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Re: The Annual Beatdown

Started by keekee, August 09, 2008, 12:19:37 AM

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Quote from: keekee on August 09, 2008, 12:19:37 AM
Its not about the money for me dude, its about working for myself and doing what I love! I turned Kee's Productions over to JD! Shove that up your pipe and smoke it!

Here ya turned it over to JD.

Quote from: keekee on August 09, 2008, 12:58:20 AM

Me and JD are still in together, he just took over because I didn't have the time and I had put my interests in other things ( Like I said in my post) and we both didn't want to see it fall aside. And if I think back thats what I said in my "I'm leaving post" We still video, and hunt, and drink beer!

Here your still in it together.  :confused:

So basically JD does all the work and you get the name recognition, fame, attaboys and all that while JD get's a pat on the head and told what a "good boy he is"?  Am I wrong?

JD works his butt off, but it's still Kee's productions. Don't remember seeing JD get much recognition from you at all. However, I do see JD defending your butt a lot. I am guessing JD is about as loyal of a friend a fella could have. Too bad his loyalty is to you.  :iroll:

Brent. Do you remember trying to defend yourself at the campfire at the LBL a couple years ago while WayneP was setting there? Kind of tough to do wasn't it when the man himself sat there.

Would you like me to repeat some stuff WayneP said two LBL's ago?

Do you remember wanting to get a pup from a certain someone (even got first pick) and they held that pup for over a month past the agreed time. Provided a means of transportation and you didn't have the decency to even return pm's or emails. Finally pm'd me once you heard the pup was taken by another. I'm glad Possumal wasn't treated the same manner. He has some fine looking dogs.

Remember telling a guy repeatedly that his howler would be in the mail in two weeks. You said that four times while you had my $125. Six months later it arrived only to break shortly afterward. I still have the emails on that deal.

Do you remember the reason you stepped down from being a moderator here?

Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

You are absolutely correct JD

I have never killed a coyote

or a fox

or a bear

or a deer

or a turkey

or a caribou

or a moose

or a wild boar

or a crow

or a ground hog

or a squirrel

or a rabbit

or a coon

or a bunch of shit I can't even remember right now.

But I can guarantee you this

if we ever meet face to face - YOU are going to wish you were dead.

Got it?  Good.  Because you can take that one to the bank asshole.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I don't know if it's good or bad, but this board can certainly compete with the best of em when it comes to threats, arguments, disagreements, misunderstandings, tearing down old friendships and creating hard feelings. :shrug: 

Bopeye, I am getting your pm's, but I can't reply or send any. I guess because I don't have enough posts yet. But to put your mind at ease I will answer some of your questions here. 
You ask who I am?  I'm just an ordinary guy like most on here. I LOVE to call coyotes and the occasional bobcat or fox.
You say " You're not a newbie as I first thought, but I'm beginning to wonder if you are even a friend to us." WTF does that mean Bop???  Who the hell is *us*?? I am very confused by that statement.
Lastly you state "Something up or is it my imagination?"  My answer...your imagination.  I can ASSURE you that I have no hidden agenda or motive by being a member of this board.  As I said previously, I love calling coyotes. I am a member here to talk, and discuss calling coyotes and related topics.
Bopeye, since we cannot communicate through pm's at this time, if you have any other questions or concerns about me, please feel free to ask right here in the public forum. 

By the way, my fishing trip was great. Thanks for asking. :roflmao:  Caught rainbows, cutbows, brookies and native cutthroat all out of the same creek. The beer was cold, food was good, weather was fantastic, no bugs, and LOTS of hungry fish. Don't get much better than that.


You should be able to send PM's now Coy, it takes 25 posts under your belt to open the permission up.
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WOW :confused: :wo:

reason for edit,,,realized this is none of my business,,,carry on
A tracker who hopes to read all the track offers must be astute during discovery and reasonable during interpretation.  Gerry Blair


Well Hell son..........give me a call. No need for frigging formalitiies. I can reach 80% of the U.S. population in 12 hours so give me a call. 931-248-0208

I'm a friendly SOB myself.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: coycaller on August 10, 2008, 10:48:13 AM
I don't know if it's good or bad, but this board can certainly compete with the best of em when it comes to threats, arguments, disagreements, misunderstandings, tearing down old friendships and creating hard feelings. :shrug: 

Bopeye, I am getting your pm's, but I can't reply or send any. I guess because I don't have enough posts yet. But to put your mind at ease I will answer some of your questions here. 
You ask who I am?  I'm just an ordinary guy like most on here. I LOVE to call coyotes and the occasional bobcat or fox.
You say " You're not a newbie as I first thought, but I'm beginning to wonder if you are even a friend to us." WTF does that mean Bop???  Who the hell is *us*?? I am very confused by that statement.
Lastly you state "Something up or is it my imagination?"  My answer...your imagination.  I can ASSURE you that I have no hidden agenda or motive by being a member of this board.  As I said previously, I love calling coyotes. I am a member here to talk, and discuss calling coyotes and related topics.
Bopeye, since we cannot communicate through pm's at this time, if you have any other questions or concerns about me, please feel free to ask right here in the public forum. 


Allright. DO you even know some of these folks your smacking on? Just curious. Nothing worse than some troll coming in taking potshots at people from the cover of anonymity. So just give me a call and I assure you we can get it all straightened out.

