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Re: The Annual Beatdown

Started by keekee, August 09, 2008, 12:19:37 AM

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You wouldn't know a real friend if it flew up you ass! You should stop and think back sometime, you might remember somethings. Along with a few other folks!

Its not about the money for me dude, its about working for myself and doing what I love! I turned Kee's Productions over to JD! Shove that up your pipe and smoke it! And if thats what you got threw all that went on, then thats what you wanted to get from it! Or what YOU were told to get from it!....lol....And that whats more likely to have went on....Did you ever call me? And ask me whats on my mind? NOPE! You called everyone else though! I know that for fact! I also know who you told what to and when and who you tried to talk to that didn't call you back! I'm not as much of a dumb ass as you think!

You all took what you wanted to from what went on and went from there! ( Talking among yourselves) Not one single person even had the balls to pick up the phone and call me or even asked me to call them! And I might say very few you any of you even knew what was going on. It was all what you heard from someone else! Or what you read into on here!

Bop, you should be ashamed to even post such Bull Shit! Give my real friends a call sometime and see what they have to say! Or hell! You can call me anytime! I'm up now!


I been waiting for this!....................

I sent you a email, and asked you about that call......I even saved it! Because I knew I would need it later! Along with allot of other emails from you over the years!....I saved them all! From PM to now! I had a feeling I may need them!

I asked if it was to close to your design! You said!.......Nope!,........ And I made the calls, I got a few of your calls in my collection. And I have tuned reeds for some of your call customers that asked me to do so to put in your calls! Several of them are here now! And some on video! And yes I had people that seen me do so! Maybe even on video, but I would haft to check to be sure of that, but I can check.

This is not the first time you done this! Several call makers have made calls that you helped out and all at once, they copied you or crossed your line and you hung them out to dry! Or you went out of your way to help them and they didn't put you up for everyone to see so you hung them! Anyone that doubts me, just take a look at the pasts post from the old mighty AL in the past! Over on PM or here and cross everything that has came up!

Enough said! I'm done with you Al! Hope you have a good life dude! But you are in no way someone I want to attach my name to! The call you pictured will no longer be made! I don't want to take away from you in anyway or use you as a stepping stone for sure!


You make a beautiful call and help allot of people but good lord enough is enough! I'm done even speaking to you!


Quote from: keekee on August 09, 2008, 12:19:37 AM

You wouldn't know a real friend if it flew up you ass! You should stop and think back sometime, you might remember somethings. Along with a few other folks!

Its not about the money for me dude, its about working for myself and doing what I love! I turned Kee's Productions over to JD! Shove that up your pipe and smoke it! And if thats what you got threw all that went on, then thats what you wanted to get from it! Or what YOU were told to get from it!....lol....And that whats more likely to have went on....Did you ever call me? And ask me whats on my mind? NOPE! You called everyone else though! I know that for fact! I also know who you told what to and when and who you tried to talk to that didn't call you back! I'm not as much of a dumb ass as you think!

You all took what you wanted to from what went on and went from there! ( Talking among yourselves) Not one single person even had the balls to pick up the phone and call me or even asked me to call them! And I might say very few you any of you even knew what was going on. It was all what you heard from someone else! Or what you read into on here!

Bop, you should be ashamed to even post such Bull Shit! Give my real friends a call sometime and see what they have to say! Or hell! You can call me anytime! I'm up now!

Why in the heck would I call you Kee? You'd just lie anyway. Be that as it may, I could give two flying rat's asses why you do what you do.
I know more crap on you than I am willing to say. More out of respect than anything, but what the heck is a phone call gonna do? Let's talk face to face.

One more thing. YOU GAVE KEE PRODUCTIONS TO JD? Do you get any royalties or any other compensation? If so you are just using JD's ass to further your own agenda. Wouldn't expect anything less dude.

Take care and I'll see you at the LBL BABY!!!!  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

Tell the truth Kee

You made the call

You posted the call

THEN YOU SENT ME A PM about the call, and told me if it offended me that you would take it down.

Get your story straight.  

