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A few from last winter.

Started by coycaller, August 11, 2008, 06:06:51 PM

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I always seem to forget Mr. Kodak when I go calling. But here's a few pics I took last winter when I remembered to take it. Don't that snow look good right about now?

First part of December.  A morning after one of the few good snows we got last winter.  I love calling right after a decent snow. The coyotes really seem to be moving around alot after a snow.

Same morning about 20 minutes later and a mile from the other stand.

Two days before Thanksgiving. My son (pictured) was here visiting for the Hoilday. We called and killed these coyotes in about a two hour time span. We only made 5 or 6 stands that morning. It was one of those days where we could do nothing wrong and the coyotes were responding very well to calling.  It was one of the better days I've ever had. My son and I had a friggin ball that morning.

Early November. This old male weighed 38 pounds. He was a real hog for around here.


Very nice coycaller. Thanks for the pics.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


looks like wideeeeeeee open hunting coy, nothing like our hunting grounds. Like to see some west hunters come to West Virginia n show us how to get them in.  Dan Thompson is suppose to come in sometime this year, he said he could get them in close           we will see


Nice photos, coy, look like you been out some.  That male looks like a whopper.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Twenty minutes from the other stand?  :shck: :shck: Where the heck you at that you can go from one extremity to the next like that?
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Nice pics.........Too flat for me......I never hunted nothing like that place. Heck even the barbed wire looks strange to me.
I should get out west and see what it is like.
What caliber are ya shooting?


Jim asks  "Twenty minutes from the other stand?    Where the heck you at that you can go from one extremity to the next like that?"

I"m not sure I understand your question Jim?

Alscalls,  a .223