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Re: The Annual Beatdown

Started by keekee, August 09, 2008, 12:19:37 AM

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She single??     :roflmao:

Up here in NH we like em' cover with Wool!!!!

It gets COLD up here!!!!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Quote from: coyote101 on August 10, 2008, 11:09:39 PM
Hey CCP,

Don't drink too much if you go up there. You might wake up dressed up like a HOT librarian.

THAT is so WRONG, Pat!    :roflmao:   :roflmao:

Just think..........if she belches she'll burn her lips off.    :roflmao:   :roflmao:


Quote from: coyote101 on August 10, 2008, 11:09:39 PM
Hey CCP,

Don't drink too much if you go up there. You might wake up dressed up like a HOT librarian.

:shck: :holdon: OMG MY EYES .......... there ought to be laws aginst posting something like that   :roflmao: :roflmao:
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Oh no, here come the knotted stomach's again. 

Since I took off early on Friday afternoon and didn't check the internet all weekend it appears I've missed some fireworks and noteworthy comments.

It's simply amazing to me how far some of these clowns will reach for a conspiracy theory that gives credibility to the cause.  Last week I was the secret informant for Predator Masters staff... this week you think I'm enlisting help from guys like JD, Brent & Coycaller.   You boys are just dizzy from another whirlpool of your hidden agenda's, personal vendettas and good ole' circle jerks- those of us standing on the outside really aren't necessarily unified.  At some point, we just started calling em' like we see em'!

I will say again, for anyone who may have missed it... or forgotten it... or those who perhaps haven't had access to the hidden forums where it was discussed.   The absolute fact is, some of these guys log onto this site for the wrong reasons.

THO has 1,932 post on this forum and I've yet to see a dead coyote in his hands or even hear a story of success.   He has given advice to hundreds of people over the last 10 years and never once have we seen any reason to believe it's worth listening too.   Bopeye has 2,899 post and less than 5% pertain to hunting whatsoever and his 400 pound fluffy frame makes it hard to believe he gets out in those hills too often.   Semp has 1,388 post and a 6 page review of his posting history resulted in not one reference to any legitimate hunting scenario.   They can attack me, attack JD, attack Coy, attack Brent and create all the leg-humping offtopic images they want but it cannot divert the attention from those FACTS.  They aren't here for the hunting- and therein lies their agenda against real hunters.

Now, I'm not saying we have to stick to talking about hunting.  Not saying everyone has to go out and tear up dozens of coyotes a season.  Not even close: the drama and friendly BS is what makes these forums so much fun.  However, if you're going to step up and take shots at REAL hunters- you better be ready to suck it up and deal with what you've got coming.  It's apparent that consistently successful hunters, with the exception of CCP, leave these resident internet experts with a sense of inferiority and a resultant need to flame.  You'll notice CCP doesn't step up to combat discussion OF hunting BY hunters... because amongst this crowd he's one of the few that really GETS what successful hunting is all about.  Maybe it's just the release of his DVD that's keeping him quiet- but I think it's a little more common sense than reservation.

I think it's safe to assume that Jim doesn't appreciate this atmosphere that flames experience regardless of how many hundreds of "howdy-do" post they pump onto the board.  In my experience, most predator calling forums were created to discuss predator calling.  If that's the case here- then SEMP/THO/BOPEYE are missing the purpose severely.   If the purpose is to bash PM, bash huntmasters, bash minaska, bash Foxpro and build secret alliances- then I guess they nailed it and some of US need to re-evaluate.

If you watch real closely you will see CONSTANT vagueness from this little circle of friends.   What you've probably missed are the MULTIPLE times they have been called out and given the option to walk the walk.  In the last week, they've declined challenges to compare credibility, records of success, backbone or intelligence.  Instead, we get lame tangents about the ethics of calling and more juvenile name calling.

In the last month they've all been given the option to call me and discuss their emotions.  These blowhards have literally received MapQuest directions to my house, invitations to functions I host and even bargains on plane tickets to an airport 15 miles from my house.   Did they take any of these challenges?  No, they got online and posted what a keyboard coward I am because I pull no punches in these heated debates.  They've done this to more than one- although others were more easily scared into line or off the site.

At times they've apologized, repented and even bashed one another to me personally... then... in time... they'll end up back under the security blanket of "safety in numbers".    It really makes me wonder why they don't take up another hobby. 

Why do they keep coming back?  Because of one another- that's why you'll find they've been pigeon holed into this one site... with their backs against the wall... yet they continue to take shots at credible hunters.  They can't venture out into level playing fields, and they know this has become the place known as "their dwelling" so their worst enemies are unlikely to appear much less stick around.

On a side note:
I noticed CCP's invite for a personal meeting so I sent him a private message early this morning and invited him to dinner during my stay Friday and Saturday nights.  I suspect I'll be lodging very near his room- and he'll be one of the first folks I seek out when we touch down at the World Expo in Kansas.  I gather he feels there's nothing he can learn from me, and that his physical presence will make a life changing impact on me.  His peers have pumped him up, his ego is at fully erect, he's heading to Kansas fully pre-mediated on revenging all this shattered credibility for his posse so if I suppose I'll be coming back without a few teeth.  I gotta admit: the room is already spinning.    :doh2:



You are a real piece of work.  The FnF forum starts to get back to somewhat normal and in you come again and take a big dump in the middle of the room.   :rolleye:

You are the worst kind of troll I've ever seen.  The moderators here have the patience of saints.

Keep pounding your chest,  moron.  Your day will come.



Perfect post Semp, simply perfect. 

You boys ran off on tangents and personal attacks for 4 days in my absense: I'll not apologize for responding at my convenience.  Keep the vague threats and general accusations coming Semp- the light has been shined directly on you and the others once again and more and more can see you for what you are.

I would also like to once again thank Jim for not succumbing to the pressure to delete this thread and remove me from his site!  The fact that this discussion is still here- shows that in more than one opinion, it's long overdue.


JRB......let me start off with my credibility as a hunter seeing as how that is so important to you.....

I agree with Semp..........why can't you just leave well enough alone? Agree to disagree and leave it at that!


Beautiful cat!   I'm still searching for my first bobcat- called a couple in but none I could shoot.

Fair enough, I agree to disagree.  It's inconvenient for some that my post was as lengthy as it was, and it's timing comes just as they've preened their feathers from flogging, but it was simply a reply to a good 7-8-9 pages in which I was discussed but unavailable to reply.   You've summed it up pretty well, as is usually the case,  I agree to disagree.   




Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


After a nice long scouting trip thru the woods with one of my best friends this afternoon I've decided to call it a day & just relax til this evening.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


But then I realized I had unfinished business.   :eyebrownod:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Then lo & behold For some really odd reason I thought I would just go swimming this afternoon for a bit.  :eyebrownod:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Until late this evening when it's time for,,,,,,,,,   :nofgr:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


And then I woke up.  :sad:

To my wonderful Wife.  :eyebrownod:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I'd bet your wife can outshoot all them dream girls hammer. :eyebrow:

Bills Custom Calls

If you are walking funny next time I see you I will know what happened

Does the name Bobbit  come to mind  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Bills Custom Calls

JRB you started most of the shit that went on right here.Just cause you have a degree in enginering
you think you are above the rest.I will tell you straight up that you like most young punks that want to be  don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.I have argued many points with guys like you and they lost.I have proved many a guys like you wrong,and I have a degree in hands on learning with an 8th grade education.So why don't you pack your bags and go back to the rock you crawled out from under and leave the good folks here alone

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Bills Custom Calls

Back to the subject at hand
If the twins can kiss and make up why can't the rest of you


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call