If customers had problems with my cals, they know they could have sent them back, and I would have done my best to fix them.  If they felt they had to go to you to get them fixed, well, thank you for helping them out.

Honestly, I could care less if I ever sell another call.  I make them because I like to.  They work for me, but I suppose being an internet hunter and keyboard caller I dont know shit now do I?

Anyway, your post once again proves what level you will stoop to to make a name for yourself.   Sad buddy, very sad.

I'm glad this is over.  I really feel like I need to go wash.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Now that all the fu-Q's should be out of the way, I'd like to add that you guy's seem to have driven another excellent caller from the East, that had a whole lot to do with Jim and Alcallls success away. Al Prather (possomAl), maybe, rather than ridicule him for his intense posts, you should read and learn from them...But, It may be to late, he may have said Fu-Q to you guy's and you can struggle on your own  :shrug:

It seems as though anyone other than CCP that posts pictures and success stories on a regular basis is pounded on here.....WHY?

George Ackley

that post was good but i have bigger troubles now

you see I been sitting here most of the day reading this thread and slowly drinking my long neck miller high life's that are floating in a 100 quart cooler 1/2 full of ice and 1/2 full of ice water just out side my door,
now the trouble began about 15 min. ago as i yield out the open door to my wife and her friend that maybe they should watch out on the deck because there is a wait limit on the lumber it made from!!!!

well my wife being at 135 lb wet didn't mined so much but her 4 fat ass friend are pretty upset at this moment.... my dilemma now being i am good and  drunk and my bottle is empty , have to go though about 900 lb of pissed off girls to get another one..

how would you guys approach this situation...

how big are they,, well I have a 8 person hot tub and there were 3 of them in it and  at last look i don't think there enough water left in it for a gold fish

ok i am going for the cooler
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

George Ackley

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


I'm moving em all over here as they get posted in the "Decoys, effective or not" thread. It's time to let that other thread rest.
Frogman and Alscalls dont deserve to have their thread trashed.

Carry on... :biggrin:
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sorry to keep you up so late Jim...I only have 2 beers left... :eyebrow:


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I dint delete no post!


Your so full of shit you float!  Were is my PM advertising? Were did I sell them my million dollar calls or reeds? This all happened while all the other crap was going down! And just so you know after you sent me that return PM, I would not of used your info if it was the last place on earth to buy them!!!! Believe it or not you not the only person that can get those reeds!  And you made your post before you even sent me the info! And your wrong! I didn't want to sell the reeds just put them in my calls and help out a friend that wanted to split a big order for his new calls that I sent him half of my order I placed with YOU!!!!!!!!!! Dumb Ass! If you would of asked you would of known! You didn't ask you just took what was going on at the time and went from there! I haven't posted a call in my on line store in months! I have not had the time to do so or turn any calls, because of my other business, and thats was why I left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant understand were you all get this bull from!

That all I got to say to you!


I don't even know were to start with you. First off you all read into that post what you wanted to! Or what you heard from someone else!

Believe it or not there are some on here that had talked to me before I make that post that knew what was on my mind and never said a word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second.............. I'm still a alright guy bop have not changed a bit! Ask my real friends! Or just think back!

Third...........Nope no kick backs here Bop! Kee's Productions didn't or has not make a million dollars like everyone thinks it has and no need for kick backs! Me and JD are still in together, he just took over because I didn't have the time and I had put my interests in other things ( Like I said in my post) and we both didn't want to see it fall aside. And if I think back thats what I said in my "I'm leaving post" We still video, and hunt, and drink beer! But I left to further my nuisance business and thats what I did and did well!


Bop or anyone else for that matter. I can't see where I am being used. Brent and I made all business desicions together, both put money into this gig, along with time. Gave up alot, hunting with a camera sucks, there are days you can't go because you don't have a shooter or someone to run camera, we'd kill alot more coyotes and add to our manly internet ego's if not for the camera.. :eyebrow: Garauntee you that one....

Since the ordeal months ago, how many posts have ya seen from us at PM? do you see a rolling banner? didn't think so.

