if I only carried and used the shotgun on every stand.  And my main point with that statement is......MOST of the coyotes I call come within shotgun range.....NOT 300 to 500 yards away!!!  I can usually kill a running coyote at 25 to 30 yards with a shotgun. I usually can't hit a running coyote with a rifle. :laf:

Now I know your going to ask why I don't use the shotgun exclusively.   My answer would be because I prefer a rifle. To be honest I almost feel like I'm cheating when using the shotgun. And I really don't care if I kill every coyote I call. Sometimes a coyote will just come charging in, never slow down and is gone in the blink of an eye. I just smile because I know I fooled him. May not of killed him, but I fooled him.


I work nights. usually dont get home before 2.
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


Decoy or not I'm happy for ya AL!  :yahoo:

Great story & pix guys.  :wink:  :biggrin:


Quote from: coycaller on August 06, 2008, 10:42:26 PM
Golfer, I am afraid you have a terrible, terrible misconception about calling coyotes *out west* as you put it.

Us *westerners* do not call and shoot coyotes at distances of 300 to 500 yards!!!  I'm not sure where you got that notion, but it's totally wrong.  No, we do not have the thick foliage and trees, etc, etc to hinder long range visibility like you guys do in the east, and granted, there are places here that are pretty damn flat, with little or no vegetation and you can see a long, long way. Unfortunately, coyotes are not in those types of places. 

In the past ten years I may have taken 2 shots out past 300yds. Most are inside of 50yds. I to do not understand why some think that guys out west have to take 300-500 yd shots?


Quote from: vvarmitr on August 07, 2008, 11:04:21 AM
Decoy or not I'm happy for ya AL!  :yahoo:

Great story & pix guys.  :wink:  :biggrin:
Thanks VV I shot em at 25,000 yds err uhh 25 yds........... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Hunting out west I am convinced is still not the same.........Start anoyher thred or something :rolleye:


No dog piles or pee pee whacking,   :nono:  but the discussion of whether a decoy is practical or not is quickly taking away from this threads author and his initial purpose of the thread.

They opened another thread Decoys, effective or not??? to prevent further hijacking of their celebration, let's use it :eyebrownod:

Again nice job Jim and Al. Somebody's puttin fur down... :yoyo: :yoyo:
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Al and Jim I am glad you had a good hunt and Al got to put some fur down, you know Al doesn't get much fur :laf:     well thats what his wife told me :shrug: :madd:


no reply Al :roflmao: :roflmao: :madd:


Why would that bother me Dave?...........I would rather hunt........ :roflmao: :laf: :roflmao: :eyebrownod:


no dought or have a good steak dinner hu


Guess that in my youth I just dont understand where your coming from.  I'm always on the hunt  :eyebrow:
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao: @ ^^^^^ Bushy.

:wo: I remember those days.   :eyebrow:


Back on track..........This is how it went down............Thanks for all the well wishes :biggrin:


 :thumb2:  That was a perfect set up. Way to go Al.
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