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Alscalls has fur down!!

Started by Frogman, August 02, 2008, 10:29:18 PM

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       Alscall and Frogman got out this evening 8/2/08.  Al put the lead to a young dumb one.  Pictures follow:

Al set up watching a big meadow.  A creek was to his back the wind was coming down the meadow from his left.  Sun was also to his left.  He was set up in the shade near the thick brush along the creek.  We set the Scorpion on top of a round bale accross the other side of the meadow in front of Al about 150 yards.  The Quiver Critter decoy and Als new Coyote decoy were a few yards in front of the round bales.

I was set up behind Al facing the back door and watching a completely different field.

This young dog came out of the weeds just seven yards to Als left.  It headed straight toward the decoys and Scorpion.  Al woofed at it and stopped it at about 25 yards then shot it in the right ear. 

Al is a happy hunter!

Another hero shot.  Al wanted me to post all these photos so he could see them.

His bullet exited through the left eye.  In through the right ear and out through the left eye.  Al told me he chose this shot very carefully to preserve the pelt.  Range was 25 yards.

You can see the round bales over Als left shoulder where the Scorpion and decoys were located.

Here is a shot of the setup with the decoys on the left and the Scorpion on the bale to the right.

The Quiver Critter and the Coyote decoy.

The proud shooter with his trophy.

A shot of alscall and Frogman with the coyote and the coyote decoy that helped lure him in.

I'm sure alscall can tell the story better than I, so chime in here Al.  Congrats on putting down one of these tough to hunt Eastern coyotes.  Great shooting!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


 :highclap: :highclap: Yessur......congratulations are in order.  :congrats:

Now let's hear the story Al.  :eyebrow:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free




Al r u sure the man in his undies didnt shoot that dog n leave it lay, so he could attend to his naked wife.


frogman and Al never asked me to go with them, I think i made them mad or something :shrug: :pout: :madd: :wo: :confused:


Well that new decoy?...........WORKS!!!.......We scouted this spot yesterday some and was going to go out early this morning. Got up @ 4 am and a big storm came so we called it off. Frogman and I went to the rifle range and practiced shooting at 100 and 200 yds. We then went home and got ready for an evening hunt.
I have been talking with possumal some about how to beat these WV dogs and he has helped me a tremendous amount. We have had dogs on most of our stands come in and hang up with a challenge howl. I would respond by challenging back.
Today Frogman decided NO howling cause we felt we were intimidating those dogs and that could be why we were getting the hang ups. Boy did that pay off.
Frogman used his FPS with fawn distress (Switching to rabbit some) and two does came right away and one of them tried to get the caller off the hay bale......the other deer saw something in my direction and spooked hard......A male coyote came from my left at.........get this .....Seven yds. :roflmao: :roflmao: I practiced at 200yds.
He was running straight for the decoys when I said BRRUFF with my voice. He paused and looked right into my scope at
25 yds. and turned to go for the decoys when BANG right in the head I put him down!!! Great hunt Frogman and thanks for posting this I was about to bust waiting for these pics. :wink:
We have hunted hard for the last two weekends and dang was it ever fun!!!


Quote from: golfertrout on August 02, 2008, 10:54:06 PM
frogman and Al never asked me to go with them, I think i made them mad or something :shrug: :pout: :madd: :wo: :confused:
I asked you and you said I was going to early and it would be too hot Dave. :biggrin:


Nice shooting! Great hunting guy's.


Now Dave,
      You know you are always welcome to join us daytime hunters.  I thought we were dedicated coyote hunters til I actually saw a man chase after a coyote with nothing but his rifle and his skivvies.  He didn't even have his shoes on.  Now that is a dedicated coyote hunter.  You though golfertrout, I am a little concerned about.   :innocentwhistle:   :shrug:  "It's too early."   :confused:  "It's too hot."   :whew:  "The bugs are bad."    :madd:   "I'm at the golf course."    ;yes; "I'm in the mountains fishing."   :sneer:  Come on, we need that third guy to cover the back back door and kill those dogs we have been hearing but not seeing!   ;yes; 

You are always welcome!! :yoyo:   :yoyo:

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Nice work!
I can't stand to be out there in that blazing heat all camoed up. You earned that one Bud :highclap:

So we know the decoy works now :wink:
Good to see Jim out and about again too...or was he the decoy :laf:
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Congratulations to both of you!!!!
Thanks for the pictures and story
on a nice hunt.



Great story, guys!   :congrats:

Those pics really help with explaining the setup and travel direction of the yote.    :highclap:



Thanks guys, buy the way that is a dirty dog lanyard around my neck. I try not to leave home without it. :wink:


AWESOME! Nice job guys  :yoyo:   Great story and pics!


COOL!!!!!!!!! When's the video coming out guys!!  :eyebrownod:  Thats a nice lookin coyote & it sounds like everything clicked for you just right. I hope your next hunts are even better too!!  :biggrin:

Nice camera work Jim!! The story wouldn't be the same without it.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quite an excellent adventure there, Alscall and Frogman !  :thumb2:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Great stories and pictures guys. :yoyo: :yoyo: Congratualations alscalls!  :highclap: :highclap: Now I'm going to have to tell the wife I need a coyote decoy! :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


I tell ya the cobination of scent used and those decoys.........it was like he was in a daze and could not resist. I am hooked on this decoy now. :eyebrownod:



Quote from: alscalls on August 02, 2008, 11:04:51 PM
Quote from: golfertrout on August 02, 2008, 10:54:06 PM
frogman and Al never asked me to go with them, I think i made them mad or something :shrug: :pout: :madd: :wo: :confused:
I asked you and you said I was going to early and it would be too hot Dave. :biggrin:

I think you guys need golfertrout to go with ya to help just to help carry all that crap to the callin location!! :shrug:

Just thinking out loud here.  BUT, do ya think that coyote may of possibly came out of the cover and into the clearing with just the FP sittin on the hay bale blasting out some prey distress sounds??  Maybe, just maybe, there wasn't a need for carrying and setting up a snarling, open mouth, legless rubber coyote decoy AND a wiggly, shakey quiverin critter. :confused: 

Even more thinking going on.....now you have got stinky human scent rolling off the coy decoy, the quiverin thingy, plus all the scent from walking around setting all the crap up......Like I said, just thinking. Glad it worked for ya.