Al, you have a history of giving out information, that's a great thing, but you whine about someone using that Info later on down the line....hint..hint...quit giving it out if your gonna act like a grade schooler about it  :wo:

If it was all about money....do ya think we'd be on the boards offering help to the new guy's for FREE? how many times have you seen a question asked and Brent or I reply "Well If you'd buy Hunting in the East" you'll get your answer? Never, nada, zip...I believe we always answer with a " this is how we do it in our neck of the woods....give it a try it may work for you". Shame on us money hungry, greedy basturds.

I'm done!!!! I'll never post here again!!! Till this board changes!!!  :rolleye: Where have we heard them before :innocentwhistle:

I guess the fu-Q's weren't quite over yet...



Canine and Kee,

  You are both so self deluded that even your lies have lies. What the heck?  :shck:  I didn't have to be told a thing. I watched and listened.
It's not hard to pick out things if you listen and watch. I've seen your type many times Kee. I did spend half my life in a pool hall. Hustlers aren't a new thing and they always put their own spin on it.   :laf:

We all know that you made that Bonker looking call without Al's permission and now you are saying different.  :holdon:  It was quite the buzz through the board at the time and I even called Al about it. He said it wasn't a problem, that he liked you..........I said, "DAYUM!!"
I like my own brother, but I ain't letting him have my stuff.

I know of at least four people including myself Kee that either never got a howler from you when they ordered it, got one many, many months after you said they would or they got their howlers and they broke soon after. You make junk son!!  BAD FOR BUSINESS!!
I wouldn't get anything from you again if you had the market cornered. Now the boys on the howlers know who they are, if they wish to expose themselves then let 'em, if not, that's their choice.  :wink:

This thread has been a real treat for me and I do appreciate finally getting to say what I think. I've laughed all night until I fell asleep and then woke up laughing. 
Almost forgot, two LBL's ago kee, you got a little drunk and decided you would get mouthy at me then too. I have two people on this board that heard you do it too. I let that one slide, just so you know this isn't the first time I've shown you some grace.

Later Taters..........Chet just pulled up!!!  :highclap:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

I see now Brent.  It is the animal damage control business that kept you from participating in this board the last many months.  You've been so busy with that that you can't even spare a few minutes to stop in and say "Hi" to the guys who supported you in the past.   Your "friends". 

Well, it is what it is.  Post what you want, believe what you want, and trash who you want.  Like Scully used to say "the truth is out there", and actions speak a lot louder than words buddy.


Al Prather kills a lot of coyotes no doubt.  He spends a lot of time at it too, and I respect him for that.   But reading his post is kind of like watching and infomerceial of the Pocket Fisherman or some other late night Bullshit product on TV.   And if you dont do it his way, and use the products he uses, set up the way he sets up, you are just not going to get 'er done.   I think that's the reason he gets so much shit on this board.   

He probably would have been OK if he had not come out with that 12 coyote story.

You remember that one?  You must? 

There was a thread running on Huntmasters about it. 


You even went so far as to "call out" Rich Cronk on it over there and defend the hell out of Prather twice on the first page. 

BUT  - as the shit started hitting the fan, and the big boys started expressing their opinions  - you back right off.  Not one more word from you in the nex 4 pages?

One has to wonder two things JD -

One - did you come to Prathers recue over there because he is also a FoxPro man too?

Two - Did you back off because you were told to, or because you knew you were going to get your ass handed to you if you kept support the story and that - yeah that would be bad for business?

Neither one of you has a shred of credability.  Not a single shred.   

No one pulls my stings JD - no one.   Can you HONESTLY say the same thing?   I am not trying to make myslef look good in the eyes of any e caller or other predator hunting company - Can you HONESTLY say the same thing?

If I never ever get a pro staff possition, sell another call, or get to post on another internet board about coyote hunting do you think it will keep me from going out and hunting coyotes?   Do you think it will matter one little bit to me?

I've been hunting for close to 40 years now.   Anything you or Brent or anyone else says isn't going to make me stop hunting or making calls to hunt with.  I don't need the validation of some company or anyone else to keep enjoying myself in the woods.  But I will say it again, and you can think what you want, but every single person I have taken coyote hunting has at least gotten a shot a coyote.  Do you think that happens because I sit home on my ass all day long and talk on the itnernet? 