To help your tormented mind out. When I was referring to "us" I was talking about the members of this board. You seem like a little troll like JRB. My guess you are his buddy and have been sent by him or have taken it upon yourself to act on his behalf.
I hope I can talk them into banning his a$$ from here. He's nothing more than a trouble maker. Funny you should jump on here right after I stated all that earlier.  :roflmao:
Predictable goo throwers.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: coycaller on August 03, 2008, 10:25:39 AM
Coycaller said,
"I think you guys need golfertrout to go with ya to help just to help carry all that crap to the callin location!!

Just thinking out loud here.  BUT, do ya think that coyote may of possibly came out of the cover and into the clearing with just the FP sittin on the hay bale blasting out some prey distress sounds??  Maybe, just maybe, there wasn't a need for carrying and setting up a snarling, open mouth, legless rubber coyote decoy AND a wiggly, shakey quiverin critter.   

Even more thinking going on.....now you have got stinky human scent rolling off the coy decoy, the quiverin thingy, plus all the scent from walking around setting all the crap up......Like I said, just thinking. Glad it worked for ya."

My reply below

Here's what started some of the discontent Mr. Coycaller. Your smart comments didn't help anything so you helped start all the trouible and then accuse us of being as bad as any board. Call me BALBOA!! 931-248-0208

You and Jason aka JRB are birds of a feather for sure. 
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Wow. I can feel the love Bop.

1.... I'm not *smackin on* anybody.  If you or anybody else feels that way, I apoligize. I simply had some opinions and thoughts about the rubber decoy and expressed them. That's all.  I kinda thought that is what these types of boards are for?  I now understand I should NOT have said anything about the decoy in that thread. I should of told the guys good job and left it at that.  But being fairly new to this board I didn't know that. I have a much better understanding now.

2....Me a troll?  Your wrong.

3.... I don't know JRB and have never spoken to the guy personally, by telephone, or PM's here or on any other board. Nobody, I repeat, nobody sent me here. Nobody asked or told me to say anything one way or the other about anything..

4....Call you? Why in the hell would I want to talk to you?  I can think of absolutley nothing I would want to talk to you about. Although unfounded and premature (in my opinion if it's ok with you to give my opinion) you Bop, have formed an opinion of me. It seems it wasn't a good one. So be it. I don't give a damn what YOUR opinion is about ANYTHING.

5....Refering to JRB... You say  " I hope I can talk them into banning his a$$ from here."   *Them* sounds plural (like more than one).  Who is *them*?  Do you normally have success at talking *them* into banning folks Bop?  Do you really have that kind of influance on *them* Bop?  So you carry a little weight around here huh Bop?   Maybe you can get *them* to ban me also. :shrug: 

Yeah Bop, I had some opinions and some thoughts I typed that you didn't agree with.  If you can't talk *them* into banning my a$$ from the FnF board,  I reckon at some point in time I'll probably type something else you won't like.  Try not to take it personal.  K? 

PS.  I call ya tonight Bop. Yeah, really I wiil. Don't get to far away from the phone. I'm only letting it ring twice. I'm a busy man ya know.  :yoyo: :yoyo:


I'll be setting right by the phone. One ring is all it will take........ :wink:

As far as banning. I don't have that much pull, but collectively we do. I don't go ask who "we" is ya ignorant troll. I tried to be nice to you in pm's and you are just a dang jerk. My mistake.

It is obvious that you are both a coward and a pseudo intellect by your writings. My phone will be beside me........"busy man".  :roflmao:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


"Them" Yes! there is more than 1.

"weight" You obviously have never met Bop, He is a big feller !


Browning is your computer broke? :confused:


Quote from: Mallardsr on August 10, 2008, 04:13:39 PM

"weight" You obviously have never met Bop, He is a big feller !

A big feller or a big, fat a$$ feller?

Sorry Boppers.  I tried to refrain from the name callin. I really did buddy.   Mommy, mommy he started it.  :roflmao:

I'm done with this bullshit Bop. Carry on if'n it makes ya feel good.  It's giving me a headach.


Quote from: coycaller on August 10, 2008, 05:03:57 PM
Quote from: Mallardsr on August 10, 2008, 04:13:39 PM

"weight" You obviously have never met Bop, He is a big feller !

A big feller or a big, fat a$$ feller?

Sorry Boppers.  I tried to refrain from the name callin. I really did buddy.   Mommy, mommy he started it.  :roflmao:

I'm done with this bullshit Bop. Carry on if'n it makes ya feel good.  It's giving me a headach.

Thank God. You sound like an idiot savant third grader. Hope ya don't post much around here ya mental midget.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Ever notice how the smartest coyote hunters are the last ones to get it?

It wasn't so much WHAT was said. But HOW it was said. Opinions are Welcome. Snide remarks & the holier than thou attitude is what started every bit of this. But what do I know. I probably make more dry stands in a week than some folks kill coyotes in a trap   :nofgr: day.  :roflmao:

Just an "outside looking in" observation is all.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


QuoteRe: The Annual Beatdown
« Reply #21 on: Today at 07:05:07 AM »   

You are absolutely correct JD

I have never killed a coyote
or a fox
or a bear
or a deer
or a turkey
or a caribou
or a moose
or a wild boar
or a crow
or a ground hog
or a squirrel
or a rabbit
or a coon
or a bunch of shit I can't even remember right now.
But I can guarantee you this
if we ever meet face to face - YOU are going to wish you were dead.
Got it?  Good.  Because you can take that one to the bank asshole.

All that and an Internet Death Merchant to boot!? WOW! Remind me not to cross you!

Dipshit. :innocentwhistle:



 :fingerx: :corn: this thread  needs some moonshine or some other liquid chemical mood enhancer
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

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