And one last thing JD - giving information is one thing.  Copying someones work because you like thier idea and figure you can scoop it and make a quick buck is quite another. 

But again, I had no problem with Brent making that call, as several people on this board will attest too.  I only brought it up because you came out and said I should give up call making because my calls sucked.   

If you want to continue to keep trading cheap shots, I'm all for it.   No one is going to fire me or take away my contract for expressing my opinion.   But if Jim or the members here want this to cease, then out of respect for them, I will cease.   I would have done the same for you at one time.   But dont count on it in the future.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


You know Al, I don't see where I have to solidify anything I do or say, to you  :shrug: Or ANYONE for that matter, Brent and I had a mutual agreement to watch how we act on the boards for our own business.

I gotta admit, when JRB busted your ass the other day, I felt bad for you, but thanks, I now see you deserved it 

I'm done responding to you, It's cluttering up the board.


Self deluded.....lies...you lost me bud. I haven't the slightest clue, where I have lied about anything  :confused:


So FnF, you copied my favorite cajun/yankee deep trawl, low friction slide-glide, electronic, atomic top secret family heirloom bass/zebra/cotton/oak/cypress/cedar/elm/maple/beech small mouth bass plug that i told you about after 2 gallons of Ripple when we met at midnight in the old ship graveyard on Treasure Island...you Cad!!!.... :nofgr:....Im gunna report you to the cajun/yankee deep trawl, low friction slide-glide, electronic, atomic top secret family heirloom bass/zebra/cotton/oak/cypress/cedar/elm/maple/beech small mouth bass plug Appreciation and Enhancement Enforcement Agency!!!..........SO THERE!!!!!........BIG GEORGE....you do seem to have a dilemma in your situation... :confused:.....BUT DAMMITT MAN, IF TEDDY ROOSEVELT COULD CHARGE UP SAN JUAN HILL, THEN BY GOD YOU CAN TAKE THAT COOLER!!!!.....TRY A 2 PRONGED ATTACK...FIRST RIP A LOUD FART TO DISTRACT THEM, THEN YELL OUT " HOLY HELL!!!, THERES A 20% OFF SALE AT WALMART!"....THEN TAKE THAT HILL/COOLER!!!!.... :yoyo:

THO Game Calls

QuoteBrent and I had a mutual agreement to watch how we act on the boards for our own business.

In other words, you only say what benefits you right?  Not man enough to speak your mind or stand up for what you belive in?

JRB is a pimple on a goats ass.  And I've seen you sucking up to him enough to know that you know right where that pimple is too.  Your lip marks are all around it.

I really think if Coyote Gods wasn't already taken as a board name, you guys would have sucked it right up.

But don't worry guys, less than 1% of all the coyote huntes in the US are reading this.  It don't mean nothing to no one  LOL

Your spin is still good with the masses.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

George Ackley

I did ok, I DECOYED them,, I placed  a samitch at the far side of the deck by way of side door,as they ran for it I made my move for the cooler and a cold one
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


George, I was getting worried about ya bro.  Almost filled up the neon and headed down the turnpike.  I know you're a big guy, but with a load of women like that ya might need some back up.  Besides, I dont like them skinny little things anyhow, something with some cushion  :yoyo:  :roflmao:


The old samitch decoy.....ive fallen for that one myself! :biggrin:


THO, I have one more response for you.

I spent a little time today searching PM for your pictures you claim you posted (you know, of your dead coyotes). Nada, just a bunch of red"x"'s from call pictures you had posted, a lanyard tutorial you had up was of red"x's. That's it.

You know what I think, I don't think you have ever killed a coyote. I think you've picked up the game from the internet and can talk the talk but not make it happen. You had to pick it up quick, :wo: who's gonna buy a call from a guy that has never killed a coyote was probably your thinking.  :shrug:

That's what I am gonna think of THO until I see proof, Who am I to prove to....no-one...